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Indian Army Special Forces ready to Guard Government, Private Setups

Bhai Zakir

Jun 26, 2012
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Indian Army Special Forces ready to guard government, private setup




The Special Forces (SF) unit of the Indian Army based in Bangalore has quietly mapped all big government and private establishments in South India to act quickly and effectively in case of a terror strike.

“We are ready to take off at very short notice and can be deployed in any part of South India,” its Commanding Officer, who did not wish to be identified, said.

Operating from a 180-acre erstwhile military farm, the unit is in regular touch with the Internal Security Division (ISD), Karnataka’s counter-terrorist police unit.

The Special Forces unit was established in Bangalore five years ago in the wake of the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, which claimed 164 lives.

Over these five years, the unit has prepared dossiers with detailed layouts of every major government, private and commercial establishment in the four southern states. These are stored in the form of satellite images, photos and maps at the unit. A few years ago, the SF team had done a mock drill on the 13th floor of Bangalore’s ITPL after entering the building through the 16th floor. It executed another mock drill at a Wipro unit.

In 2011, the unit collaborated with NSG Commandos and conducted security training at a Taj hotel. In 2011, the unit went on a UN mission to South Sudan.

“Our boys have done recce missions at almost all places in Bangalore which are VAVPs,” said the CO. In army terminology, VAVP stands for Vital Area, Vital Point.

The unit has trained with the ISD and the two are geared to work together on specific inputs. “Mysore is also on our radar,” he said.

Force-1, the elite special commando force of Maharashtra designed on the lines of NSG, was trained by the SF unit, while Karnataka’s ISD had sought its help.

An Army aviation unit using advanced light helicopter Dhruv makes regular visits to the unit.

The Indian Air Force station in Yelahanka is the nearest air strip available for the SF to launch major missions.

‘Man Behind the Machine Counts’

“Our main aim is to make the weapon and the man one identity. He needs to walk, run, sleep and jump with his equipment. It should be a part of his life. Finally, it is the man behind the machine that counts,” he said. SF operatives have many weapons of foreign origin which can be used for a variety of operations, ranging from a surgical strike to annihilation of a target as big as a football field.

Following the Mumbai attacks in 2008, the Central government created NSG hubs in Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkota and Mumbai, while Bangalore got the SF unit.

Bangalore’s increasing traffic has been the unit’s biggest enemy, and it seeks special clearances every time it carries out a routine exercise.

(Series concluded)Army Unit Ready With Dossiers to Guard Government, Private Setups -The New Indian Express
Why are the Army Para SF taking the roles of the NSG? -.-
NSG Hub for Ahmedabad has been recently cleared by cabinet .

Why are the Army Para SF taking the roles of the NSG? -.-

Yes , that is bit confusing but anyway assault team of NSG consists of only armymen.
Why are the Army Para SF taking the roles of the NSG? -.-

Because they can react faster than the NSG in any event of terrorism in Bangalore, after all they wont sit around and do nothing and wait till the NSG arrives.
Why are the Army Para SF taking the roles of the NSG? -.-
NSG Hub for Ahmedabad has been recently cleared by cabinet .

Yes , that is bit confusing but anyway assault team of NSG consists of only armymen.

They aren't at all. The NSG is STILL India's go-to CT unit but they can't be everywhere. There is only a finite amount of them. So whilst the likes of Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad got hubs Bangalore was still seen as a vulnerable location that needed protection. So it is only smart to deploy some elite in town capable of reacting if the worts should happen. Once the NSG arrives they'll likely hand over control to them. Like you saw at 26/11 with the MARCOs.

It's about making the best use of the resources available to you.
Because they can react faster than the NSG in any event of terrorism in Bangalore, after all they wont sit around and do nothing and wait till the NSG arrives.
They aren't at all. The NSG is STILL India's go-to CT unit but they can't be everywhere. There is only a finite amount of them. So whilst the likes of Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad got hubs Bangalore was still seen as a vulnerable location that needed protection. So it is only smart to deploy some elite in town capable of reacting if the worts should happen. Once the NSG arrives they'll likely hand over control to them. Like you saw at 26/11 with the MARCOs.

It's about making the best use of the resources available to you.

I dont know when it happens but the local Police Unit and Para is all they have.

CM says biased Centre denied NSG hub for Bangalore | www.dnaindia.com
That's all they have deployed in Bangalore but if a crisis occurs the main CT based at IGI will be flown down and possibly the task force from the nearest hub (Hydrabad?).

Ya...all this is pretty fcked up.Other nations have a much simple system.
Ya...all this is pretty fcked up.Other nations have a much simple system.
Yes and no. It's a huge step up on the system that was in place 5-6 years ago (pre-26/11) ie 1 unit (NSG) deploying all their assets in one non-central location (Delhi). Now they have spread their assets out across India and have given their units special powers to requisition any a/c they deem necessary in an emergency. Coupled with that certain other specialist units who can at least act as a holding force (MARCOs/PARA (SF)) have been given the clearances to assess and prepare for any such emergency situation. On top of all this most cities and states in India have raised units who can at least pin down and contain a threat until the "big guns" (NSG) arrive from either Delhi or the closest regional hub. So if a repeat of 26/11 happens anywhere in India you can be sure a much better response will be demonstrated. It's not ideal as ideally there should be an NSG team in every state really but the SAG hasn't got the manpower for this and it's not feasible today. Additionally it really is imperative that the local units get better training and equipment as they are the first responders to any emergency and it is up to them how badly the situation can get. It simply isn't feasible in a country as large as India to have either military SF units or specialist federal CT units (NSG) able to get to every emergency situation within the first 1 hour (the critical time) of a situation emerging- NO WAY. It is the local units who need to be top notch along with these "big guns" who will be brought in from other parts of the state/country. This really is one of the last remaining issues wrt a repeat of a 26/11 time attack- the local police especially the "beat cops" just aren't up to the mark. Yes certain specialist units in their PD might be but that's just not good enough.
Do every State police in India have the capability to create its own special counter terrorist force with union government's help with its personnel specially trained and equipped in engaging in Urban Warfare???
Yes and no. It's a huge step up on the system that was in place 5-6 years ago (pre-26/11) ie 1 unit (NSG) deploying all their assets in one non-central location (Delhi). Now they have spread their assets out across India and have given their units special powers to requisition any a/c they deem necessary in an emergency. Coupled with that certain other specialist units who can at least act as a holding force (MARCOs/PARA (SF)) have been given the clearances to assess and prepare for any such emergency situation. On top of all this most cities and states in India have raised units who can at least pin down and contain a threat until the "big guns" (NSG) arrive from either Delhi or the closest regional hub. So if a repeat of 26/11 happens anywhere in India you can be sure a much better response will be demonstrated. It's not ideal as ideally there should be an NSG team in every state really but the SAG hasn't got the manpower for this and it's not feasible today. Additionally it really is imperative that the local units get better training and equipment as they are the first responders to any emergency and it is up to them how badly the situation can get. It simply isn't feasible in a country as large as India to have either military SF units or specialist federal CT units (NSG) able to get to every emergency situation within the first 1 hour (the critical time) of a situation emerging- NO WAY. It is the local units who need to be top notch along with these "big guns" who will be brought in from other parts of the state/country. This really is one of the last remaining issues wrt a repeat of a 26/11 time attack- the local police especially the "beat cops" just aren't up to the mark. Yes certain specialist units in their PD might be but that's just not good enough.

You cant have NSG everywhere so the thing is that local Police Units need to be equipped for this with the NSG giving the training and only taking over when the situation gets really out of control.

In my opinion NSG should be downscaled and Police Units like SWAT,F1,Greyhounds etc need to be supported.Having so many NSG personnel with that budget is only polluting the skill which is required.

We have a 10,000 plus force and people call them elites with that budget.This is just not possible.SF should have few men and big budget so that every single operator is well equipped.

There is no need for creating such big bases and wasting the resources.NSG should have a strength of 2000 operators with every zone having dedicated facilities and well equipped operators.
You cant have NSG everywhere so the thing is that local Police Units need to be equipped for this with the NSG giving the training and only taking over when the situation gets really out of control.

In my opinion NSG should be downscaled and Police Units like SWAT,F1,Greyhounds etc need to be supported.Having so many NSG personnel with that budget is only polluting the skill which is required.

We have a 10,000 plus force and people call them elites with that budget.This is just not possible.SF should have few men and big budget so that every single operator is well equipped.

There is no need for creating such big bases and wasting the resources.NSG should have a strength of 2000 operators with every zone having dedicated facilities and well equipped operators.
What you say is correct and like I said bro- what is needed right now is to have local Special Response Units who are at least comparably equipped with the NSG available in every city/state- this is largely happening. And to be fair a lot of the funds to raise and equip these units is coming from the GoI/Centre.

Wrt the NSG, a clear distinction needs to be made between the SAG and SRG. IMHO the SRG has NO place in the NSG and should either be disbanded or made into a separate federal police agency or better yet simple absorbed by the CRPF who is already raising specialist wing after specialist wing (intel, SRU, CoBRA, BG etc etc). Then you are left with the SAG who are the "shooters", right now, of the 10,000 strong NSG the SAG make up only around 15-20% of the total force-which is an utter joke considering the SAG is what the NSG was originally meant to be, the SRG simply became over bloated because of the disgusting VIP mentality in India that is only just now being curbed. The SAG needs to be expanded for sure, maybe around 2,000-2,500 men with a similar number of support staff. These SAG operators can then be spit into divisions and spread out more evenly across India. The Hubs are definitely a huge step up but even they are not spreading the NSG out far enough geographically, it's a start sure but much more can be done. AFAIK bro, there are plans for at least another 2-3 hubs across India so,yes, this will speeded up their response times but India is VAST and it is simply not feasible to have an elite force like the NSG in every large town or city in India- especially not when India is going to be creating dozens of new cities in the next few decades.

That is why it is imperative that every police department in India gets their act together and has a well trained and well equipped SRU of their own who can reach any crisis in minuets.

I think this is being done but it needs to be sped up.

Additionally, the "beat cop" needs to be better trained and better equipped, we saw in 26/11 how they were running around with lathis, no BP-vests, no weapons etc and often didn't have a clue what they were doing. They will ALWAYS be the first response to a situation, just equipping a certain few police men in a city/state isn't good enough- those pounding the streets every day also need to have their effectiveness raised.

It's this last issue I'm most worried about as I can see the first two points being done to a great extent but the beat cops in India are still woefully under-equipped and even their training is not up to the standards of the developed world.
Do every State police in India have the capability to create its own special counter terrorist force with union government's help with its personnel specially trained and equipped in engaging in Urban Warfare???

Hell, no. Not even close. Nor do they need to. Police forces have many other important priorities to take care of, before having a wing of trained urban warriors. Like proper policing, for example.

All said and done, policing and warfighting are two very different things, best left to different people. Requires different skills, different temperament, different training, different everything. I would think a quick reaction team for every police force, one that can pin terrorists into a small area until counter terrorist forces arrive should be the way to go. Kind of what happened in Mumbai, but with much better reaction times for the NSG. Make sure that the NSG can reach any part of India within two hours, and major metros even sooner. That will be an achievable goal, as opposed to expecting an urban warfare team in every police force.
Do every State police in India have the capability to create its own special counter terrorist force with union government's help with its personnel specially trained and equipped in engaging in Urban Warfare???

Most bigger states do have such forces to tackle a 26/11 style attack:

MH: Force One
Karnataka, or better Bangalore: Garuda Commandos
Kerala: Thunderbolt Commandos
Delhi: Delhi Police SWAT
Tamil Nadu: TN Police Commandos

These are only the one I remember... but there are more.
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