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India winning the war against AIDS


Sep 12, 2012
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India ‘winning’ battle against HIV-AIDS: UNAIDS report

India’s fight against HIV-AIDS is bearing fruit.
The UNAIDS Report-2013 on HIV said that the country has reduced new HIV infections by as much as 57% among adults since 2001. UNAIDS – the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS – is a global advocacy group working for

“accelerated, comprehensive and coordinated global action” on the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the UNAIDS works in coordination with the World Health Organisation.

The UNAIDS Report-2013 was released here on Tuesday at the 11th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific.

India has been notorious for contributing to the disease burden to the world over the years.

On the other hand, the report said that, Pakistan has seen an eight-fold increase in the number of cases and new infections in the Philippines have more than doubled.

The report, however, noted that there is a definite progress across the region on the HIV front.

“The pace of progress needs to be redoubled to sustain past achievements, drive results and meet global AIDS targets,” said UNAIDS director of the regional support team for Asia and the Pacific, Steven Kraus.

“Efforts should be more focused on smart investments in right places and on programmes to reach the people in greatest need. Communities of people living with HIV and key populations at higher risk must continue to be central to the region’s AIDS response - as agents of change,” he added.

Lauding the role of India in containing the menace, the report titled HIV in Asia and the Pacific: ‘Getting to zero’, said seven actions initiated by India changed the course on HIV epidemic in the country. They are leadership, information, focus, thinking big, doing the right things, managed network and strong systems.

About the leadership, the report said, “The detection of India’s first HIV in 1987 led to the establishment of a national strategy working group. Since the early 1990s, India’s political leaders have provided consistent support for large scale-prevention for key populations.”

On strong systems applied by India, the UNAIDS report said, “Policy and donor coordination are centrally managed, while programme implementation is decentralised through state and district AIDS control societies. These quasi-autonomous agencies provide flexibility and speedy decision- making.”

“The state-level societies are headed by senior civil servants, which ensure the engagement of government bodies. A strong management system for monitoring the work of public sector and civil society provided quality assurances.

Similarly, strong central management through a national AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) provides better management of external partners so that investments are directed to where they are need,” the report added.

The states in India with high HIV-AIDS rates include Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra but the bulk of the patients are from the northeastern states of Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland. In the northeast, the spread of the disease is said to be through use of infected syringes by intravenous drug users.

Commenting on the report, regional communication adviser (UNAIDS), Asia and the Pacific, Beth Magne-Watts, said though there was significant progress on HIV front, “we should continue striving hard for getting to zero”.

“We must not take rest till we achieve the goal,” she added.

FACT SHEETPeople living with HIV in the region in 2012 : 4.9 million
New infections in 2012: 3,50,000, 26% decline since 2001
People on antiretroviral treatment 2012: 1.25 million
AIDS related deaths in 2012: 270000

India ‘winning’ battle against HIV-AIDS: UNAIDS report - Hindustan Times
thats great but diseases like encephalitis,and hepatitis are causing more casualities which can be preventable..our govt must make conscious effort against them along with the potential diseases like aids
This is good news for India. Condom compaign is becoming very successful but this is not good for sex victims... According to reports,They are raping girls with condom hence they left no evidence of rape..
Hence culprit are free there and rape incidents are increasing very fast.. :undecided:
WOW 57% decrease in india! while an 8 fold increase in pakistan , now that should help in making the trolls shut-up , numbers really tell the ground reality , india has silently worked hard to eradicate diseases like polio and AIDS by creating awareness among masses using television , newspapers , NGOs and other platforms.

in the coming days india might also see a dramatic decrease in the lung cancer cases due to the kind of awareness being created against products like ghutka and cigarette. You go to watch any movie in a multiplex an anti-tobbaco ad is a must!

good going! great job health ministry!
This is good news for India. Condom compaign is becoming very successful but this is not good for sex victims... According to reports,They are raping girls with condom hence they left no evidence of rape..
Hence culprit are free there and rape incidents are increasing very fast.. :undecided:
Just coun not digest positive news about India...so had to twist it to suit your dirty mindset... Pity you.
thats great but diseases like encephalitis,and hepatitis are causing more casualities which can be preventable..our govt must make conscious effort against them along with the potential diseases like aids
Buddy, Hepatitis can be done by vaccines but not everyone wants to take them,why take them if you are not in contact with such high risk professions like doctors or surgeons? Encephalitis, its about mosquitoes, I don't think you can control the amount of mosquitoes in a semi-tropical country like India you can only prevent it by having nets around your windows and in your bedroom.
This is good news for India. Condom compaign is becoming very successful but this is not good for sex victims... According to reports,They are raping girls with condom hence they left no evidence of rape..
Hence culprit are free there and rape incidents are increasing very fast.. :undecided:
your frustration can be understood , while india has worked hard to fight AIDS in pakistan there is an 8 fold increase ..it would be better if you learn from india and start working on it or else soon you be in a league of countries like nigeria where aids epidemic is a national problem.
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Its pro active campaign by all sections of society be it media, govt agencies, NGO'S who have made this possible

This is good news for India. Condom compaign is becoming very successful but this is not good for sex victims... According to reports,They are raping girls with condom hence they left no evidence of rape..
Hence culprit are free there and rape incidents are increasing very fast.. :undecided:

Do rapist have time to use that before raping :P ( Rapes are always forcible)
.it would be better if you learn from india and start working on it or else soon you be in a league of countries like nigeria where aids epedamic is a national problem.
In Islam, Zina is haram... ... According to Quran adultery (Zina) is a major sin and hence strictly prohibited.Adultery(Zina) is mentioned inter-alia other major sins like; associating with Allah, theft, killing of an innocent etc. So the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, "When a man commit adultery, Iman (Faith) leaves him; but when he leaves such evil i.e. adultery ways, Iman will return to him.
I)The Qur`anic punishment of 100 lashes is for the case of an unmarried person. For a married person we need to turn to the Sunnah/Hadith, which prescribes death by stoning.

II)For married persons, the Sunnah/Hadith abrogated the Qur`anic penalty of 100 lashes and instead prescribed death by stoning.

III)For married persons, the Sunnah/Hadith prescribed rajm as a second penalty which is to be combined with the Qur`anic penalty of 100 lashes.

IV)The stoning penalty is found in the Qur`an but it is known only to scholars of great erudition capable of diving deep into the meanings of the Book of God.

V)The Qur`an did prescribe stoning for adultery but the verse in which the law was stated was not included in the Qur`an or has been removed from it.

Due to followers of Islam.. Aids % is very very less here..
Buddy, Hepatitis can be done by vaccines but not everyone wants to take them,why take them if you are not in contact with such high risk professions like doctors or surgeons? Encephalitis, its about mosquitoes, I don't think you can control the amount of mosquitoes in a semi-tropical country like India you can only prevent it by having nets around your windows and in your bedroom.
this is the amount of problem we are dealing withNumber of Cases And Deaths Due To Diseases | Data Portal India.theres nothing that hepatitis only occurs to the people who are in contact with doctors or surgeons it largely depends on the life style too and its a vaccine better safe than sorry.singapore and malasiya are more tropical than india and yet they take great care to control them.i dont agree with you that nothing can be done to control musquitos.this is just lack of awareness on our part.a good hygenic surroundings will get rid of half of the health problems we are facing in india including malnutrition.but unfortunately we tend to ignore the fact.in this very forum i've had the experiences about some foreign tourists visits to india whi said they loved india but they are shocked at the way we treat our country.perhaps only srilanka is ahead in this regard in south asia..india will improve the day we start keeping it clean.not everything can be done by the govts.
this is the amount of problem we are dealing withNumber of Cases And Deaths Due To Diseases | Data Portal India.theres nothing that hepatitis only occurs to the people who are in contact with doctors or surgeons it largely depends on the life style too and its a vaccine better safe than sorry.singapore and malasiya are more tropical than india and yet they take great care to control them.i dont agree with you that nothing can be done to control musquitos.this is just lack of awareness on our part.a good hygenic surroundings will get rid of half of the health problems we are facing in india including malnutrition.but unfortunately we tend to ignore the fact.in this very forum i've had the experiences about some foreign tourists visits to india whi said they loved india but they are shocked at the way we treat our country.perhaps only srilanka is ahead in this regard in south asia..india will improve the day we start keeping it clean.not everything can be done by the govts.

The vaccine of Hep B offer protection only for 20 years,Hepatitis is not the current concern of Government,Polio ,malnutrition,child mortality, T.B. is, moreover you cant stop a promiscuous person from having sex, or a drug addict from having drugs.Not everyone gets hepatitis.
there is no specific treatment of Hepatitis unlike ARV for AIDS.
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