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Indian Army's Muslim headcount: 3%

Army is something which should remain outside the prerogative of religion and quotas in general - army has it's own standards for qualifying wrt to mental and physical parameters and if one clears such tests then he is recruited into the army , the name of surname does not matter in such scenario.

There is no written rule which states that army should have religious representation according to the proportion of that religion in the country. 29,000 Muslim in active service is a decent number , if more pass the tests then they will be recruited.
The muslims of india would build missiles to not destroy people of the same faith but people who are a threat to their homelands .....
Then if not your army should not be fighting the taliban because they are of your faith...but still they are doing it coz they are a threat to you!!!!!

You need to rethink on this line again. No matter which way you put, result remains the same and that is Muslims are not hand-in-hands with you in the Army or National Defense. Quest was to find the reason for that but our differences are making us swing this fact in one's favor or the other's. Even if is matter of "homeland" for Muslims, they are still standing behind Hindus and Sikhs.

You haven't learned about Taliban Movement. Its Primarily the difference of religious interpretation and roughly the same situation that holds between India and Muslims in India. Taliban follow the strictest interpretation of religion and consider rest of the Pakistan deviating from Islamic Teachings, so they show their rage for Pakistan to be "less Islamic" and also for supporting USA/Nato who are Kufaar. But I must stay there are many other colors of this hatred in spite of the fact that religion remain primal reason of differences.

Coming back to the topic, Had China been the primal enemy of India, you must have seen more and more Muslims joining hands with you on national defense. But China been seen a threat only more recently. What I am extracting it that Muslims in India are not "eager" to fight another Muslim Country, specially the one for which they sacrificed a lot only one generation back.

It was hijacking of "Ganga" that become reason of war in 65 and you must listen to the speech of Gen. Ayub to see what was our motivation to fight.

Conflict of India Paksitan and Two Nation Theory is not based on Territorial difference but the difference of Religion before anything else and when at war, our soldiers become Force of Allah before force of Pakistan. Muslims are believer of GhazwatulHind and would Inshallah join hands with their Muslim brothers when its the time!
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Army is something which should remain outside the prerogative of religion and quotas in general - army has it's own standards for qualifying wrt to mental and physical parameters and if one clears such tests then he is recruited into the army , the name of surname does not matter in such scenario.

There is no written rule which states that army should have religious representation according to the proportion of that religion in the country. 29,000 Muslim in active service is a decent number , if more pass the tests then they will be recruited.

So you mean 77.6% absence (as per demographics) of Muslims from Indian Army is result of bad health or mental weakness?
My friend graphican, what the "soldiers of Allah" do or do not do some time in the future to try and conquer Hind is still in the realm of conjecture (or fantasy, based on your state of mind).

What is well know history and the present however is that more Muslims chose to be Secular Indian than become Islamist Pakistani.


Cheers, Doc
So you mean 77.6% absence (as per demographics) of Muslims from Indian Army is result of bad health or mental weakness?


I repeat that there are no fixed norms for representation , IA is a voluntary service , only those who want to come forward to join the army, do so. Out of those too , only a few are finally selected.

If 29k Muslims are serving then so be it , how does it bother anyone.

India's most successful actors are Muslims but if we go by demographics then they should have been majorly hindus with one or two Muslims - that's it.

Things don't work like that sir , in a free country - everyone is free to choose a profession and what he/she opts for is completely ones decision and nether is it a reflection on patriotism of the individual nor on any bias against him.

I don't serve in the IA but that doesn't mean the army has discriminated against me or I'm not patriotic.
Indian first? muslim first?

Well do we belong to our mum or our dad first? Being Indian and being Muslim there is no conflict between the two. It is childish to insist on one or the other. Being Indian and being muslims are two parts of my makeup just as I belong to my mum and dad.

The constitution of India that guarantees religious freedom means that India is Dar-ul-aman. Therefore muslims are obligated by their religion to defend their country if anyone attacks it - even if they are muslims - as they have a covenant in the form of the constitution.

Beautifull Post Buddy..Felt really proud.
Jay Hind
As put across very correctly by Nihat, the armed forces is a voluntary calling in India. Also equally true, there is serious competition at the time of enrolment.

To give you an example I know of personally,

5,00,000 students from all over India sit for the AFMC All India Entrance Exam.

Of these, only 2000 (0.4%) get through to the next Interview round.

Of these there is a First Merit List of 400 (0.08%) who are called for the Final Fitness and Medical Exam.

Of these, the top 130 (0.025%) are chosen to become Officer Cadets.

I'm sure its the same for all other premier armed forces institutes and colleges like the NDA, the IMA, the CME, the IIAT, etc.

The Indian armed forces believe in a meritocracy and in voluntary service to the Nation. Quotas and respresentation percentages we leave for those who need it elsewhere.

Cheers, Doc
Is there any norm that Indian Army will recruit muslim's not more than 3%?

isn't that Voluntary ? the owner of this thread should learn the facts and than post such threads... No offence meant...
So you mean 77.6% absence (as per demographics) of Muslims from Indian Army is result of bad health or mental weakness?

You may tell us How many Hindus and Sikh the Pak Armed forces.

The last time I checked it was 1 each.

There were news in Pakistan such as First Sikh joines the Pak Army and all.

Where as muslims are serving the Indian Army since ages. A muslim won PVC as the highest Indian Military galantry award in 1965 war.

Many muslim soldiers fought and died at Kargil.


Conflict of India Paksitan and Two Nation Theory is not based on Territorial difference but the difference of Religion before anything else and when at war, our soldiers become Force of Allah before force of Pakistan. Muslims are believer of GhazwatulHind and would Inshallah join hands with their Muslim brothers when its the time!

Funny,Its same the 1965 war which a muslim named Abul Hamid who was honored with Param Veer chakra(PVC)india's highest gallantry award.

I remember reading a poem on him in my primary school.

Company Quarter Master Havildar Abdul Hamid
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no one stops the muslims from joining the army...there is no rule...against that.

Is there not a rule against muslims in the indian army having a beard?

India is a hindu secular democracy, lets get it straight.
Is there not a rule against muslims in the indian army having a beard?

India is a hindu secular democracy, lets get it straight.

See the rule first,

It states if , any person who is clean shave at the time of joining, must have clean shave till in the army.

If a muslims joins the army in clean shave , it has to be remain clean for entire period and if he join with beards then he can kept it.

This rule is for..... Understand? Army is above religion, and those person who prefer religion , they better opt out.
You may tell us How many Hindus and Sikh the Pak Armed forces.

The last time I checked it was 1 each.

There were news in Pakistan such as First Sikh joines the Pak Army and all.

Where as muslims are serving the Indian Army since ages. A muslim won PVC as the highest Indian Military galantry award in 1965 war.

Many muslim soldiers fought and died at Kargil.


and that Sikh solider already left the PAK army citing that their colleagues touted on his religion.
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