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India will spend $187 mn to double production of the LCA Tejas


Feb 18, 2016
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A proposal for doubling the production rate of India's indigenous Light Combat Aircraft is being processed by the Ministry of Defense. A total of US $187 million will be spent to expand the production line of the LCA.
The infusion of money to upgrade assembly lines will allow HAL to ramp up production of the LCA from the present installed capacity of 8 to 16 aircraft per annum. A proposal in this regard is currently being processed with the Cabinet Committee on Security.
The expenditure of $187 mn will be funded by HAL (50%), Indian Air Force (25%) and the Indian Navy (25%). The timeline for this will be 36 months from the date of sanction.
The LCA is currently undergoing multiple upgrades. A new Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, Beyond Visual Range (BVR) missiles, Air to Air Refueling (AAR) capability and Electronic Warfare (EW) suite are being added to its list of sophisticated hardware.
Full scale production of India’s indigenous Light Combat Aircraft, Tejas is expected to begin next year.

India To Spend $187 Million To Double LCA Production
"]A proposal for doubling the production rate of India's indigenous Light Combat Aircraft is being processed by the Ministry of Defense. A total of US $187 million will be spent to expand the production line of the LCA.
The infusion of money to upgrade assembly lines will allow HAL to ramp up production of the LCA from the present installed capacity of 8 to 16 aircraft per annum. A proposal in this regard is currently being processed with the Cabinet Committee on Security.

The expenditure of $187 mn will be funded by HAL (50%), Indian Air Force (25%) and the Indian Navy (25%).

The timeline for this will be 36 months from the date of sanction.

The LCA is currently undergoing multiple upgrades. A new Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, Beyond Visual Range (BVR) missiles, Air to Air Refueling (AAR) capability and Electronic Warfare (EW) suite are being added to its list of sophisticated hardware.
Full scale production of India’s indigenous Light Combat Aircraft, Tejas is expected to begin next year.

India To Spend $187 Million To Double LCA Production

We are spending billions for a foreign weapon nary ,
here we are thinking, thinking, thinking...
To process millions $ project .....
God save mother India as airforce strength is at the lowest. It's a joke really 16 aircraft per year. Hope soon China attacks I. Did. So some reasonable seriousness in defence prevails. 16 *10 is just 160... Which means of 16 per years from 2016 we could ask 160 Tejas lol..its should be 36 per year so 360 Tejas replace 280 plus miss 21 27 's in 7 to 8 years. Modi socks???
don't you guys think 3 years a little too much????? should've given 2 years
God save mother India as airforce strength is at the lowest. It's a joke really 16 aircraft per year. Hope soon China attacks I. Did. So some reasonable seriousness in defence prevails. 16 *10 is just 160... Which means of 16 per years from 2016 we could ask 160 Tejas lol..its should be 36 per year so 360 Tejas replace 280 plus miss 21 27 's in 7 to 8 years. Modi socks???
Irony for both PAF and IAF too many to retire and yet happy over 16 aircraft per year
God save mother India as airforce strength is at the lowest. It's a joke really 16 aircraft per year. Hope soon China attacks I. Did. So some reasonable seriousness in defence prevails. 16 *10 is just 160... Which means of 16 per years from 2016 we could ask 160 Tejas lol..its should be 36 per year so 360 Tejas replace 280 plus miss 21 27 's in 7 to 8 years. Modi socks???
production rate of 16 per year if enough to fulfill order of 120 tejas on time , 2nd fighter jet will soon be chosen to be made in India either F16In or F18sh to produce 128 planes after 2020 existing su30 production lines will move to FGFA hopefully so picture is not so Grimm by 2025 IAF will have 40+ operational squad strength of 4+ gen planes for sure.
could also buy about 16 F/18 E/Fs from Boeing a year and set up to build 16 of those a year in India in 2/3 years.

thinking buy 64 from Boeing and build 64 in India for 128 aircraft

double the aircraft :coffee: both use the same engine as well.

while increasing purchase of Su-30MKI.

best way to get the amount of fighters needed soon.
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187 million...... whats that? peanuts compared to the amount spent to acquire funds from abroad. Cant we spend more to increase the production capability, arent we looking to replace mig 21's with LCA?
187 million...... whats that? peanuts compared to the amount spent to acquire funds from abroad. Cant we spend more to increase the production capability, arent we looking to replace mig 21's with LCA?

Exactly, if it takes only 187 million $ ,
We should be aiming for another 8, making 24 per year...
Irony for both PAF and IAF too many to retire and yet happy over 16 aircraft per year

This is a joint Indo-Pak conspiracy to deprive their Airforces the much needed fighters.:enjoy:

187 million...... whats that? peanuts compared to the amount spent to acquire funds from abroad. Cant we spend more to increase the production capability, arent we looking to replace mig 21's with LCA?

Exactly, if it takes only 187 million $ ,
We should be aiming for another 8, making 24 per year...

$187 million is the price of 1 RAFALE with weapons, spares and support. :enjoy:
$187 million is the price of 1 RAFALE with weapons, spares and support. :enjoy:
We simply doubt our own capability but start salivating at foreign maal thats the problem. We should set up the assembly line and try to recoup the cost by selling some abroad.
production rate of 16 per year if enough to fulfill order of 120 tejas on time , 2nd fighter jet will soon be chosen to be made in India either F16In or F18sh to produce 128 planes after 2020 existing su30 production lines will move to FGFA hopefully so picture is not so Grimm by 2025 IAF will have 40+ operational squad strength of 4+ gen planes for sure.

With Second fighter jet the RM was refering to the MK-1 Naval replacement.

could also buy about 16 F/18 E/Fs from Boeing a year and set up to build 16 of those a year in India in 2/3 years.

thinking buy 64 from Boeing and build 64 in India for 128 aircraft

double the aircraft :coffee: both use the same engine as well.

while increasing purchase of Su-30MKI.

best way to get the amount of fighters needed soon.

No chance of the US fighter Plane, if the pros are the engine, then the cons are the support infra and weapons comonality, which India don't have. French and Russian would suite though. And by the way after Rafale, MKI, and LCA there won't be much void.
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