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Indian Army Issues RFI To Upgrade BMP-2 Infantry Vehicle With Anti-tank Missiles and Engines


Apr 28, 2011
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Indian Army's ICV BMP-II K during Republic day parade (Image: Pib)
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Indian Army has issued two new Requests for information (RFI) to upgrade 1500 BMP-2/2K tanks with Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) systems and engines.

The Indian Army will have an initial requirement of approximately 10,000 - 15000 ATGMs followed by annual requirement of 1500 – 3000 ATMGs.

According to the RFIs released Tuesday, global vendors responding should be ready to part with critical technologies and produce the upgraded components in India.

“The case will be processed in accordance with DPP 2016 or DPP 2013, if DPP 2016 is not promulgated by the time of initiating procurement process, which is under final stages of formulation,” the RFIs stated.

"The ATGM should be capable of being fired from both Vehicle Mounted and Ground Launcher. Night firing and Fire and Forget capability must exist from both Vehicle and Ground Launcher. At least one Twin ATGM Launcher must be provided when employing in vehicle mode. No separate Sighting system for the ATGM is desired and it must be integrated with combined ‘day and night’ gunner and commander sight," the RFI stated.

The equipment is intended for use in varied climatic and terrain conditions varying from extreme hot desert conditions to extremely cold high altitude regions.

As per the RFI regarding the mobility upgrade, the BMP must be capable of negotiating water current upto 3 knots while achieving a speed of 7 kmph in water. It must be able to negotiate unlined banks upto surface gradient of 20° with underwater gradient upto 15°.

The offered mobility upgrade must also include necessary changes in running gear and suspension system to ensure above mobility parameters with Combat Weight upto 16 T to ensure that NGP does not go beyond 0.7 Kg / cm2.

The offered upgrade will ensure BMP achieving following parameters with Combat weight of 16 Tonnes (This weight includes weight incr on account of other upgrades as also combat load of upto 1.8 Tons. However it is stressed that maximum allowance for mobility upgrade is 250 Kgs). The equipment will be evaluated with the combat weight of 16 Tons, the RFI stated.

In January this year, the Indian Army had issued an RFI to procure new generation ammunition to replace the existing ammunition being fired by 30 mm Cannon gun fitted on BMP-2/2K armored vehicles.

Indian Army Issues RFI To Upgrade BMP-2 Infantry Vehicle With Anti-tank Missiles and Engines
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