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India will have 'super-supercomputer' by 2017

Bhai Zakir

Jun 26, 2012
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India will have 'super-supercomputer' by 2017

NAGPUR: Indian scientists have always responded well to challenges and crises. One such challenge that lies ahead is the development of a 'super-supercomputer' along with USA and China who are already rushing for it. The Indian supercomputer man Vijay Bhatkar, who developed the Param supercomputer when USA denied technology to India, expressed confidence that India would be able to meet this challenge too by 2020. He believes India will become the world's largest economy by 2047 through developments in science and technology.

Bhatkar was speaking at the 56th foundation day programme of National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (Neeri). The idea of Exascale computer (computer with a capability of at least one exaflops -which is thousandfold increase over the first peta-scale computer developed in 2008. One exaflop has a computing ability of a quintillion, 1018, point operations per second.)

The idea of such a computer was first floated in 2009 at the supercomputing conference in 2009. Intel has announced it would develop the computer by 2018. USA has put aside a substantial sum for it while India too has committed $ 2 billion. :woot: :yahoo:Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore are expected to develop a supercomputer with 132.8 exaflops by 2017. :yahoo::argh:

Even granting it is developed by 2020, Bhatkar called upon the environmental scientists and mathematical modelling experts to make extremely precise weather predictions and effects of ongoing climate change in future at regional and national level. Environment science, he said, would be at the centre of all sciences and hence Neeri had a big role to play in future.

Calling upon younger generation of scientists to focus their minds for innovations in all fields, Bhatkar cited examples of innovations like the supercomputer, Apple's gadgets that changed the lives of millions. He said innovations should be capable of being converted into commercial products. Scientists should also innovate for solving people's problems and this, he said, would be possible with the recently announced science technology and innovation policy of the country.

Earlier, in his foundation day address, Neeri director Satish Wate listed the achievements of the institute in past one year. Neeri, after 1992-93, has for the first time generated an earning of over Rs 23 crore from sponsored research projects, an indication of the faith of industry and the people in the institution, he informed. Neeri this year won the prestigious world level award for development of electrolytic deflouridation technology. The institution also started its journey towards upgradation of infrastructure in next five year plan with a financial support of Rs 60 crore, he added.

To mark the occasion, Neeri had put up an exhibition of 70 breakthrough technologies from different laboratories of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in fields of health and medicine, agriculture, water, leather etc for the public and it received good response. The institute also organized a model making competition for schools and college students.

Jaya Sabjiwale compered the programme and Prakash Kumbhare summed up.

Scientists get awards

Continuing its tradition of encouraging scientists for better research, Neeri director Satish Wate gave away prizes to scientist and technical staff for their contributions during the past year. The list of awardees included Nitin Labhsetwar-outstanding senior scientist, Pravin Naoghare-- outstanding junior scientist, C Padmakar-- outstanding technical officer, V M Kulkarni, outstanding technician, Vandana Cinthray--outstanding office personnel, Sharvari Deshmukh- outstanding young researcher, and Piyush Mahore-outstanding project personnel.

Awards were also given to best performance by various departments. These included Environmental Materials Division for best publications, Environmental Biotechnology Division for an international patent (which went to D B Satpute and D M Dharmadhikari), and Environmental Impact Risk Assessment division for maximum earning from extra budgetary resource and Water Technology and Management Division for electro-deflouridation technology.

India will have 'super-supercomputer' by 2017 - Times Of India
in logon se ek Operating System nahin develop hua, super duper computer bayenge ! Woh bhi 2017 tak ! MMRCA sign kar lo wohi bahut hia !
So Indians are inspired by this type of reporting?

Or they are habitually cheated by this type of nonsense?

China is aiming for 1 exaflop before 2020,so is the US,both with funds in billions of dollars。

Yet India,which has practically no experience in supercomputing,is already claiming 132.8 exaflops by 2017.:omghaha:

Stop talking,start acting。Now!

Show us a petaflop computer first。:no:?
Your brain is as big as you are,which is really small :mamba:
Here is another fact,
China is waiting for USA to develop technology for supercomputer,so when its finished,China can HACK it and claim the prize.Shame on you.You need to stop claiming technology that you take from back doors.Brainless fart.:blah::blah:
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So Indians are inspired by this type of reporting?

Or they are habitually cheated by this type of nonsense?

China is aiming for 1 exaflop before 2020,so is the US,both with funds in billions of dollars。

Yet India,which has practically no experience in supercomputing,is already claiming 132.8 exaflops by 2017.:omghaha:

Stop talking,start acting。Now!

Show us a petaflop computer first。:no:?


on topic: well its kinda unachievable according to present time by 2017....but by 2020 its def within range....only prob with such supercomputers are the cooling tech and power required....for exascale computing....i think nuclear power is the only way out....what say people??
The only question is....

Will India need such a supercomputer? which is for use not for chest thumping and Bollywood show. Money can be spared to improve health hear for the poor. 2Billion is huge money.
The only question is....

Will India need such a supercomputer? which is for use not for chest thumping and Bollywood show. Money can be spared to improve health hear for the poor. 2Billion is huge money.

Right from simulating weather, snooping on terror data and terrorists to simulating Nuclear explosions we need a good super computer.

Same old tunes like poor etc..etc.. donot make any difference since India is doing well in lifting poor.
once again, typical indian boasting with little to no substance.

China had the world's fastest super computer in 2010, it was shortly overtaken by Japan, then USA overtook Japan thereafter. China just released Tianhe-2, twice as fast as the previous world no1. Indian with no solid knowledge of how to even approach a system even within the same league as the current forerunner of super computer thinks investment will = return, tell that to your failure of engine / fighter jet programs.

Baby steps India, by 2017 instead of a super computer India should aim to build a power grid that can support any super computer without the constant failures. Newer super computers are already pushing for their own powerplants.
Why not? if the chinese can do it with their stealing and copy paste technology, any body can.

the chinese take their acronym seriously, the real meaning of CCP is - Cheat, Copy and Paste. lol.
frankly,a country with tiny electronic industry is hard to make any voice in the world super computer club ,for it's not as easy game as to pile up some codes
NO need by our Chinese mates here around to take cheap shots at India's supercomputing.

India's supercomputer is placed at 36th rank (in the new list) and having speed of about 750 tflop, so when the our dear Chinese member (i really mean dear) who are saying the India does not have experience in supercomputing is void. This is notify that PARAM 8000 was 4th fastest in the world at its time.

About the claim 132 exaflop is something which is am not convinced with.

It may be 132 Petaflop... The major barrier for even this milestone is cooling system and huge power supply.

There may be some typo error in setting the milestone by Indian agencies for sure..

Regarding China: It has lot many goals to acheive in supercomputing and Japan and US surely have a significant competitor in the field. Though what i have written previously, the biggest achievement China would gather when they power their Supercomp by their homemade chips... Currently they are using US made Chips...

frankly,a country with tiny electronic industry is hard to make any voice in the world super computer club ,for it's not as easy game as to pile up some codes

true....but its not hard to make any voice....entering the supercomputing club is not as difficult....mostly ready made chips are procured by india...but yes...electronics industry is an integral part
The only question is....

Will India need such a supercomputer? which is for use not for chest thumping and Bollywood show. Money can be spared to improve health hear for the poor. 2Billion is huge money.

remote sensing and weather modeling- unlike you we actually have one of the biggest rs clusters in the world, we can us it for things beyond chest thumping- you can't
when the first supercomputer was built by india....indians themselves didnt believe it was a supercomputer coz it was too small...Dr. Vijay Bhatkar went to geneva to standardize that supercomputer....and then every1 started praising
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