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Indian Cartoonist Aseem Trivedi to be tried For Treason,sedition


May 25, 2010
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Indian Cartoonist Aseem Trivedi to be tried For Treason,sedition

Indian cartoonist Aseem Trivedi, this year’s Courage in Editorial Cartooning Award winner (along with Syrian cartoonist Ali Ferzat) plans on turning himself over to the police in Mumbai in the next couple of days over controversial cartoons he posted on his web site that parody India’s national symbols.

Trivedi was charged in January with treason and insulting India’s national symbols, and if found guilty, he could face up to two years in prison and a fine of up to 5,000 rupees (about $100).

In the cartoon below, Trivedi took India’s national emblem of the Four Sarnath Lions of King Asoka that sit above the motto “Satyamev Jayate” (truth alone shall triumph) and re-drew them as bloodthirsty wolves on the re-worded motto “Bhrashtamev Jayate” (long live corruption):


In another offending cartoon, Trivedi drew the Indian parliament building as a toilet:


There is a long tradition of editorial cartoonists using symbols of states to express opinions about governments. Drawing a legislature or parliament building as a toilet is common. I recently drew our Capitol building in Washington as a toilet:


The offending cartoon below by Trivedi shows the “Mother of India” being held down by politicians and bureaucrats, about to be raped by corruption:


The Indian Constitution allows for “the right to freedom of speech and expression.” Trivedi’s critics argue that while he is allowed to mock and poke fun at politicans, it is a crime to mock the national emblem, the parliament and the Indian flag.

Read an interview that Trivedi gave to Cartoonist Rights Network International, here’s a quote:

“I am democratic. I am patriotic. I have a twenty-four year life without any charges of corruption. I am only making cartoons. … I am talking about nationalism. I love my country. I am reacting [to the corruption] in my own way. Someone is protesting. Somebody is a doing hunger strike in India. [As for me,] I am a cartoonist.”

There is a lot of sensitivity in India about cartoons that offend religious sensitivities, but cartoons that bash the state must be fair game. I would argue that editorial cartoonists must disrespect governments and symbols of governments as a professional obligation.


Sign Online Petition in his support.
Freedom of Speech is one thing, degrading the national symbols is another. These kind of people should be given life sentence so that they rot in jail forever.
Very interesting display of anger!

Up to a petition for hanging him?

And then we Muslims are questioned why we are angry when lets say our Prophet's cartoons are made - when honestly there is no picture of him

When others provoke us with Burning the Quran and stuff like that...

As I have said in previous threads for us Muslims Islam is a way of life...We dedicate our life to it! We connect to it at every level from what to eat until how to behave!

We Muslims are linked by our shahadah, our prophet and by our Quran...and if you abuse any of these OBVIOUSLY we will feel pain and anger!

Hence, we are emotionally attached to it JUST like you feel about the guy who drew those cartoons about a national symbol!
This is NOT a religious issue... so feck off elsewhere with your stupid comments...
We Muslim...Poor Muslim.. Victim Muslim..

Down with fekking corrupt Congress... Take all the powers from the hand of that buddhi sult!!
he is just showing the reality. so why punish the messenger? save u energy for the real culprits.

That doesn't give him any right to insult the topmost institution and national emblem of the country. Parliament and national emblem are NOT the culprits, people sitting inside the Parliament are. Tomorrow he will insult Tricolor and National enthem. Asking for Life sentence and blah blah is crazy but yeah proper action must be taken as per law.

Very interesting display of anger!

Up to a petition for hanging him?

And then we Muslims are questioned why we are angry when lets say our Prophet's cartoons are made - when honestly there is no picture of him

When others provoke us with Burning the Quran and stuff like that...

As I have said in previous threads for us Muslims Islam is a way of life...We dedicate our life to it! We connect to it at every level from what to eat until how to behave!

We Muslims are linked by our shahadah, our prophet and by our Quran...and if you abuse any of these OBVIOUSLY we will feel pain and anger!

Hence, we are emotionally attached to it JUST like you feel about the guy who drew those cartoons about a national symbol!

Keep your religious bulls**t out of this thread.
Indian Cartoonist Aseem Trivedi to be tried For Treason,sedition

Indian cartoonist Aseem Trivedi, this year’s Courage in Editorial Cartooning Award winner (along with Syrian cartoonist Ali Ferzat) plans on turning himself over to the police in Mumbai in the next couple of days over controversial cartoons he posted on his web site that parody India’s national symbols.

Trivedi was charged in January with treason and insulting India’s national symbols, and if found guilty, he could face up to two years in prison and a fine of up to 5,000 rupees (about $100).

In the cartoon below, Trivedi took India’s national emblem of the Four Sarnath Lions of King Asoka that sit above the motto “Satyamev Jayate” (truth alone shall triumph) and re-drew them as bloodthirsty wolves on the re-worded motto “Bhrashtamev Jayate” (long live corruption):


In another offending cartoon, Trivedi drew the Indian parliament building as a toilet:


There is a long tradition of editorial cartoonists using symbols of states to express opinions about governments. Drawing a legislature or parliament building as a toilet is common. I recently drew our Capitol building in Washington as a toilet:


The offending cartoon below by Trivedi shows the “Mother of India” being held down by politicians and bureaucrats, about to be raped by corruption:


The Indian Constitution allows for “the right to freedom of speech and expression.” Trivedi’s critics argue that while he is allowed to mock and poke fun at politicans, it is a crime to mock the national emblem, the parliament and the Indian flag.

Read an interview that Trivedi gave to Cartoonist Rights Network International, here’s a quote:

“I am democratic. I am patriotic. I have a twenty-four year life without any charges of corruption. I am only making cartoons. … I am talking about nationalism. I love my country. I am reacting [to the corruption] in my own way. Someone is protesting. Somebody is a doing hunger strike in India. [As for me,] I am a cartoonist.”

There is a lot of sensitivity in India about cartoons that offend religious sensitivities, but cartoons that bash the state must be fair game. I would argue that editorial cartoonists must disrespect governments and symbols of governments as a professional obligation.


Sign Online Petition in his support.

No need to support. You should be in limit. I think there is a difference btw symbol of government and National symbol.
Very interesting display of anger!

Up to a petition for hanging him?

And then we Muslims are questioned why we are angry when lets say our Prophet's cartoons are made - when honestly there is no picture of him

When others provoke us with Burning the Quran and stuff like that...

As I have said in previous threads for us Muslims Islam is a way of life...We dedicate our life to it! We connect to it at every level from what to eat until how to behave!

We Muslims are linked by our shahadah, our prophet and by our Quran...and if you abuse any of these OBVIOUSLY we will feel pain and anger!

Hence, we are emotionally attached to it JUST like you feel about the guy who drew those cartoons about a national symbol!

Ya ya...the difference is nothing will happen to him regardless of sentiments expressed. On the other hand, in cases that concern you lot......
First question arises in mind is who really is degrading our national symbol?

Those who serve under this national symbols and emblems and behave exactly opposite to what they stand for?

Or the guy who draws these emblems the way our politicians see them?
show your anger no problem but no should dare degrade the national symbols of this country n WTF with bharat mata next is what tri colour as toilet paper stupid dumb cartoonist
show your anger no problem but no should dare degrade the national symbols of this country n WTF with bharat mata next is what tri colour as toilet paper stupid dumb cartoonist

This is same as MF Husain paintings. Really stupid people who cant think before ink.

This should serve him like a warning this time.
The first one about the national emblem is truly offensive without the words accompanying it. For someone looking at it might misinterpret as India is a devouring wolf or something.

Having stated that, trying him for treason and sedition is an overreaction. Maybe a symbolic 1 day term would suffice.
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