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India, U.S. closer to pact to share military logistics: officials

Nov 8, 2015
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India and the United States are closing in on an agreement to share military logistics after 12 years of talks, officials said, a sign of strengthening defense ties between the countries as China becomes increasingly assertive.

The United States has emerged as India’s top arms source after years of dominance by Russia, and holds more joint exercises with it than any other country.It is in talks with New Delhi to help build its largest aircraft carrier in the biggest military collaboration to date, a move that will bolster the Indian navy’s strength as China expands its reach in the Indian Ocean.

After years of foot-dragging by previous governments over fears that the logistics agreement would draw India into a binding commitment to support the United States in war, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration has signaled a desire to move ahead with the Logistics Support Agreement (LSA).

That would allow the two militaries to use each other’s land, air and naval bases for resupplies, repair and rest, officials said.

Admiral Harry Harris, head of the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Command, said the two sides were working on the LSA, another agreement called the CISMOA for secure communications when the militaries operate together, and a third on exchange of topographical, nautical, and aeronautical data.

“We have not gotten to the point of signing them with India, but I think we’re close,” Harris, due in India this week, told the U.S. House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday.

The progress comes as the countries consider joint maritime patrols that a U.S. official said could include the South China Sea, where China is locked in a territorial dispute with Vietnam, the Philippines and Taiwan among others.

Both sides, though, said there were no immediate plans for such patrols, which drew strong condemnation from Beijing.

An Indian government official said the main impediment to signing the LSA had been cleared, after Washington gave an assurance that New Delhi was not bound by it if the U.S. went to war with a friendly country or undertook any other unilateral action that New Delhi did not support.

“It has been clarified that it will be done on a case-to-case basis; it’s not automatic that either side will get access to facilities in the case of war,” the official familiar with the negotiations said.

India’s previous center-left government was worried the agreements would undermine India’s strategic autonomy and that it would draw it into an undeclared military alliance with the United States.

Concerns linger over the proposed communications agreement, with some branches of the military including the air force fearing it would allow the United States to access their communications network.

U.S. officials said they hoped that once the logistics agreement was signed, the others would follow.

A U.S. defense industry source engaged in business in India said there were expectations the LSA could be sealed by the time U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter visited New Delhi in April.

The source said Modi’s office was directly involved in the matter and actively considering the agreements as a key for enhanced cooperation.

India has been alarmed by Chinese naval forays into the Indian Ocean and its involvement in maritime infrastructure on island nations that it traditionally considered its back yard.

It has moved to shore up naval forces and build defense ties with Japan and Vietnam, besides the United States.

“There is growing convergence between Obama’s Asia pivot and Modi’s Act East policy,” said Saroj Bishoyi, an expert on the proposed India-U.S. collaboration at the government-funded Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses in New Delhi.

“The LSA currently appears to be a doable agreement.”
Trust the Americans, but most importantly verify their intentions on the ground.

Americans are smart operators, hope prime minister is taking all the necessary precautions which doesn't drag India in any Americas ill fated schemes.
That would allow the two militaries to use each other’s land, air and naval bases for resupplies, repair and rest, officials said.

Off the top of it this sounds huge.

This is what the article says,

An Indian government official said the main impediment to signing the LSA had been cleared, after Washington gave an assurance that New Delhi was not bound by it if the U.S. went to war with a friendly country or undertook any other unilateral action that New Delhi did not support.

“It has been clarified that it will be done on a case-to-case basis; it’s not automatic that either side will get access to facilities in the case of war,” the official familiar with the negotiations said.

Those are the safe guards we need.

This is what the article says,

An Indian government official said the main impediment to signing the LSA had been cleared, after Washington gave an assurance that New Delhi was not bound by it if the U.S. went to war with a friendly country or undertook any other unilateral action that New Delhi did not support.

“It has been clarified that it will be done on a case-to-case basis; it’s not automatic that either side will get access to facilities in the case of war,” the official familiar with the negotiations said.

Those are the safe guards we need.
Yeah just few seconds late :D

However what's the point of LSR as we both will keep denying each-other for access. I will not shy away and say it as it is China centric and the game is on.
If only more Americans realized how full of hate, scorn, and ridicule, for our country most Indians feel, this would never happen. I know I will work politically to make sure it doesn’t or limit it. Spending some time on PDF would cure them of any notions of American-Indian cooperation or friendship.
If only more Americans realized how full of hate, scorn, and ridicule, for our country most Indians feel, this would never happen. I know I will work politically to make sure it doesn’t or limit it. Spending some time on PDF would cure them of any notions of American-Indian cooperation or friendship.
It seems your hate for India is eminent too and reason must generate from your personal life. Also you can do jack about anything but keep rambling in forums. :D
If only more Americans realized how full of hate, scorn, and ridicule, for our country most Indians feel, this would never happen. I know I will work politically to make sure it doesn’t or limit it. Spending some time on PDF would cure them of any notions of American-Indian cooperation or friendship.

We do not hate Americans. We just do not trust them enough in the strategic military space.

Co-operation and friendship is not built on defence. It is based on the number of Indians who travel to the US, make it their home and carry back good views of the country. Same goes for Americans, who I have had the good fortune of working with. They work hard and are driven by results. Traits that we try to pick up to a certain extent. They also tend to be more culturally sensitive than our strategic allies in defence, namely Russia, Israel and France.

This forum is relevant to defence. And for historic reasons, we do not trust the American military. For God's sake, we do not trust the Russian or Israeli military either. Its just us. You are welcome to be friends. But, expecting us to forward an agenda, which we believe is not in our interest is pushing it.
If only more Americans realized how full of hate, scorn, and ridicule, for our country most Indians feel, this would never happen. I know I will work politically to make sure it doesn’t or limit it. Spending some time on PDF would cure them of any notions of American-Indian cooperation or friendship.


Time is not on your side.

The current Indian Govt very keen developing ties with USA.

How far Indo-US ties can reach will depend on coming elections. Republicans are very aggressive on improving ties and Democrats won't be ignoring India either.
It seems your hate for India is eminent too and reason must generate from your personal life.
Nope, I learned it right here on PDF from your brother Indian posters.

You are welcome to be friends.
I refuse to be friends with people who slander, insult, and ridicule, my country at every turn. I know better now than to ever trust an Indian with my country's trust.

Time is not on your side.
Maybe not, but my ability to influence politics is, and I have learned well here.
If only more Americans realized how full of hate, scorn, and ridicule, for our country most Indians feel, this would never happen. I know I will work politically to make sure it doesn’t or limit it. Spending some time on PDF would cure them of any notions of American-Indian cooperation or friendship.

There's an equal number who like America. But they are the ones who don't know much about American-Indian animosity or American foreign policy.

But there is scope for change. As always, the ball has always been in the American court.

I don't think general public Americans know that India has very close ties with Iran, Myanmar and North Korea.

for our country

But I think this would be wrong. "For our government" would be more apt. People-to-people and business relations between America and India are top notch.
don't think general public Americans know that India has very close ties with Iran, Myanmar and North Korea.
I don't think Americans know, as I said, of the deep hatred, hostility, scorn, and ridicule, that such a great number of Indians feel for America. If they did, any pact with India as posited by this thread, would probably not happen. I hope more Americas will learn this.
If only more Americans realized how full of hate, scorn, and ridicule, for our country most Indians feel, this would never happen. I know I will work politically to make sure it doesn’t or limit it. Spending some time on PDF would cure them of any notions of American-Indian cooperation or friendship.

No. Indians do not hate US. Forget about US, Indians do not even hate British who colonized India for centuries and some thank British for getting India freedom from the tyrannical kings. You are probably a American of Pakistani origin. Hence this stance.
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