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Indian Elections: Who did you Vote

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I was just asking. I've always dreamed of one final war Mamba..where we will perish but take all of South Asia, Middle East, Africa up to CAR and Central Asia, Eastern Europe and SE Asia with us. We will call it the Tandav option, although we had best get down to churning out more nukes. Imagine the glory!! .

LOL why those particular geographical areas just take out the whole world, I am sure kalki will support such a decision. :D
How can I be of help?:yes4:
I can churn out a few bombs on my own....Spicy egg-curry, chicken biryani, potato chips, wedges, onion rings etc etc will be my ingredients. But try as I may, I cannot match the potency of those nukes.:(

The 99 IAEA figures for Indian stockpile of un-safeguarded processed material was enough for assembling in excess of 600 warheads.

LOL why those particular geographical areas just take out the whole world, I am sure kalki will support such a decision. :D

Those are the regions we can target with our missiles or else Britain would be ranked high on the list of targets, I did forget China though. Hell will be no fun if I can't get a mean hakka stir fry there.
The 99 IAEA figures for Indian stockpile of un-safeguarded processed material was enough for assembling in excess of 600 warheads.

Those are the regions we can target with our missiles or else Britain would be ranked high on the list of targets, I did forget China though. Hell will be no fun if I can't get a mean hakka stir fry there.

So who did you vote for anyway?
So who did you vote for anyway?

Bad manners to ask a fellow that question.:mad:

My local BJP fellow, good fellow..relatively clean..it was either that or the prick who's car always chased our school bus honking away madly since he was always late in getting his child to the bus stop.
The 99 IAEA figures for Indian stockpile of un-safeguarded processed material was enough for assembling in excess of 600 warheads.

600 warheads? Of what yield? Any idea on how many thermonuclear warheads we possess?
600 warheads? Of what yield? Any idea on how many thermonuclear warheads we possess?

No operational thermonuclear warheads. Boosted fission warheads, yield in excess of 100kt or varying depending upon vintage of physics package.
No operational thermonuclear warheads. Boosted fission warheads, yield in excess of 100kt or varying depending upon vintage of physics package.
So what is the delivery mechanism for these devices then? Can the sukhois be used as bombers to deliver them? (highly unlikely, IMO)
why what makes him so bad?

Ananth Kumar would have lost very easily & comprehensively had it not been for the "Modi wave". Not only is he a hopeless non-performer, his attitude stinks. Even a reading of the former Coal Secretary's book reveals that.

Parakh narrates a number of incidents when MPs tried to arm-twist Coal Ministry and related public sector unit officials. He says it is not just ordinary MPs who indulge in “reprehensible behaviour”, and that the inability of state governments to enforce law and order has enabled elected representatives at all levels to meddle in contract management. “Those entrusted with higher responsibilities, such as chairmen of Parliamentary committees also at time show scant respect to senior executives of PSEs, and speak to them in intemperate and insulting language. One such instance was that of Ananth Kumar, (then) Chairman of Standing Committee on Coal and Steel,” writes Parakh.

He quotes from a letter by Ananth Kumar, Standing Committee member from 2005 to 2008, to Coal India Ltd (CIL) Chairman and Managing Director Shashi Kumar in 2005, to buttress his point. Ananth is quoted as saying his party would “see to it that the CIL CMD and MCL CMD realise their mistake and understand the value of political leadership. The CMD would regret the day Saha’s request was not acceded to. In the remaining 10 months (of Kumar), I would teach him a lesson so he would repent.”

The case in question was the transfer and posting of an official, P K Saha, to Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd (MCL) from Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. Ananth, according to a letter by Shashi to Parakh, had intervened on behalf of Saha for a posting in Kolkata, but MCL CMD A Sharma had declined.

Parakh goes on to say Ananth was a minister in the past but forgot that civil servants and public sector enterprises executives applying political pressure breached Conduct Rules. “By insisting on retention of Saha at Kolkata, he was abetting his misconduct. He also forgot this was the least that was expected from him. He perhaps thought that as Chairman of the Standing Committee, he had the right to order, bully and threaten the CIL CMD with dire consequences,” he writes.
I agree with the view that in a truly secular state, there actually should not be any privileged class first of all. But this is pure theory and in a country like India, application of such theory on practical level is not possible as of now. India was never a secular nor a liberal one ever in its modern history. Religion and caste based politics is nothing new and over all North and South India has been fallen under its grip.
Lets be honest, Sarthak is accurate in so far as stating that the intellectuals in Bengal and the general Calcutta intelligentsia has ignored the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in the region more importantly they have ignored the nexus between the political dispensation and the extremists who feed off each other. We have reduced the Indian Muslim population to an emotional mob which can see no reason and will not acquiesce even to the most basic of demands made upon them as Indian citizens, in having done so we are busy stitching up a Frankenstein monster one piece form a cadaver at a time. This is a disservice to the nation and to the Indians who happen to follow the Islamic faith.

Tell me,what actually Bengali Intelligentsia (not sure what it implies as of today) can do or should have done instead of what they are doing now? Rise of Islamic fundamentalism is a global problem and the way the blame has been thumped upon Bengal is beyond my understanding. Religion based politics was never attracted the minds of political manifesto writers for several reasons and to be honest due to this apparent "indifference" Bengal have survived some worst riots before which did bleed Northern India to a fatal stage periodically. This situation has been proved to be in conformity with Newton's third law of motion here.
The problem and its gravity (Rise of Islamic fundamentalism) is undeniable and even the educated Muslim class, even a group of clerics as well as the general Bengali mass acknowledge this fact. But the way, a national problem and it's solution as become "Bengal" specific is not a matter of justifiable course of arguments.People are rampantly blaming Bengalis for criticizing their favorite candidates, segregating (often hilariously) them from rest of India. But don't you think this is a moral dishonesty to shy away from a crime committed with meticulous planning? Mayukh Chatterjee is a Bengali by coincidence but don't you think the way his doctoral research has faced criticism is another threat to a grand scale if not equal to the rise of Islamic fundamentalism?

@SarthakGanguly @Dem!god @Indischer @scorpionx They say that Hindutva politics is divisive, it will break the nation, and here people are talking about India without Bengal even before the election is over!! Damn!! :lol:
No wonder some of our neighbours still expect India to fall apart. :)

I have stopped taking them seriously. Especially when most of their arguments don't survive more than two counter arguments.
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I was just asking. I've always dreamed of one final war Mamba..where we will perish but take all of South Asia, Middle East, Africa up to CAR and Central Asia, Eastern Europe and SE Asia with us. We will call it the Tandav option, although we had best get down to churning out more nukes. Imagine the glory!! .
Sounds like Gotterdamerung! :D Ah the 'Ride of the Valkyries' :yay:

@DRAY - Bengal is an atoot ang of India. :D Only the illegal lungis will be catapulted. But that's Dilli's domain. :tup:

@SarthakGanguly @Dem!god @Indischer @scorpionx They say that Hindutva politics is divisive, it will break the nation, and here people are talking about India without Bengal even before the election is over!! Damn!! :lol:
No wonder some of our neighbours still expect India to fall apart. :)
Huge difference. We are fighting it out with words and pen (or keyboard). This is called exchange of ideas. My view is as valuable as any other. I will also continue to respect and take other's views seriously. To fall apart we need to emulate the neighbors and take up guns and kill each other. :unsure:
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