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Indian Army undermines Bengalis

Not to forget Gen. Joyonto "Muchu" Chaudhuri, ex CAS.
And the thousands of Bengali Gen. Staff Offrs., Flag Offrs. and Air Offrs. in the three services; many of whom I grew up around.
Come to think of it, the Indian Army has had as many Bengali Chiefs as there have been Sikh Chiefs. :)

One reason that there is no Bengal Regt. is that the Bengalis are Officer grade material most times.
While to create a Regt. one has to look for O/Rs to populate the lower ranks. Are Bengalis too smart for that? ;)

The real reason is that the IA has stopped setting up 'Community/Caste based Regts'. A few Regts. being set up are 'State Based' like the Naga Regt.

Of course if our loony BD journo is so exercised about this 'injustice/indignity'; he can sign up to join the Topass Branch in the IN.
$hit! even that is abolished! No chance for that dude. :lol:
What utter BS, calling for a separate Bengal regiment. Since Partition all new regiments that have been raised have been "all-India) ones in the sense they are not religion or geographically specific. The regiments like the Sikh or Dogra regiments that do have these identities existed before Partition and were raised by the British and the IA inherited them and kept them. Raising a Bengal regiment now would be stupid and against all the IA has done in thE past 60+ YEARS. Stupid article designed to fan flames and create discourse. What ignorance.

Naga Regiment was raised after independence.
- There are 30 million buddhist still no Regiments after them too.

- The biggest state of India population wise is UP which have the population of 200 million.

- Even after 200 million population which is more then the whole population of pakistan, :eek: UP also don't have any regiment named after it. :rolleyes:

The regiments are all named by the Britishers in the pre independence era in India we don't believe in the divisions we are secular and united. :tup: :smokin:
Yes that was needed to bring them more mainstream.

Primarily, yes.
Also to use the intrinsic skills that can still be found in the descendants of the tribal Nagas. Like-wise for the Arunachal Scouts.
All of this is eminently suitable for forces that can be deployed in jungle/mountain warfare. But those units are also cross-tribe and cross-community in composition while seeking recruits primarily from a certain region/state.
Simply bcoz they are fcuking deadly ...

There should be Lakshadweep regiment too :D

Not likely. They will not make good soldiers. But they are excellent seamen. They are commonly called 'Coiboos' and are great in seamanship. Unfortunately they took to education lately, which matters in today's forces.
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