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Indian army not ready for war against the Dragon


Jul 20, 2011
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The Indian Army calls the black-topped road Charlie 1. But after a five-hour drive from Leh when it skirts the breathtakingly beautiful 134 kilometres-long Pangong Tso lake, Charlie 1 ceases to be a road. It twists and dissolves into a dust trail as soon as it crosses the lake that is split down the centre between India and China. The gravel track races eastwards for a back-breaking 20 km until it meets the Line of Actual Control with China. Here, the difference across the border is stark: concrete all-weather roads which can be used to rush troops and equipment. The lack of infrastructure is evident in the military posture on either side. While the Indian Army actively mans the borders, the Chinese Army is deployed several kilometres away from it.

The two countries have maintained tranquil borders since 1993 as they discuss the contentious 3,350-km boundary dispute. If the PLA were to mount a repeat of the 1962 war, it would be in the vulnerable Demchok sector, 300 km from Leh. An army officer runs his finger over this sector south of Leh. "Chinese armoured and infantry columns can drive up to Leh in a day," he says. The situation is no different in Tawang, a border town in Arunachal Pradesh that China claims. Morale is high, but lack of infrastructure is a dampener. "We won't allow a repeat of 1962, but we need good roads. Look at China's development across the border," says a jawan posted at Yangtze, 53 km from Tawang. The PLA has built a two- lane highway for its military to drive up to the border. Long stretches of Tawang's sole link to India, a 320-km road from Chariduar town in Assam, remain a muddy track. :frown:

Over the past decade the Chinese Army has built a road-rail network of over 58,000 km and nine new military airfields on the Tibetan plateau. It took the PLA two years to deploy 22 divisions against India in the 1970s. It can now deploy 34 divisions or over 400,000 soldiers in a month. In contrast, nearly one-fourth of India's strategic border roads totalling 600 km remain unfinished (see graphic). These roads were identified by the China Study Group as vital for the army to rush troops to the border in case of war. Delays in environment clearances and slow work mean they will be complete only by 2017. :sick:


A breakdown at Chariduar, in Assam, on Tawang's sole road link to India

A breakdown at Chariduar, in Assam, on Tawang's sole road link to India
Little has changed since the yet-to-be-declassified Henderson Brooks report of 1963 which blamed India's defeat in 1962 at the hands of China on poor equipment, unpreparedness and non-existent communication links. "There is no way 1962 will be repeated," emphasises an army official. "Mountain warfare calls for a ratio of nine attackers for every defender and that puts us at an advantage. The Chinese will not be able to get past the Indian Army," he says.

Hollow men bloated machine

In March this year, the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) deliberated over a shocking presentation. An internal study by the Indian Army found critical shortages of Rs. 60,000 crore worth of ammunition, missiles and equipment. This is roughly 10 per cent of the army's total inventory of Rs. 9 lakh crore worth of equipment. "Forget modernisation or transformation, we are extremely low on our existing inventories and war wastage reserves," says a senior army officer. Years of accumulated neglect have hollowed out the core of the world's second largest army and rendered it unfit for war. Another senior officer mentions existing deficiencies of "between 20 and 30 per cent" in the three strike corps, the army's principal offensive formations. This means the army effectively has only two strike corps. It explains why former army chief General Deepak Kapoor told the CCS after the 26/11 Mumbai attack that the army "was not ready for war".
The last war the army fought, evicting intruders from the Kargil heights in 1999, was on its own soil. Eleven years on, the wars the army is now preparing to fight are gigantic. It envisages a simultaneous "two-and-a-half-front war": against Pakistan and China as well as an internal insurgency. It has a shopping list of $50 billion (Rs. 2.2 lakh crore) to meet these threats. However, the procedures for buying arms are so cumbersome that a classified army study says the force will be fully ready only a decade hence, by 2022.The army has bought less than half the equipment it planned to acquire during the 11th Five-Year Plan period running from 2007 to 2012. Weapons not bought include artillery worth Rs. 20,000 crore, and air defence missiles worth Rs. 10,000 crore. These have left gaping holes in its preparedness. Hence, a projected surge in its combat ratio to 1:1.5-or a one-and-a-half times superiority in troops and equipment over the Pakistan Army-by 2012 has not materialised. Despite the Indian Army's Rs. 83,000 crore spend accounting for over half the total defence budget, the fighting machine is bloated. The 1.1 million-strong force will add 30,000 soldiers to counter the China threat by 2015, its largest expansion in three decades.
The force carries a colonial legacy of over 50,000 drivers and sahayaks (orderlies). Yet, there are shortages where it matters. The army has 35,000 officers and is wrestling with a crippling shortage of between 22 and 24 per cent. Its 400-odd infantry battalions, each with 800 soldiers, currently function with less than half the sanctioned strength of 40 officers. It needs 12,000 young captains and majors to lead its sections and companies in the field.
Limited war, not long haul

At the root of the army's rot is the lack of an effective political and administrative vision. The army continues to remain platform-centric, insisting on individual weapon platforms such as tanks and howitzers, rather than becoming mission or capability-centric. :agree:

The Ministry of Defence instructs the army to remain prepared for a full-scale war lasting up to 90 days. In case of a simultaneous two-front war with China and Pakistan, the army is also tasked with "defeating Pakistan" and "holding China". The defence ministry believes that such a wide ambit will let the army prepare for a full spectrum of conflict, including lesser contingencies. In reality, the lumbering army is struggling to keep up. At a time when modern armies are retooling themselves into leaner fighting machines for local conflicts, the Indian Army still envisages fighting battles on a large scale. Pakistan continues to be an obsession. Next month, the army is to undertake a massive military manoeuvre, Sudarshan Shakti, in the Rajasthan desert near the border. It has been 25 years since it held a similar corps-level (24,000 soldiers) exercise to assess its preparations on the Chinese border.

"Indian military transformation has lagged primarily because the political leadership with the vision and capacity for transformation doesnt exist," says Rajya Sabha member Rajeev Chandrasekhar. "And, therefore, the traditional equipment-centric modernisation continues instead of a deeper transformation around objectives and capabilities for those mission objectives," he says. The 2.25 million-strong Chinese Army, in contrast, is focusing on fighting only local or limited wars.

China's military spends have trebled in a decade-from $27.9 billion in 2000 to $91.5 billion this year. It is acquiring high-technology and developing indigenous weapon systems. It is also moving to trans-regional mobility or the ability to swiftly move troops across its seven military districts. "The PLA is rapidly transforming into a light, lethal, agile and networked force that will soon be capable of taking the fight into the adversary's territory," says Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal of the army's Centre for Land Warfare Studies, based in New Delhi. Experts say the Indian Army must respond with a similar limited war doctrine. "We need to urgently crystallise a limited war doctrine and prepare specifically to fight wars that are likely in today's radically altered scenario," says Major General (retired) G.D. Bakshi.

The army's existing battle strategy that revolves around three strike corps (each with one lakh troops and 1,000 fighting vehicles) has been hit by outdated technology. Roughly a third of its Rs. 2.5 lakh crore equipment inventory comprises outdated equipment. Two critical projects worth over $2 billion (Rs. 90,000 crore) to equip infantry soldiers with modern assault rifles and night-vision devices and another one to allow high-speed encrypted communication links between army formations are over a decade behind schedule.

The army functions on a communications system developed in the 1970s that has negligible data transmission. "We are fighting fourth-generation warfare (insurgencies), preparing for third-generation warfare (conventional conflicts) with a Second World War mindset," says a general. Only two major weapon systems have been acquired since the Kargil war: over 1,000 T-90 tanks and Smerch long-range rockets from Russia. Meanwhile, its infantrymen lack lightweight body armour and modern helmets. The army officially admits that close to 80 per cent of its 3,500 tanks are not equipped with night-vision devices and hence cannot fight at night. The new T-90 tanks in the strike formations are protected by 1960s vintage air defence missiles. Their replacements, modern long-range surface-to-air missiles from Israel, are still years away from induction.
The army's solution for China's looming threat has been a Government sanction for adding four more mountain divisions of 12,000 soldiers each. Two of these divisions will form part of a new mountain strike corps to mount an offensive into Tibet. Yet, a tardy acquisition programme threatens to derail even this modest addition to its offensive strategy. Among the key equipment this new strike corps requires are heavy-lift helicopters, gunships, howitzers and modern communication systems.

The army has not bought a single new 155 mm howitzer since 1987 when the last of the 410 Bofors guns were delivered. Its Field Artillery Modernisation Plan, which aims at buying 2,200 155 mm guns for Rs. 22,000 crore, is running a decade behind schedule. A cumbersome defence acquisition procedure ensures it takes up to eight years to buy a weapons system. The army earmarks roughly $4 billion (Rs. 1,80,000 crore) each year for buying new military hardware. "Our funds are getting utilised but not in a visible way that would greatly increase our firepower or offset our deficiencies," says an army official.

Unlike the US military, the Indian Army does not post its best officers to the armament acquisition sections at its 10 'line directorates' like infantry, artillery and armoured corps. The best officers still go to Military Operations and the Military Secretary's branch (which handles postings and promotions). A 2002 internal army study found that eight of these 10 line directorate heads were on the verge of retirement. The acquisition wings continue to get low priority. The army's director general (weapons and equipment) retires at the end of October. Officers often do brief two-year tenures in the highly-specialised acquisition branches. "We need quality acquisition staff with longer tenures. An efficient acquisition organisation not only expedites procurement but also saves time," says Major General Mrinal Suman. Clearly, the army needs nothing short of a radical overhaul to contend with its trans-Himalayan adversary.

- With Kaushik Deka



this has been the case since the 1948 war the Indian army Jawan has the odds against him 50 years almost since 1962 yet we face the same problems, poor communications, poorly equipped soldiers compared to the enemy, obsolete weapons systems, and the root of the problem political vulnerability if we are to defend our motherland from belligerent neighbors these problems cannot coexist this is a very informative article that shows the current situation i hope that Indian politicians realize this before it is too late.
It's funny how Indians can both be so confident of beating China, and yet be so sure of being unable to win against China... all at the same time.

we have no intention of beating anyone it is enshrined in our policy along with non alignment to be Gandhian. whereas today it is no secret that the Indian army is at a disadvantage in the eastern theater, Indian army officers in this article even state it "there will be no repeat of 1962" but any military conflict that took place today we would have the odds against us. its stated in the article, lack of helicopters, communications equipment, artillery guns, modern gear for soldiers and modern assault rifles etc its all really in this picture


if China wants to take Arunachal and the other parts of territory it disputes it should act fast because the window of opportunity is closing within 20 years the IA would be able to handle any threat.
what is with these indians are wanting war with everyone.
wanting war with pakistan, wanting war with china, wanting war with everyone.

india is like the nazis wanting war with everyone for no reason.

oh look the false flagger is back and we don't want war with anyone check our military history India never directly started a conflict with China or Pakistan. and the bottom part of your sentence is just laughable
what is with these indians are wanting war with everyone.
wanting war with pakistan, wanting war with china, wanting war with everyone.

india is like the nazis wanting war with everyone for no reason.

Apparently, you can draw the parallels between origin of "Swastika"

oh look the false flagger is back and we don't want war with anyone check our military history India never directly started a conflict with China or Pakistan. and the bottom part of your sentence is just laughable

India only started conflict by aiding local insurgent and infiltrating terrorist exactly inline with the Soviet politices..point in case:

Sri Lanka
and now BLA and Northern Alliance
Apparently, you can draw the parallels between origin of "Swastika"

India only started conflict by aiding local insurgent and infiltrating terrorist exactly inline with the Soviet politices..point in case:

Sri Lanka
and now BLA and Northern Alliance

are you illiterate? i said we never directly started a war with Pakistan or China what does Sri Lanka have to do with that? besides we aided the Tamils then fought them but we were not even at war with Sri Lanka

do you have any proof about Balochistan??? if not then be quiet for years you have said this but Zaid Hamid does not count as proof.

and in my view aiding the Bengali's was payback for what you guys tried to do in Kashmir 6 years prior in Operation Gibraltar and even then you guys directly started the 71 war by launching Operation Chengiz Khan so don't get mad for conventionally attacking us then losing.

help to the Northern Alliance was in response to the hijacking of the Indian air lines flight not to mention you guys helped the Taliban against the NLA so why even bring it up?

reveal yourself false flagger the biggest shame you can do to your nation is by hiding your true identitiy. why you pretending to be Chinese? are you ashamed of your real nationality? i know now that he is a Pakistani for sure because of the last part of his sentence in his post.

never have i ever seen an actual Chinese person claim a terrorist network in India with the backing of its gov't where are the Mods??? this troll has been posting BS for like 3 hours now.
this is why china needs to develop its military to protect itself from indian aggression.

I think you are overestimating them.

They cause trouble for us in Tibet by hosting our separatist groups, but I doubt they could actually attack up the Himalayas and take our land from us in any scenario. We've got both the high ground on the Tibetan plateau, and a massively larger defence budget.

The threat comes from other areas.
I think you are overestimating them.

They cause trouble for us in Tibet by hosting our separatist groups, but I doubt they could actually attack up the Himalayas and take our land from us in any scenario. We've got both the high ground on the Tibetan plateau, and a massively larger defence budget.

The threat comes from other areas.

We should not underestimate India...China should also add water as political tool to deal with India...more options is better than ran out of option: control water, water diversion plan of Indus river bypassing India's Jammu and connect it directly to Pakistan....
china must stand up to indian bullying of peaceful nations like pakistan and sri lanka.

india is seeking regional hegemony, china must stop this aggressor at once.
nip it in the bud.

india has shown that its wars with pakistan and china, that india is an aggressive country wanting to colonise asia.

this is why china needs to develop its military to protect itself from indian aggression.

u never know when the terrorist network operating in india with the aid of the indian regime might target china.

will you guys just keep barking your throats out or will do anything in real ? the same goes for the pakistani rant "Kashmir banega pakistan" yawn! go kids play somewhere else
i knew it .
Before 2020 India cannot sustain a one on one war with China.
before 2020?


u will never sustain a one on one war with china EVER!

by 2020 china will be increasing its lead over india.
u think china is going to stay still until 2020? lol

china has massive projects which will increase even more to counter foreign aggression agianst the motherland.

by 2050 India will have the worlds largest economy by 2027 Indian armed forces will be equipped and prepared to defend against any attack from any country the window of opportunity is getting samller for you guys talk is meaningless action is a whole different thing all these things you claim Chinese Century talk about them when and IF they happen :rofl:

oh btw you think India will still the same until 2020? :lol:
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