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India to launch spy satellite Thursday!

I agree keep it up. make an self sufficient military industry.
a strong India is a MUST, you're needed to counter USA as a only superpower.
you have my backing :cheers:
Thanks mate. Every contry should try to be self sufficient. Every citizen contributes to it. Regarding counter USA, as an Indian i dont think it is our goal. Our goal to achive enough prosparity so that each and every countrymen can have a decent life and we should be powerfull enough so that every contry in the world will like to have a peacefull relation with us and no one willl dare to fight with us, wether it is todays superpower US or some other super power of future.



Now we are self reliant in making the spy satellites,now the large areas of our hostile regions will be in our radar.How much is the life span of this satellite??
All the best ISRO and DRDO for your further projects.

Not just spy sats bud, we're also underway to a couple of space-based radars that are put into
orbit just like a satellite, but these are for future, so lets settle for spy sats for now:D
Eagerly looking forward for RISAT -1s launch...Go ISRO Go...You always make us proud

All the Best
Wonder if it will be televised as RISAT-2 launch was the first to not be televised (security reasons).
I think we need to set up a separate defence entity of ISRO and DRDO which will focus on defence. There are two strong lobbyist of civilian use of space in ISRO, this end up delaying all the defence projects....the dedicated satellites of all the 3 services are delayed, this RISAT 1 is also delayed and IRNSS is also delayed...in sort all defence related satellite launches are delayed by atleast 2-3 years.
when it'll be launched????any plan about another party in PDF after launch??? :D :D :D
India to launch satellite to monitor border

NEW DELHI: India proposes to launch Radar Imaging Satellite (Risat-1) with cloud penetrating capability for imaging various parts of the country, including border areas, the Lok Sabha was informed Wednesday.

Replying to a question, Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office V. Narayanasamy said that Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is also planning to launch a geo-imaging satellite (Gisat) to provide near real time pictures of large areas of the country.

"The Gisat will provide the pictures of the areas of interest on near real time basis. That is, selected sector-wise imaging every five minutes and entire Indian landmass every 30 minutes at 50 metre spatial resolution," he said.

With 5.47 a.m. Thursday set for the blast-off of Risat-1 into space, the Indian space agency is fuelling the rocket's second stage with liquid propellant.

"The major activity today (Wednesday) is the filling up of the liquid fuel in the rocket's second stage. The countdown is progressing well and every system in the rocket is normal," a source in the ISRO told IANS in Chennai.

The indigenous Risat-1 with a life span of five years would be used for disaster prediction and agriculture forestry, and the high resolution pictures and microwave imaging could also be used for defence purposes.

The rocket is ready to escape the Earth's gravity to put India's heaviest microwave satellite, Risat-1, weighing 1,858 kg at an altitude of 480 km at an inclination of 97.552 degree, ISRO sources said.

India to launch satellite to monitor border - The Economic Times
^^ Isn't it too much details for public domain ?

Not really, India is an open democracy and one of the reasons no one has too much of any issue with ICBM tests and the like is because India is so open about it space and missile programs and nothing classified has been disclosed. Now if ISRO/NRTO started giving technical specs of the SAR or coverage then it would be too far but just saying they are launching and when is nothing. Will be interesting if it is televised though as RISAT-2 was the very first launch by ISRO that wasn't televised.
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