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India willl be foolishg to trust america for mmrca



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Jan 3, 2010
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Obama administration may not interfere in the China-Pakistan N-Deal

In a major development, even as two noted American experts asked the US administration to block the China-Pakistan nuclear deal, Washington indicated it would not come in the way if the agreement was in compliance with the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) rules.

"I don't know if this will come up during the secretary's meetings in China this week," State Department spokesman P J Crowley told reporters on Monday when asked if Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would take up the issue with her interlocutors in Beijing.

"We are talking to China more broadly about the implications of this deal. It has a lengthy history to it," he said when asked if the China-Pakistan deal would come up at the ongoing Strategic and Economic Dialogue with China in Beijing and the one with India in Washington next week.

"But we will seek to make sure that should this deal go forward, it is in compliance with the rules of the Nuclear Suppliers Group," Crowley added.

Crowley's comments came as Lisa Curtis and Nicholas Hamisevicz, South Asia experts at the Heritage Foundation, a Washington think tank, urged the Obama administration to block the China-Pakistan deal as India and Pakistan had vastly different proliferation records.

There are signs of the Obama administration softening its position towards the Chinese- Pakistani nuclear cooperation, they said, noting that the US officials have avoided pressing China against moving forward with a deal to supply two new nuclear reactors to Pakistan.

"The Obama administration's policy contrasts with that of the previous Bush administration, which actively discouraged additional Chinese assistance to Pakistan's nuclear programme," Curtis and Hamisevicz added.

"Given the widespread proliferation that resulted from the Pakistan-based A. Q. Khan network, as well as continued concerns about the existence of terrorist networks in Pakistan that seek access to nuclear weapons technology- a nod from Washington to further Chinese-Pakistani nuclear cooperation is short-sighted," they said.

The argument that the China-Pakistan nuclear reactor deal should be seen in the same light as the US-India civil nuclear deal "discounts the vastly different proliferation records of Pakistan and India, the different oversight requirements generally imposed by the US compared to China, and the prevalence of Pakistan-based terrorist groups seeking nuclear weapons technology," they claimed.

A decision to allow the China-Pakistan nuclear deal to advance unhindered would be a high-stakes diplomatic gamble taken by the Obama administration, the two experts argued. "Beijing would likely pocket US acquiescence while continuing only the most grudging cooperation on America's highest international priorities," they said.

"At the same time, Pakistan's increased access to civilian nuclear technology without sufficient legal context and safeguards poses a potential proliferation threat and danger to nuclear safety and security on the Subcontinent," added the duo.

everyone responses are :welcome:
USA has a history of betraying other countries after selling their equipments subject to the deal they should sell them anytime they want they betrayed pakistan,china,iran and others so it is a risky game for india and im sure in future india will face the music too
Why does every tom, dick and harry open a new thread every single time there is a news about MMCRA instead of posting the article in the existing thread ?
PAK FA FGFA all the way.

Rest is cannon fodder including JSF F35
Whatever happens this deal is going through and expect more power plants to be announced soon, no strings attached.

It's not question of how but when and with no ifs and buts attached.
yet india has to decide what they buy still no clear that usa will get it or not becoz russia is pushing india alot after global recasion
don't worry india is not going to buy american combat aircraft. bcoz american companies is completing the main term of the mmrca that is "Full Technology transfer". and i think only saab gripen and russia mig-35 offers for full technology transfer.
india is not going to buy russian aircraft any more so gripen will win mmrca.
Whats the problem anyway if China offers nuclear reactors to Pakistan???..
Its their internal decision and why US will oppose it???.....Its also between US and Pakistan....

This has got nothing to do with MRCA. let teh countries decide what they need to do for themsleves...

We are assisting Turkey in setting up nuclear plant also...so Please dont link this to MRCA, and who ever thinks US will stop China in helping pakistan for Nuclear plant for civil use is wrong....

Its upto Pakistan to decide how they want to use the nuclear fuel and its completely upto them....

my 2 cents
Come on yar Indians have got everything.More Unconventional and Conventional weapons huge army and everything..Still you people have such a small heart that you can't tolerate 2 small nuclear reactors for energy less Pakistan where people even in main cities suffer from 12 hours load shedding.
Come on yar Indians have got everything.More Unconventional and Conventional weapons huge army and everything..Still you people have such a small heart that you can't tolerate 2 small nuclear reactors for energy less Pakistan where people even in main cities suffer from 12 hours load shedding.
I dnt think guy worry about nuclear reactor puting in pak it good coze it will give electricity to local poeple. The main think is that they are not use this into nuk. weapon or any military use
I dnt think guy worry about nuclear reactor puting in pak it good coze it will give electricity to local poeple. The main think is that they are not use this into nuk. weapon or any military use

Even if Pakistan wanted to use the reactors for military purposes it cannot.You absolutely have no Idea of the energy shortage in Pakistan.

People are so angry that they will eat the government alive if it is not able to provide electricity.Just Imagine 1 hour load shedding and 1 hour light and on top of that 50 degree temperatures imagine how would your life be in such a place.

Government knows that if it not able to provide electricity to the people it could be overthrown.So they cannot take the risk for converting a civil Plant to a nuclear one.
This was an oppurtunity for india to buy modern designs and high quality planes with FULL technology transfer(like they never had. example: india itself,russia..).
But yet it could be too costly..
but gaining technology from the most used and the most unnecessary toys.
Could India make them own 5th gen fighter.
Like Turkey did.. They are capable now.
Thats what India should do..
But its up to them what they prefer..
This was an oppurtunity for india to buy modern designs and high quality planes with FULL technology transfer(like they never had. example: india itself,russia..).
But yet it could be too costly..
but gaining technology from the most used and the most unnecessary toys.
Could India make them own 5th gen fighter.
Like Turkey did.. They are capable now.
Thats what India should do..
But its up to them what they prefer..

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