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Indian army is a peoples army, we respect human life:Gen. Chachra


Mar 29, 2013
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Udhampur, December 9, (Scoop News) - On the eve of Human Rights (HR) Day, Lt Gen Sanjiv Chachra, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief ) GOC in C, northern Command has directed all troops in Jammu & Kashmir to ensure zero Human Rights violations during of counter terrorist operations.

“Counter terrorist operations require patience , maturity and restraint. I know the task is onerous but I have faith in your abilities and we must ensure at all times that the people are not put to any inconvenience or harassment due to our actions “ , the army general said while reiterating his commitment of zero tolerance towards HR violations.

He said The Indian Army has one of the finest record for ensuring HR and the importance given to this valued quality is evident from the fact that a HR branch at the army headquarter has been functioning since March 1993 and such branches exist in formations up to brigade / sector level.

A capsule on the importance of respect for HR is also being regularly conducted for troops undergoing pre-induction training at various battle schools.

During the past 20 yrs, 1524 allegations of HR violations against army personnel serving in northern command were received. Each and every allegation was enquired into by an independent and autonomous body and 42 of these allegations were found to be true. 124 personnel (41 offrs, 83 JCOs/OR) found guilty of these violations were expeditiously tried by army courts and awarded exemplary punishments ranging from dismissal from service without any service benefits to imprisonment.
“We are a ‘People’s Army’ where we respect human life and take pride in our benevolent attitude towards women and children. This should continue to remain enshrined in our ethos and daily lives “northern command chief said..

There are a few ongoing cases which are being closely monitored, ensuring rule of law and proceedings as enunciated by the army act. Anyone found guilty shall face the law. This amply demonstrates that all cases of alleged HR violations are thoroughly investigated and personnel found guilty are promptly punished.

“As professionals, we are here to serve our country. I am proud of each one of my Officers, JCOs and men and compliment you for your dedication and sacrifice. Let’s work for a peaceful 2014”. General Chachra asserted.
Indian army is a peoples army, we respect human life - Scoop News Jammu Kashmir
does that missile badge on his chest makes him authorized to use the nukes?? ofcourse by the orders of the pm
You dont need to be a Nastrodamus(?) to tell that :rofl: 2/3 months here is good enough

You can write that too. I have not applied for patent ;)

Seems like we both were wrong here:P

Udhampur, December 9, (Scoop News) - On the eve of Human Rights (HR) Day, Lt Gen Sanjiv Chachra, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief ) GOC in C, northern Command has directed all troops in Jammu & Kashmir to ensure zero Human Rights violations during of counter terrorist operations.

“Counter terrorist operations require patience , maturity and restraint. I know the task is onerous but I have faith in your abilities and we must ensure at all times that the people are not put to any inconvenience or harassment due to our actions “ , the army general said while reiterating his commitment of zero tolerance towards HR violations.

He said The Indian Army has one of the finest record for ensuring HR and the importance given to this valued quality is evident from the fact that a HR branch at the army headquarter has been functioning since March 1993 and such branches exist in formations up to brigade / sector level.

A capsule on the importance of respect for HR is also being regularly conducted for troops undergoing pre-induction training at various battle schools.

During the past 20 yrs, 1524 allegations of HR violations against army personnel serving in northern command were received. Each and every allegation was enquired into by an independent and autonomous body and 42 of these allegations were found to be true. 124 personnel (41 offrs, 83 JCOs/OR) found guilty of these violations were expeditiously tried by army courts and awarded exemplary punishments ranging from dismissal from service without any service benefits to imprisonment.
“We are a ‘People’s Army’ where we respect human life and take pride in our benevolent attitude towards women and children. This should continue to remain enshrined in our ethos and daily lives “northern command chief said..

There are a few ongoing cases which are being closely monitored, ensuring rule of law and proceedings as enunciated by the army act. Anyone found guilty shall face the law. This amply demonstrates that all cases of alleged HR violations are thoroughly investigated and personnel found guilty are promptly punished.

“As professionals, we are here to serve our country. I am proud of each one of my Officers, JCOs and men and compliment you for your dedication and sacrifice. Let’s work for a peaceful 2014”. General Chachra asserted.
Indian army is a peoples army, we respect human life - Scoop News Jammu Kashmir

who the hell is he kidding, in light of his acclaimed respect for humanity one cant help but assume that raping, looting, kidnaping, torturing etc are in lieu with humanity....
Are you confusing IA with Pakistan Army here ....

Sir, in a war atrocities are committed regardless of what flag the army marches under but trying to turn a simple discussion into a troll fest is plain wrong, as a Pakistani I am required to defend my country in 1948 the army was not involved to a great extent it was the tribesmen, in 71 the claims were inflated to move international support and as far as Balochistan is concerned most of the ''kidnapping'' is the result of tribal murder and killing and lets not forget kidnapping for ransom....notice I ignored your attempt at a troll war...

Are you confusing IA with Pakistan Army here ....

look at post no.16 if you show me a similar pic against the Pakistani Army by a Pakistani I will forever be ashamed to be a Pakistani....and these women dont even seem to be Kashmiri Muslims, if you Army can do this to their Hindu countrywomen one fears to imagine what they are capable to do to the Muslim ''terrorists''....

thank you for helping me get my point clear...
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Salute to you sir !!!!

We are a responsible nation :cheers:


Udhampur, December 9, (Scoop News) - On the eve of Human Rights (HR) Day, Lt Gen Sanjiv Chachra, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief ) GOC in C, northern Command has directed all troops in Jammu & Kashmir to ensure zero Human Rights violations during of counter terrorist operations.

“Counter terrorist operations require patience , maturity and restraint. I know the task is onerous but I have faith in your abilities and we must ensure at all times that the people are not put to any inconvenience or harassment due to our actions “ , the army general said while reiterating his commitment of zero tolerance towards HR violations.

He said The Indian Army has one of the finest record for ensuring HR and the importance given to this valued quality is evident from the fact that a HR branch at the army headquarter has been functioning since March 1993 and such branches exist in formations up to brigade / sector level.

A capsule on the importance of respect for HR is also being regularly conducted for troops undergoing pre-induction training at various battle schools.

During the past 20 yrs, 1524 allegations of HR violations against army personnel serving in northern command were received. Each and every allegation was enquired into by an independent and autonomous body and 42 of these allegations were found to be true. 124 personnel (41 offrs, 83 JCOs/OR) found guilty of these violations were expeditiously tried by army courts and awarded exemplary punishments ranging from dismissal from service without any service benefits to imprisonment.
“We are a ‘People’s Army’ where we respect human life and take pride in our benevolent attitude towards women and children. This should continue to remain enshrined in our ethos and daily lives “northern command chief said..

There are a few ongoing cases which are being closely monitored, ensuring rule of law and proceedings as enunciated by the army act. Anyone found guilty shall face the law. This amply demonstrates that all cases of alleged HR violations are thoroughly investigated and personnel found guilty are promptly punished.

“As professionals, we are here to serve our country. I am proud of each one of my Officers, JCOs and men and compliment you for your dedication and sacrifice. Let’s work for a peaceful 2014”. General Chachra asserted.
Indian army is a peoples army, we respect human life - Scoop News Jammu Kashmir
Trolling aside, are you ashamed to be a pakistani yet, as you had claimed you will be if shown proof of your army's doing?

one more for good measure, if you havent got the point now Sir, then I am sorry that I wasted a good portion of the night trying to make it clear, no army is perfect but there are some more perfect than the others but dont go off blaming the MY ARMY.....

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1.There are growing pressures within the Indian society/intelligentsia to have a popular military. There are officers like Gen Chachra who feel that way too. However, IA's anchors to the colonial mercenary heritage is too strong to break soon.

2.PA began shedding her past ties with the colonial past consequent to the 1948 Kashmir Ops and 1965 War.War cries heard in the battle-fields were not"Kai Kai",etc but "Allh o Akbar" which rang from the heart. Gen Zia brought this closer.The war against the Soviets was another experience in this direction.
there are videos of Pakistani Army death squad rounded up young men in NWFP shooting them and then 1 officer again shot all in the head one by one. Now Pakistanis are going to say it was fake video knowing damned well it was there soldiers who committed those crimes. Where are those missing people who were abducted during Musharraf's tenure. I can upload whole lot of videos too, but i want to see how far this trolling will go.

Millions of Bangladeshi's were just falling out of skies when were being found on ground raped, tortured, executed. Where is the shame that gets you pakistanis to point the finger at us on the slightest news about Indian army committing it self to zero tolerance stance. At least we get bad apples when come across, rather pakistan and pakistanis themselves deny any wrong doing on their part ever.

I never conveyed the army to be infallible, as for NWFP, I originally belong to Dir (L) and
You seem to have been disturbed when shown the truth about the holy Pak Army :lol:

Again, are you yet ashamed as you said; or not ?

As usual, every discussion in the Isalamic republic ends with Allah :disagree:

Sir, my c
You seem to have been disturbed when shown the truth about the holy Pak Army :lol:

Again, are you yet ashamed as you said; or not ?

As usual, every discussion in the Isalamic republic ends with Allah :disagree:

Sir, I am forever loyal to my army, and by now I grade you as a genuine troll so respectfully piss the hell off.....:lol:

Thanks man, I was searching for that video from a long time but could not find it.

no problem Sir....
Since 1989, an estimated 40,000 Kashmiris have been killed by the Indian forces stationed in Kashmir. For the last five years the people of the State have intensified their efforts in order to invite the attention of the world community towards the "Kashmir Dispute", though the people of the State had been fighting for their just cause peacefully for the last forty eight years. Indian Government throughout these four decades has been suppressing the people by illegal use of force, putting them into the jails/ Interrogation centres etc. under draconian laws. Whenever any person demanded holding of " Plebiscite", he has been put behind the bars.

The Indian Forces, stationed in Kashmir, have been given a free hand to kill any person they choose. These powers have been given to them under the draconian laws like "Disturbed Areas Act of 1990" and "Indian Armed Forces Act of 1990". Indifference shown by world community to the miseries of people, have encouraged and given a free hand to armed forces, to deal with the people, as they like. In October 1992, the Indian Armed forces started to intensify the killing of people immediately after their arrest. These operations have been carried out under the code name of "Operation Tiger", "Operation Eagle" and "Operation Shiva". Now the armed forces have resorted to another policy of "Catch and Kill" which means that no sooner a person is taken into custody, within minutes he is brutally tortured and killed . The dead body is then thrown into the street. In other cases, innocent civilians are arrested and taken to border areas where they are shot. The Indian government then publicises that these people were militants killed in armed encounters with the troops.

Below is a brief catalogue of the unjustified killings by the Indian troops in Kashmir. This catalogue is by no means complete as thousands of killings go un-noticed and undocumented. The list given below was compiled painstakingly by various Kashmiri Human-rights activists, with great risks to their personal lives.

Unjustified Killings in Kashmir
Rape and Molestation of Women

According to a report issued by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service, Indian troops and police personnel martyred 452 children from January 2000 till May 31, 2011 and the killing by the paramilitary forces have rendered 107,418 children orphaned since 1989.

The report states that the Kashmiri children continue to live in a miserable condition and Indian paramilitary forces and secret agencies often subject children to detention in order to get information about their relatives involved or perceived to be involved in freedom struggle.

Amnesty International in recently issued several statements has demanded release of teenage Kashmiri boys, detained under draconian law, Public Safety Act in the occupied territory.-KMS

Kashmir Global » Men in uniform continue to victimize Kashmiri children

UN concern over abuses in IHK

After her 11 days tour of four Indian states and Indian Occupied Kashmir, Ms. Margaret Sekaggya, the United Nations (UN) special rapporteur on human rights defenders, emphasized India to repeal the barbaric laws, given to its security forces in Kashmir.

Kashmir Global » UN concern over abuses in IHK
The News is on Indian Army, the thread is on Indian Army. Those dragging in the PA will find themselves suspended without further ado.
It's a frigging army. Not a crèche. So, it will be responsible but cross the line with it and it will rape your rear or stuff some lead in your genitals. You choose. Hope the Pakistanis here get the message about the IA. If it is stationed in Jammu or Delhi or Karnataka on ops duty then the common folk better adhere to the rules it lays out. If not, read my third sentence again
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