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India ups the ante on China


Feb 7, 2009
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India ups the ante on China
Rahul Datta | New Delhi
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Centre okays raising of 2 mountain divisions
In a major decision aimed at countering the growing threats from China, the Government has sanctioned raising of two mountain divisions (20,000 troops) to be deployed on the India-China border. Taking the urgency of the situation into account, the Government has lifted a 37-year-old freeze on making fresh recruitment for the China-centric mountain division.

The Army was raising new units in the last 25 years from within its existing sanctioned troop strength. One division has about 10,000 men.

At present, the Army has two divisions and the sanction for two more divisions will help the Army plug all operational gaps and help it defend its eastern and western borders and wage two-front war if need be.

The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) recently gave the go-ahead to the Army to raise two more mountain divisions, sources said here on Friday. The Government has also decided to speed up the process to procure specialised weaponry needed for mountain warfare.

China was rapidly modernising its armed forces and strengthening the infrastructure all along the 4,500-km Line of Actual Control(LAC). Acknowledging the fact that China’s preparedness was better, India took a series of steps like improving road network in States like Arunachal Pradesh and raising specialised mountain divisions, sources said.

They, however, claimed that these mountain divisions would be trained to fight a two-front war simultaneously with China and Pakistan as the Army was now capable of rapidly transferring troops from one theatre to another at a very short notice.

Elaborating upon the decision to remove the cap on fresh recruitments, sources said the Army raised the first two divisions from within its existing resources. It stretched the Army’s resources and realising its adverse impact on preparedness, the Government allowed additional recruitments.

With the hike in sanctioned manpower strength, the Army would now have more elbow room to rapidly raise the two divisions and train them in the shortest possible time. Moreover, the Government asked the Army to hasten the process of procuring Howitzer guns aptly suited for mountain warfare.

The Army planned to go in for more than 200 Howitzer guns which can be carried on horse back or in helicopters to the remotest posts in the rugged mountain terrain in Jammu & Kashmir and North-East.

The guns were likely to procured through the foreign military sale (FMS) route from the US, sources said.

Incidentally, the new Army chief General VK Singh said on Thursday infrastructure development in border States facing China was “slightly behind” and the Government was giving due attention to this fact.

Stating that China was not only focusing on modernising its armed forces in Tibet and the stress was now on making Chinese soldiers operate in a digitised battlefield. Giving reasons for slow pace of infrastructure development on the Indian side, he said the terrain was “friendly” on the Chinese side as it was a plateau. However, the terrain was mountainous on our side thereby making it all the more difficult for fast road building, he said.

The Pioneer > Online Edition : >> India ups the ante on China
More orders for western weapons companies.

Google's NE border-map scare-mongering was successful.
:rofl: O Rly? :rofl:

I wish Bharat does something stupid, then it'll give us valid reason to neuter this cow once and for all. :)

MOD EDIT: be careful when choosing words next time or ull be sent back to bharat rakshak

I am pretty careful what I say. Try to be as vigil when some of your countryman make similar remarks and since you did not comment to his post tells the story.

Live long and prosper .. \\//
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Guys, India and China are friends.

I am starting to hate all these warmongers on both sides of the border who portray India and China as enemies and refuse to move beyond a war which took place 5 decades ago (that too because of idiot Nehru).

So, raise your mountain divisions, buy more Sukhois, and light tanks and artillery. India and China will still continue to remain friends and this relationship will grow even further. We have lived next to each other peacefully for several centuries and no mountain range in Tibet can separate us two.
:rofl: O Rly? :rofl:

I wish Bharat does something stupid, then it'll give us valid reason to neuter this cow once and for all. :)

I thought you had a specific interest in dogs as you are not much of a cow lover ... Eat dog food, drink Chinese milk and sleep tight.
War between India and China is not happening trust me, what I see going forward is India will get closer to China like USA and hence Pakistan will lose it's leverage on China. It is started and it is none stoppable. I hope the soon some people realize that building military does not make you strong but building economics does.
Well we are preparing to have some pork chops with soya sauce

I thought you had a specific interest in dogs as you are not much of a cow lover ... Eat dog food, drink Chinese milk and sleep tight.

I agree. that it was started by SinoIndusFriendship but he dint abuse if cow is an abuse in India i dint know that !!!!

Better everyone be civilized.

just a question. If pork chops was used for Pakistanis then who would be a Dog food when it is Pk to eat !!!!!!!!!

I think moderators should take some action against these three guys.:pdf:
War between India and China is not happening trust me, what I see going forward is India will get closer to China like USA and hence Pakistan will lose it's leverage on China. It is started and it is none stoppable. I hope the soon some people realize that building military does not make you strong but building economics does.

Building military was not our preferred choice, its our need and we still have a very limited budget. The more imbalance is in military power the more higher hand would India have in diplomacy.

Pakistan has a times smaller army less equipment and is placing far far less orders for military hardware than India and India is not leaving a single opportunity to damage us diplomatically. Imagine what would India have done if we had not spend this much on defense. :pakistan:

Just take an example of current 100$ Billion deal of India affecting Pakistani purchases badly not only that even our WOT support from USA had to face tough diplomatic conditions.
its mostly indians who talk about about peace in indo chinese relations, not many chinese talk about brotherly love with india, because they know they have the upper hand.
its mostly indians who talk about about peace in indo chinese relations, not many chinese talk about brotherly love with india, because they know they have the upper hand.

On the 60th anniversary of bilateral relations between the two countries, it was China which labeled its "relationship with India as one of its most important bilateral ties" and expressed intention to move beyond the border dispute.

China, India not opponents but partners: Chinese Premier

So, get your facts right and stop trolling.
On the 60th anniversary of bilateral relations between the two countries, it was China which labeled its "relationship with India as one of its most important bilateral ties" and expressed intention to move beyond the border dispute.

China, India not opponents but partners: Chinese Premier

So, get your facts right and stop trolling.

Ruag, I tend to agree with r3alist. Indians go out of their way to make everyone know China has the upper hand. Today if the two countries throw everything into war, China will lose a lot but India will be left with nothing.

China can't afford it and India should not think of it. But if the balance tilts ever more in favour of China, then rest assured, we can expect some misadventure from out Chinese brothers.
Of course there isn't going to be any peace between the two nations. Only a week ago, Hu Jintao announced friendship between China and India and now look what the Indians are doing :D :D. I say we shouldn't trust India and just destroy it and set up the Communist Party of India while we're at it right now.
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