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Indian Bluff

The concept of cold start is taken very lightly, it would work and not be of Indian bluff. In theory if India did a surgial strike to the terrorist camp within 5 hours there would be no question about nuclear attack. Think about 5 hour operation is quick and stealthy.

And ofcourse the Pakistanie establishment would be unhappy and angry, but the question of nuclear strike would certainly not come in the play in this senario. But being honest, India i believe does not have the capability to do this strike within 5 hours. More technology needs to be built in order for this to happen.

Never gonna happen because the moment there would be any reason for India to start acting bullish, then PAF and other forces would be put on alert. I Imagine that the moment a incident such as Mumbai happens there would be raised alert levels.

Besides you would need more than 5 hours to level blame at someone with enough evidence to justify force(although the Indian media usually only needs 20 minutes:rolleyes::rolleyes:)
Attempts to isolate Pakistan foiled: Qureshi

MULTAN: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi Saturday said all the attempts aimed at isolating Pakistan failed by means of pursuing of better strategies.

Addressing a press conference here, Shah Mehmood Qureshi said now voices are being raised from within India against waging of war.

He said the international community endorsed Pakistan’s stance regarding Mumbai attacks. Newly elected U.S. vice president and other world leaders supported Pakistan’s standpoint during their visit here, he said, adding British foreign secretary David Miliband while touring India also spoke in favor of Pakistan.

He said waging of war would have only caused damage to the peoples of both the countries.

“India created a war-like situation by adventuring into the airspace of Pakistan but Pakistan remained firm on its anti-war stance,” Shah Mehmood Qureshi said.

He said India used a threatening tone in the beginning and put its forces along the border and attempts were made to isolate Pakistan on diplomatic front. However, U.S. and China lauded Pakistan’s view point, he added.
Some of these Indians sound like RAW agents.

Dwelling on economic would be the drawbacks for Pakistan in war, some people don't know that when it comes to war, economy means diddly squat. U fight and kill the enemy, all war related personal and citizens fight to survive and not worry about monthly salary as long as foods is available.

Now Pakistanis are ready for the war if thrust upon us as we know the real India and its behavior in East Pakistan.

Behavior of training Mukti Buhini for years before Elections, lots of bought out locals who were traiters siding with enemy. But they know now the face of real India.

Look what is happening between India and Bangladesh, in subcontinent where ever u look u see India is acting like a bully. Read on.

IndiaDaily - India and Bangladesh disagree on Teesta water and construction of Tipaimukh dam – source of another round of confrontation?
What now? Pakistan asks China to deal with India on its behalf. What next? Whenare you painting your green flag red?
And India cries to the whole world with out any proof provided to Pakistan about those attacks in Bombay.

Pakistan is waiting, but they believe that if u continue to lie and confuse the world with lots of hot air. And hope that someone will believe you, It is typical of India in each and every case.

1. Kashmir
3. Attack on Indian parliament.
4. killing of Kashmiri Sikhs during visit by Bill Clinton
5. Samjhota attacks
6.Every time an attack takes place in Bombay India blames Pakistan(remember when (Sanjay) Indian actor was convicted.

I can write more but let us see if this is at least opens the eyes of these Indians on this forum to tell them that why Pakistan is Leary of Indian claims about Bombay attacks
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What now? Pakistan asks China to deal with India on its behalf. What next? Whenare you painting your green flag red?

Ehm. Didn't India beg to China asking it to condemn Pakistan and to accept India's sorry little proof?
Never gonna happen because the moment there would be any reason for India to start acting bullish, then PAF and other forces would be put on alert. I Imagine that the moment a incident such as Mumbai happens there would be raised alert levels.

Besides you would need more than 5 hours to level blame at someone with enough evidence to justify force(although the Indian media usually only needs 20 minutes:rolleyes::rolleyes:)

Watch the video and see the bravery of Pak soldiers, it is not the quantity but the quality that will win the war. and not dirty schemes but the sheer determination and no fear.

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Many of the points mentioned in the article are scarily true. India has more to lose in a war with Pakistan in the current scenario... It is truely sad to see that the Indian armed forces which have faced proxy war in Punjab & Kashmir have still not learned the lesson. The lesson is that proxy war is much better than real war.

Time and again I have argued on various other forums that India/Indians should seek revenge for 26/11 NOT by an open war with Pakistan. The best revenge for 26/11 is to reply in kind - to send a couple of hindu kids from our side to do a copycat attack on Karachi or Islamabad. It would be so much cheaper and more effective than 'surgical strikes', 'cold-start' and other crap.

But I guess the Hindus (I am a Christian!) neither have the brains nor the b***s for such unorthodox warfare. The bloody cowards (bajrang dal, vhp, rss and other idiots) know only to attack, rape & kill innocent preachers & nuns and burn churches. The best evidence of the fact that the points mentioned in the article are true is that it's been 2 months since the 26/11 and India has still not managed to do anything to Pakistan. All those brothers & sisters of ours who died on 26/11 died in vain and died like dogs for nothing.
Many of the points mentioned in the article are scarily true. India has more to lose in a war with Pakistan in the current scenario... It is truely sad to see that the Indian armed forces which have faced proxy war in Punjab & Kashmir have still not learned the lesson. The lesson is that proxy war is much better than real war.

Time and again I have argued on various other forums that India/Indians should seek revenge for 26/11 NOT by an open war with Pakistan. The best revenge for 26/11 is to reply in kind - to send a couple of hindu kids from our side to do a copycat attack on Karachi or Islamabad. It would be so much cheaper and more effective than 'surgical strikes', 'cold-start' and other crap.

But I guess the Hindus (I am a Christian!) neither have the brains nor the b***s for such unorthodox warfare. The bloody cowards (bajrang dal, vhp, rss and other idiots) know only to attack, rape & kill innocent preachers & nuns and burn churches. The best evidence of the fact that the points mentioned in the article are true is that it's been 2 months since the 26/11 and India has still not managed to do anything to Pakistan. All those brothers & sisters of ours who died on 26/11 died in vain and died like dogs for nothing.

you have and will always send terrorist to Pakistan RAW that do sucide bombing is likely all Indians.

By Adnan Gill
Monday December 29, 2008

Will India launch punitive strike(s) against Pakistan? Highly unlikely. India would have already struck if it had a choice. It doesn`t have a choice for two major reasons: 1. Indians know, they can start a conflict, but where and how the war ends will not be in their control. 2. By tangling themselves in a war, they run a too realistic risk of delivering a mortal blow to their service-based economy, which may not even survive the brinksmanship Indians are engaging in.

Arguably, Indians suffer from the "white man`s complex". Urbanite Indians love to mimic the American way of life. They imitate the "goras" in ways ranging from their attire to their manner of speech. So much so, they have named Bombay film industry after an American icon, namely the Hollywood. Somewhere during the last decade or so, Indians became so engrossed with the "gora complex" that they began imagining India to be an economical powerhouse and military superpower equating the Americans. Perhaps, it`s this complex which sullied the better judgment of Indian urbanites and their media in demanding punitive strikes against Pakistan.

Nevertheless, after the initial hysteria will ware down, at least some sane Indians will question, if India could afford such an arrogant behavior? That`s when the reality will hit them like ton of bricks that neither India is America nor Pakistan is Afghanistan.

Despite the ferocious appearance of the Indian military, largely on paper; the fact remains, over 80% of its obsolete hardware is a carryover from the Soviet-era. Indian handicap of obsolete hardware was highlighted during the 2002 India-Pakistan standoff. It was a humiliating experience for the Indians. Operation Parakram cost India about $2 billion in cash and 798 in human cost, and that too without a single shot fired from the Pakistani side.

It was also a disastrous Indian deployment, because even after one year of hostile posturing, they could not cross the border, fearing an all out war ending in a nuclear exchange. That is when India truly lost its supposed conventional superiority over Pakistan. The humiliating pull back effectively closed the doors on India for any future conventional war endeavors; because Pakistani nuclear arsenal was here to stay. During the same time Pakistanis were modernizing its arsenal through the rapid induction of modern weaponry like JF-17 fighters and precision weapons like the Hatf-8 cruise missiles.

Since then, India has dabbled with nonstarters, like "cold start" doctrine. The idea was to catch Pakistan off-guard by sending a comparatively smaller but highly mobile force across the border at a moment`s notice. It was a nonstarter because of Pakistani equalizer (its nukes); plus the Indians realized they would still have to deploy a considerable amount of logistics and men at the front positions, where they would have remained juicy sitting-ducks for the preemptive PAF air strikes.

The other reason India cannot afford a war with Pakistan is, its economy is too young and still too small to survive through a round of war. Regardless, the havoc it will run on the already distressed Pakistani economy, the war will for sure spell an end to the largely service-based Indian economy, which depends on the foreign investments; and the foreign investments inherently depend on peace driven stability.

A brief look will abundantly expose the facade of the Indian economy; which will collapse at the first signs of uncertainty or instability. In 2008, its external debts balooned to around $221 billion. In 2007, Indian exports stood around $145 billion, while imports were around $217 billion; a deficit of $72 billion in a single year.

Its factory output account for 27.6% of the GDP and employs 17% of the total workforce. Rest of the workforce is largely dedicated to the agriculture sector. According to a 2008 World Bank report, 75.6% Indians live on less than $2 per day. It suffers from higher rates of malnutrition than Sub-Saharan Africa. Over 70% its population is either illiterate or educated below the primary level. Indian tourist industry is 1/6 of Las Vegas. Recently, Standard & Poor`s announced, India risk a downgrade from BBB-minus rating to the lowest investment-grade rating. Clearly, Indians are hardly in a financial shape to even contemplate on waging a war.

Indian service industry accounts for over 55% of its GDP. Bangalore is called the Silicon Valley of India. A large number of Information Technology companies are located in the city. It is the largest contributor of India`s $33 billion IT exports (2007). IT giants like Infosys and Wipro are headquartered in Bangalore. Other undertakings headquartered in Bangalore are Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) to name the few.

Bangalore is also called the world`s call-centre capital. Foreign IT giants like the IBM, Microsoft, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Apple and Cisco have also heavily invested in the city by opening call centers there. These call centers bring in major amounts of service-generated foreign revenues. Their 24/7 operations provide the customer-support on a global scale. An interruption of operations for even for a single day could mean loss of millions of dollars for the foreign investors.

As ugly as it may sound, but that`s what wars are, brutal and ugly. Imagine: far short of nuclear strike, only a couple of bombs or Shaheen-II (with an accuracy of 200m) armed with conventional warheads are dropped on the outskirts of Bangalore. Will even a single foreign company think twice before closing their operations for good? Would they stay around to see if they will get lucky through the second round too?

Feel-good slogans like "shining India" don`t help the arrogance clouding the good judgment of war-mongering Indians. They can try to start a war on their terms, but it will definitely not end at their terms. Unless India has somehow overcome their fear of far-superior Pakistani nuclear arsenal, or they have found a way to move whole India under kilometer deep nuke-proof shelters, it will not dare to start a war.

Well Neo I agree fully with you all the reasons for not going to war with Pakistan is correct.

But this is what happens when a democratically elected government is in power. They have to weigh the options as to what one gain and what one looses. The posturing was for local consumption and in no way meant to start a war. The main reason is economic as we have a lot to loose as suggested by you.

On the contrary what do you have to loose …..Nothing if at all any one looses it will be to World Bank and IMF. Indians might have thought you not to be worth the ammunition to be used on you. We don’t want the world to blame us for dividing Pakistan further and in any case this is work in progress why waste our money. The money spent on the war can be used to step up and improve our defenses both military and civilian to counter ISI and can also put to good use by RAW.

How can you comment on our economy when you were rebuffed by China and Saudis few week back when you went asking for money finally had to accept money from IMF with all conditions attached?

Does ever S&P even discuss Pakistan in any of their meetings to discuss ratings?

Our movie industry is worlds second largest movie industry and don’t forget whole of Pakistan is falling over each other to watch our movies. Bollywood is not a given name it is called so by media as being close in Hollywood in terms of turnover.

When you were cozying up to Americans it was fine don’t forget the good old times when together you fought Soviets. Our association with Americans is strategic and one of mutual respect. The large number of people of Indian origin is also a reason for this association and many of these people are key decision makers in various spheres of American life.

As far as bombing Bangalore goes yes we know this is can be a possible scenario and this is what you wanted to do with Mumbai attacks as it is economic capital of the country. As you cannot grow economically as fast as India has been able to do you have been busy finding ways and means to slow our growth. Death and destruction is your trade mark maybe should file for a copyright for it now.

Yeah it will be really tough to launch an attack with so much to loose but just think of a scenario if India still decides to go ahead with one they might have factored in all the losses. GOD FORBID is all that we can pray.
Many of the points mentioned in the article are scarily true. India has more to lose in a war with Pakistan in the current scenario... It is truely sad to see that the Indian armed forces which have faced proxy war in Punjab & Kashmir have still not learned the lesson. The lesson is that proxy war is much better than real war.

Time and again I have argued on various other forums that India/Indians should seek revenge for 26/11 NOT by an open war with Pakistan. The best revenge for 26/11 is to reply in kind - to send a couple of hindu kids from our side to do a copycat attack on Karachi or Islamabad. It would be so much cheaper and more effective than 'surgical strikes', 'cold-start' and other crap.

But I guess the Hindus (I am a Christian!) neither have the brains nor the b***s for such unorthodox warfare. The bloody cowards (bajrang dal, vhp, rss and other idiots) know only to attack, rape & kill innocent preachers & nuns and burn churches. The best evidence of the fact that the points mentioned in the article are true is that it's been 2 months since the 26/11 and India has still not managed to do anything to Pakistan. All those brothers & sisters of ours who died on 26/11 died in vain and died like dogs for nothing.


What are you trying to hint at is clear....wolf in sheeps clothing.

I too am a christian and am Indian too.Why you want our Hindu brothers to go why can't you go.Sick guys like you are a pain on both sides of the border.
YOU are so right "iamunique" only cowards kill innocents and killing those who mean no harm to them.

Hinduism have given Cast system and sex as it is depicted in many of their historical temples, where as Muslim gave them Tajmahal, lal qila, mughlai food and Urdu language poetry without which they would have no Bolywood. and the Muslim words they use it like shaheed and million more but call it Hindi, so wrong,

Christian gave them civil service, taught them how to rule and yet they manage to be Number one in Aids pandemic, it is epidemic in India, what a style.

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My apologies for going off-track. The point I was trying to make was that

1) YES, India's threats and posturing against Pakistan in the current post 26/11 scenario is nothing but a bluff.
2)Instead of such costly, ineffective & embarassing threats and posturing. India should explore covert/proxy war options.

Actions speak louder than words. India's antics against Pakistan in the past have only resulted in the world viewing India as a 'Dog which barks and seldom bites'.
Hinduism have given Cast system and sex

That is an unnecessary attack on someones faith.

Some people argue that the caste system was distorted by religious leaders and society over the years to become what it is now. In the beginning all it did was perform a role in terms of delineating occupations. Such distortions woudl be similar to the distortions we see from extremists in Islam

Similarly one could ague that the depictions of sexual congress etc. are more of an art form, and not something vulgar and negative.

I do not think that there is any need to denigrate any faith like this - every culture and faith has contributed in some way to the society it evolved in. What may seem silly to you may not to someone else.

Lets show respect for all faith's on this forum please.
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