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India to lose 10,000 acres in land swap deal with Bangladesh


May 10, 2010
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India to lose 10,000 acres in land swap deal with Bangladesh

India to lose 10,000 acres in land swap deal with Bangladesh

NDTV Correspondent, Updated: February 09, 2011 10:22 IST

New Delhi: India and Bangladesh are gearing up to solve a protracted cross-border land conflict. Both nations are preparing for a land swap of enclaves or pieces of land which lie in each other's territories.

These enclaves are pieces of land that the Maharaja of Cooch Behar and Rangpur won or lost in gambling and have existed since 1947. But, soon after Bangladesh's liberation in 1971, a pact was drawn between New Delhi and Dhaka for exchange of these territories.

India has 111 enclaves or nearly 17,000 acres of land within Bangladesh.

Bangladesh, meanwhile, has 51 enclaves or 7,000 acres within India.

Since India has more land in Bangladesh than Bangladesh has in India, India is going to lose about 10,000 acres of land.

Hence, the Centre will have to approach the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) to get clearance for the execution of the land treaty with Bangladesh.

The two nations will also undertake a headcount of residents in these enclaves, a first since 1971. Officials from the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and the Registrar General of India will go the enclaves in Bangladesh for this exercise and representatives from Bangladesh will visit the enclaves in India. The residents of the enclaves on both sides of the border will then be given the option to decide which country they want to live in.

Currently, neither the police nor developmental agencies can enter these enclaves on either side of the border. As a result, these territories are grossly-underdeveloped, lacking in basic infrastructure and education facilities.

Hence, the land swap will be hugely beneficial for the people residing in these particular enclaves with access to better amenities, services and policing.

More importantly, the land swap is expected to de-escalate India's border conflict with Bangladesh and help improve overall ties between the two neighbours.

The Home Minister is expected to visit Bangladesh soon to formalise the land swap.

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why such a big hue and cry from the bhartis... when few days back a thread was opened with the title BSF has stolen 500 acre of bd land then soem bhartis even came up with saying we have personally more land then 500 acre... and India is a big country ... why should India take such a small amount of land and blah blah blah... so just give up this 10000 acre instead of such hue and cry...

Bd government should seek more bigger prize... which is currently at the NE side of bangladesh... BD government should make intimate relation with the NE Indian bengali population those who are oppressed and about to become majority and has ancestors from present day Bangladesh... BD government should give the sense that whatever happen bd is always at their side... A new era will be established... when bengalis will be majority in NE India....:smokin:
This is grossly misleading title. Bangladesh had been owner of these land since 1974 treaty was signed. India did not do handover these land all these years. In fact Bangladesh should ask india to handover revenue generated from these land for over 36 years.
Why this swap, anyway? Most of Indian enclaves in BD are without Indians living there. And all the Bangladeshi enclaves within Indian territory are inhabited by our people. The best solution is we get corridor to our enclaves, and they get corridors to their enclaves.

This is how BD will be gainer. Because, Indians do not like to live in enclaves inside Bangladesh, and so their lands will be continously controlled/tilted by our people. So, in reality these will remain our territory, albeit, without recognition by India. Even if we allow corridors for civilians, but not IA or BSF, Indians will not come and live in these enclaves. So, essentially these will remain our property.

I think, because of the reasons above and the ground reality that BD and India will not be able to come to terms in the near future, therefore, I propose no swappings, but, a provision of corridors.

One more thing. The main news contains a major mistake. The issue did not start with the gambling habits of Maharajas. Rather, the issue started sometime in 1580s, when Issa Khan Afghan (Chief among many Chieftains of Bengal, we fondly say Baro Bhuiyan) was the de facto ruler of entire Bengal.
^^^such as ? If you are speaking geographically we have only two neighbors, India and Myanmar. In the subcontinent we have no problems with srilanka,nepal,bhutan,pakistan(for the time being),china(least problem). If there weren't any border with India it would have been better but thats not the case. Anyways live with it.

Still corridors would have been a better idiea. As the people living over there will sundeenly become bangladeshi and vice versa. Which for obvious reasons isn't the right thing to do. It's like someone living in Ponchogarh suddenly becomes Indian which shouldn be cool for him at all.
@roy_gourov: Look at mirror. Why do u have hostile neighbor all around you.

Your name does look like u r a Indian-Bengali [not a pure bengali], u too have issues with Gorkhaland. So, Inside/outside u r crippled with dissatisfaction.
If you look at the image of the conclaves they are all spread out. Giving corridor would end up looking like joining the dot game. Besides I think people inhabiting those enclaves get to choose which country they want to live in.
@roy_gourov: Look at mirror. Why do u have hostile neighbor all around you.

Your name does look like u r a Indian-Bengali [not a pure bengali], u too have issues with Gorkhaland. So, Inside/outside u r crippled with dissatisfaction.

Lmao nah bro relax am not Bengali. Although I am getting engaged to a Bangladeshi girl end of this year, can i be pure now?:lol:

India is on good terms with Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, thats 4 out of 7 neighbors. Whereas Bangladesh has two neighbors and bad relations with both of them.
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