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Indian hegemony in Nepal

MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n

Sep 19, 2010
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Indian hegemony in Nepal
Wednesday, March 07, 2012 Anonymous

Nabin Kumar Chhetri | Eurasia Review

The Indo-Nepal discourse would be incomplete without reviewing the land encroachment agenda. Some of the crucial issues like Kalapani and the Susta land grab have frozen with time. The impasse is further postponing the issue into oblivion. Is Nepal willing to forget the long stretch of land in Kalapani that has been illegally occupied by the Indian army since 1962?

India is reluctant to retract from Kalapani as it serves as a vantage point to eye over Chinese border activities. The bilateral dialogue; tainted by Indian hegemony and political volatility of Nepal has failed to solve the dispute. As a result, the silence is intimidating Nepal’s sovereignty. Nepal covers a total area of 1, 47,181 Sq km according to the official record. However, owing to the Indian land grab of nearly 59,970 hectares, the overall size of Nepal has been reduced. The encroachment spreads to 54 points covering 21 districts. In kalapani alone, the disputed area is 372 Sq km.

Nepal has a unique relationship with India. Both the countries share a long stretch of open border. The Indo-Nepal friendship has been beneficial for both the countries however there are a few issues where Nepal is at lost. Nepal falls within India’s top watch list due to its exclusive geographic location. It is due to this distinction that it frequently intrudes into Nepal’s domestic affairs.

Analyzing India’s perspective on Nepal; If we look back at the refugee issue, the Bhutanese Refugees were not allowed to settle in India. The first batch of refugees were loaded on trucks and dropped at the Indo-Nepal border near Kakarbhitta. The other refugees followed later. Why did India deny asylum to the Bhutanese Refugees when it had allowed Tibetan and Bangladeshi Refugees? The Bhutanese refugees were later prohibited from going back to Bhutan by the Indian Border Security Force.

In May 2007, The Indian police fired randomly and killed a refugee teenager at the Mechi border. The only fault that he had committed was that he wanted to go back. If India can train the Bhutanese Army, install an Army base in Bhutan, interfere in Bhutan’s foreign policy, why did it remain passive in resolving the refugee issue?

The hardest slap on Nepal’s sovereignty comes from the protracted border encroachments by the Indian force. Throughout history, Nepal has lost lands and rights at different times. Why is Nepal silent in this issue? India has always denied the allegation of any encroachment. Indian officials have threatened numerous times showing security concerns. Rakesh Sood, the former Indian ambassador had once warned of sealing the entire Indo-Nepal border. India’s frequent violation into Nepal’s internal affair seems normal today due to our corrupt political leaders. If they had not relied on India for their political stability, the Indian encroachments would not have been as severe as it is now.

On the contrary, various Indian media like the CNN-IBN had accused Nepal of land grab in Bihar. Another news channel called News X had blamed the Nepali authority for uprooting the demarcation pillar. The Junge pillars that demarcate the borders have disappeared in most places, some are uprooted and some are intentionally shifted by the Indian authorities to claim their possession. At many places where the border between the two countries is the river, the problem seems to get worse as the river changes course every year. This shifting natural tendency has allowed the Indian authority to occupy more Nepali lands. The case of kalapani and Susta shows gross bilateral failure thus it has to be addressed by the UN.

The presence of Indian Air Marshals at the Tribhuwan International airport (TIA) raises a lot of question about India’s intention. If India is reluctant to trust the local security at TIA, why does it allow planes to Nepal? Is it possible for Nepalese officials to operate at the Indira Gandhi International Airport under similar excuse? If not, the Indian officials should immediately retract.

Nepal is passing through a troubled time. New Delhi directly godfathers the political picture of Nepal. Most of the Nepalese political parties are like mosaics that India arranges as per its convenience. Despite the restoration of democracy and the abolition of monarchy, the ongoing political turmoil that has been brewing, poses a great threat for the unity of Nepal. The rift between parties may serve as a harbinger in inviting foreign elements into our political system. There has to be a great focus shift amongst the Nepalese before the country sinks into the quagmire of foreign trap. Petty issues should not act as impediments in uniting the Nepalese for the greater cause of Nepal.

Nabin Kumar Chhetri graduated with a degree of M.Litt in Novel from the University of Aberdeen. His articles have appeared in the International Herald Tribune, The Statesman, Eurasia Review, The Kathmandu Post, Nepal News, Darjeeling Times, etc. He can be reached at nabin11111@yahoo.com

relevant reference : Indian hegemony in Nepal ~ Terminal X

no wonder that's happening in this world too ... :disagree:
afterall , what else can you expect from india ... :coffee: :pakistan:
The presence of Indian Air Marshals at the Tribhuwan International airport (TIA) raises a lot of question about India’s intention. If India is reluctant to trust the local security at TIA, why does it allow planes to Nepal? Is it possible for Nepalese officials to operate at the Indira Gandhi International Airport under similar excuse? If not, the Indian officials should immediately retract.

This article is sooo full of intentional inaccuracies and lies its unbelievable. What a junk propaganda piece fit for consumption by a chini troll only.

For example the above statement, when nepal DID fail to stop the hijacking of an indian plane IC 814, India stopped flying to nepal as this moron is suggesting. It was Nepal that offered concessions including indian security so that india start again as they need indian tourists.

What a lowlife idiot peddling stupid lies for other lowlives.
This article is sooo full of intentional inaccuracies and lies its unbelievable. What a junk propaganda piece fit for consumption by a chini troll only.

For example the above statement, when nepal DID fail to stop the hijacking of an indian plane IC 814, India stopped flying to nepal as this moron is suggesting. It was Nepal that offered concessions including indian security so that india start again as they need indian tourists.

What a lowlife idiot peddling stupid lies for other lowlives.
Leave them dude pdf is there bead n butter...
Ontopic...we will do what is required to secure our NI...u cant do **** abt it..go figure.
india is destroying Bangladesh by diverting the Brahmaputra. india is trying to take Sri Lanka's territorial waters. india is oppressing Kashmiris and northeast minorities. india is stealing land from the tribals, and forcing them to starve and commit suicide. india is oppressing the low castes, religious minorities, Muslims, Maoists. india is spending all its money importing weapons to fight Pakistan and China. india is stealing land from Nepal too, according to this article.

Everybody needs to get together and bring down the elephant!
ok do what ever you want, propaganda is a good tool and you guys are using it very well.
and keeping silent about your propaganda is even much bigger tool that we use.
india is destroying Bangladesh by diverting the Brahmaputra. india is trying to take Sri Lanka's territorial waters. india is oppressing Kashmiris and northeast minorities. india is stealing land from the tribals, and forcing them to starve and commit suicide. india is oppressing the low castes, religious minorities, Muslims, Maoists. india is spending all its money importing weapons to fight Pakistan and China. india is stealing land from Nepal too, according to this article.

Everybody needs to get together and bring down the elephant!

Well there are hell load of articles that contradict your 'peaceful' rise on a world scale. Except your puppets the Maoists, no Nepali has any bone with us. We have thousands of them in my state and they don't really find it different to be here or in Nepal.

There are a lot of skeletons in your closet that you wouldn't like to open..

---------- Post added at 12:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 PM ----------

This article is sooo full of intentional inaccuracies and lies its unbelievable. What a junk propaganda piece fit for consumption by a chini troll only.

For example the above statement, when nepal DID fail to stop the hijacking of an indian plane IC 814, India stopped flying to nepal as this moron is suggesting. It was Nepal that offered concessions including indian security so that india start again as they need indian tourists.

What a lowlife idiot peddling stupid lies for other lowlives.

Get used to it. Chinese had a touch with our side of the world before Communists zombified them into believing what the CCP says. Pakistanis were also familiar with our side before they erased and revised their history. Both don't understand now because they're at cross roads with everybody while nobody's crossroads with us.

So naturally there will be prejudice.
I wonder Nepalese are more like Indian or more like Chinese in appearance.
I know in India people with different looking are living in places separately,is it the same in Nepal?
I wonder Nepalese are more like Indian or more like Chinese in appearance.
I know in India people with different looking are living in places separately,is it the same in Nepal?
The look and appearance of race of people is based on the evolution of human being at different geograpy of the planet and Napalies look much like Tibetiens. but this is INDIA we people have differnt looks at different states, we are dark in the south and fair in the north, INDIA is like a group of countries when it is seen from a birds eye view yet despite this differences we are united and thats the reason we are called the SUB CONTINENT.
india is destroying Bangladesh by diverting the Brahmaputra. india is trying to take Sri Lanka's territorial waters. india is oppressing Kashmiris and northeast minorities. india is stealing land from the tribals, and forcing them to starve and commit suicide. india is oppressing the low castes, religious minorities, Muslims, Maoists. india is spending all its money importing weapons to fight Pakistan and China. india is stealing land from Nepal too, according to this article.

Everybody needs to get together and bring down the elephant!

Chini is always Chini !!! What about china ? Xinjang,Tibet etc anyone .I pity those poor souls .
Nepal is an unstated, unofficial state of India.

Cry me a river.
Nepal is an unstated, unofficial state of India.

Cry me a river.
Then why not to be official state of India,there must be some reasons,for example historical or generic ones.
Then why not to be official state of India,there must be some reasons,for example historical or generic ones.

Historic reason - they were not part of British India. Nation states have not been formed on genetics as some chinese like to think, they are more of accidents of history.
The reasons are quite similar to those explaining Taiwan not being a state of China.
I know writing system and speaking language are the same both India and Nepal,same between China and Taiwan.
But the reason that Taiwan not being a state of China just political,I don't think it similar to the reason why Nepal not be a official part of India.
I wonder Nepalese are more like Indian or more like Chinese in appearance.
I know in India people with different looking are living in places separately,is it the same in Nepal?

India has mongoloid looking population too - so there is no question of Indian vs Chinese appearance.

She is a boxer from India - Mary Kom - She has won Amateur world boxing championship many times.

I wonder Nepalese are more like Indian or more like Chinese in appearance.
I know in India people with different looking are living in places separately,is it the same in Nepal?

They are very similar to us. In fact, they were never different until 550 years ago king Prithvi Narayan Veer Vikram Shah Dev united the Mahajanapadas and formed modern Nepal. Those living on plainer lands are similar to north Indians while those of the high mountains are somewhat oriental in features, called Paharis ( mountain dwellers) like I am called here in India.

India was never based on how one looks but on the basis of the ancient Dharmic culture that we have.
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