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India sees Pakistani hand in North Korea’s nuclear test

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Reminds me of a punjabi cliche' "Kaheen kaheen naal per billi noon dahi naal”

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - An Israeli businessman accused of being a middleman in the nuclear black market worked to supply not only Pakistan but also its archrival India, court records indicate.

South Africa-based Asher Karni faces felony charges of exporting nuclear bomb triggers to Pakistan. But court files in the case also include e-mail exchanges between Karni and an Indian businessman who was trying secretly to buy material for two Indian rocket factories.
``Be careful to avoid any reference to the customer name,'' warned one message from Karni's Indian contact, Raghavendra ``Ragu'' Rao of Foretek Marketing (Pvt.) Ltd.

The messages offer a rare glimpse into such dealings. Federal prosecutors filed them in court as part of their attempts to persuade a judge to keep Karni behind bars before his trial.

After conferring with U.S. Magistrate Judge Alan Kay on Thursday, lawyers for both sides agreed to postpone a bond hearing for Karni until next Tuesday. L. Barrett Boss, one of Karni's lawyers, declined comment after the hearing.

Karni, 50, has pleaded innocent. Federal agents arrested him on New Year's Day when he arrived in Denver for a ski vacation.

Authorities accuse Karni of using front companies and falsified documents to buy nuclear bomb triggers in the United States and ship them to Pakistan.

The United States is pressuring Pakistan to shut down the black-market network it used to supply its nuclear weapons program and in turn to supply Iran, North Korea and Libya with nuclear technology. A key scientist in Pakistan's nuclear program, Abdul Qadeer Khan, said this month that he ran the network but insisted Pakistan's government was not involved.

Rao's e-mails from India ask Karni to procure three kinds of high-tech equipment while concealing that they were meant for the two rocket labs. The United States restricts exports of missile-related material to the two organizations, the Liquid Propulsion Systems Center and the Vikram Sarabhai Space Center.

An August 2002 e-mail from Rao to Karni warns Karni to conceal the final customer of an accelerometer to the LPSC, noting its export is restricted because of its ``possibility of being used in guidance systems for missiles.''

Rao did not respond to AP e-mails seeking comment Thursday.

Prosecutors said they found his e-mails while searching a laptop computer and six computer discs Karni had when he was arrested.

The court files also include records of other deals Karni made with his contact in Pakistan, Humayun Khan of the company Pakland PME. One involved Khan's urgent request last May for Karni to buy infrared sensors for AIM-9L Sidewinder missiles - which Pakistan uses on its F-16 fighter planes for air-to-air combat.
While it is unclear whether that deal went through, the request shows Karni must have known Khan had ties to the Pakistani military, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jay Bratt argued in court documents.

Another deal which apparently was completed was Humayun Khan's request for a sophisticated oscilloscope, a measuring device that could be used in nuclear weapons programs. For that deal, the documents indicate, Karni used the same U.S. intermediary he used for the bomb triggers: Giza Technologies Inc. of Seacaucus, N.J.

In an August e-mail to Giza head Zeki Bilmen, Karni said he had a ``new project'' for Giza. ``It is very important that they will not know it is coming to S.A. (South Africa),'' Karni wrote.

Karni in May had asked the oscilloscope maker, Tektronix Inc., if he could buy an oscilloscope for Pakistan, but the company told him to ask for a U.S. export license first, court records indicate. There is no indication Karni contacted Tektronix directly again.

Bilmen has declined comment. Neither he nor his company have been charged, though Bratt wrote that agents searched Giza's offices in December at the same time South African police raided Karni's offices in Cape Town.

The criminal case against Karni centers on his efforts to buy devices called triggered spark gaps from PerkinElmer Optoelectronics of Salem, Mass. The devices can be used in machines to break up kidney stones, but exports are restricted because they also are key to triggering nuclear detonations.

A PerkinElmer representative in France rebuffed Karni's efforts to buy spark gaps last spring, saying Karni had to certify they would not be used in nuclear weapons. Khan urged Karni to try harder, writing in an e-mail: ``I know it is difficult but that's why we came to know each other.''

Karni then used Giza as a front to buy 66 spark gaps from PerkinElmer, prosecutors allege.

Giza said on shipping documents the spark gaps were destined for a South African hospital, but Karni repackaged them and sent them on to Pakistan, court documents allege.

A court filing from Karni's Colorado lawyers includes a letter purportedly from the Pakistani user of the triggers, saying they had been sent to ``Agha Khan Foundation University & Hospitals'' in Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

The Aga Khan Foundation does not have any hospitals in Sri Lanka, however. Its hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, has only one of the kidney stone treatment machines. PerkinElmer executives told U.S. authorities that even the largest hospital would need only two or three of the triggers for a kidney treatment center, not dozens of them.

02/19/04 16:54 EST
Can anyone tell me what was the content of the CD which was taken to NK by BB?
History says who is trusted and who cant be trusted..... (if you are talking in the context of india pak i can agree with you... but you are not).....US trusted you very well before and now entire world knows how much trust is there between US the non nato ally.....

Btw India wont trust US and US wont trust india... But we will work together.....

US-Pak relations have been always like that their CIA always spoiled the entire milk pot but at the end they ended trusting ONLY Pakistan.

This time too. But US can not trust India like that. simple as that
Another crying indian, keep on crying little indian friend, no body is gonna take any notice ;)

It does more damage now than ever my little Pakistani friend, no one disputes Pakistan's proliferation record so no one questions this to.
Indo-Iran nuke cooperation confirmed

DM Monitoring

NEW DELHI—Investigations have confirmed that Dr. YSR Parsad, former Chairman of Nuclear Corporation of India, took up an assignment in Iran after his retirement in July 2000 and helped Iran in building up technical and physical infrastructure for its nuclear power plants.

In addition to this, the Indian media has also confirmed the exchange of scientists between India and Iran in the past. The revelation has come at a critical time, because presently Iran is under great pressure from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to prove to it that Iran's nuclear programme is a peaceful one.
Iran has already declared that its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes and has promised to provide fullest support to the IAEA inspectors. India on the other hand had created a problem for Iran, by first assisting it then

admitting about its support through media. The motive behind this Indian move is to create a rift between the Islamic world, because Pakistan has the nuclear capability and is a declared nuclear weapon state, but she abides by all the international norms regarding the transfer of the nuclear technology, which is prohibited under international law.

It has also been discovered that the scientists who assisted Iran, were picked up by President Abdul Kalam, who himself a top Indian scientist, and went there with his personal recommendation. This proves the direct involvement of the Indian President in Iran's nuclear programme.

Top Indian nuclear expert helped Iran develop power plant: report
Pakistan imprint in North
Korean nuclear test
13 February 2013 , By Sandeep
Benazir was a key player in
furthering clandestine linkages
India seized on two
developments at the Conference
on Disarmament to draw
attention to the close links
between North Korea and
Pakistan in developing nuclear
With the U.N. disarmament
forum taking up the issues of
North Korea’s surprise nuclear
test and Pakistan restating its
opposition to the Fissile
Material Cut-off Treaty, sources
here drew attention to the close
links between the two countries
that enabled Pyongyang to
proceed further on the
weaponisation route.
If indeed uranium was used in
the nuclear explosion, the
sources said, Pakistan’s imprint
was more than visible. As The
Hindu earlier reported, the
former Pakistan Prime
Minister, Benazir Bhutto, was a
key player in furthering
clandestine nuclear linkages
between Islamabad and
Pyongyang by personally taking
compact discs to and from
North Korea.
According to a book by her
Oxford collegemate and
journalist Shyam Bhatia, who
subsequently kept in regular
touch with her, North Korea
offered to provide Pakistan
long-range missiles to offset its
imbalance with India’s
integrated guided missile
development programme then
led by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
In the controversial book
Goodbye Shahzadi, Mr. Bhatia
says that by 1993, Pakistan was
under the spotlight as never
before (on bartering
enrichment technology for
missiles), with Russia, India
and western secret services
monitoring every nuance of its
military research.
“This was where Benazir came
in useful. As she was due to
visit North Korea at the end of
1993, she was asked and readily
agreed to carry critical nuclear
data on her person and hand it
over on arrival in
Pyongyang…..The gist of what
she told me was that before
leaving Islamabad she shopped
for an overcoat with the
deepest possible pockets into
which she transferred CDs
containing the scientific data
about uranium which the
North Korean wanted.”
This narration was not reported
by Mr. Bhatia till her
assassination. Benazir was
never to repeat that
conversation whenever tape
recorders were in sight and she
always insisted during on-
record interviews that the
North Korean missile was
acquired in a cash deal and
unaccompanied by a quid pro
quo in the form of transfer of
technology, according to Mr.
While the sources dwelt on the
North Korea-Pakistan missile-
for-nuclear weapons links, the
reaction from the Ministry for
External Affairs was much
milder than that from the
European Union and the rest of
the West.
The External Affairs Ministry
said the latest nuclear test was
a matter of deep concern with
North Korea acting in violation
of its international
commitments in this regard.
“We call upon DPRK to refrain
from such actions which
adversely impact on peace and
stability in the region,” it said.

PA never threatened India with any operations/ surgical strikes where as your side has twice and failed to walk the walk.

Your military speakers have honestly become a joke taken seriously by no one, not even by you at heart

They could not threaten because they simply cannot, whereas we could but the Political leadership aint got the balls.

Defeating the agressor two times and dividing once is a good enough track record. I bet its no joke for your generals too, only for fanyboys :)
Yah, it is also clear that India was never so advanced in technology when it readily tested nuclear explosion in 1970's. So early when this technology was very rare, limited to just big powers. Logic says that India took (or rather they gave) this technology and it test its first explosion. Then they judged for many years the behaviour of India and gave more "facilitations" to have a few more nukes.

If ever Pakistan wanted to proliferate this technology it would have a far better choices than North Korea. It is part of regional or world strategy rather than a simple take and give relationship. Who ever says that it is a barter system trade of missiles and nukes between Pakistan and North Korea he is totally mistaken. Things are not so simple.
Indo-Iran nuke cooperation confirmed

DM Monitoring

NEW DELHI—Investigations have confirmed that Dr. YSR Parsad, former Chairman of Nuclear Corporation of India, took up an assignment in Iran after his retirement in July 2000 and helped Iran in building up technical and physical infrastructure for its nuclear power plants.

In addition to this, the Indian media has also confirmed the exchange of scientists between India and Iran in the past. The revelation has come at a critical time, because presently Iran is under great pressure from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to prove to it that Iran's nuclear programme is a peaceful one.
Iran has already declared that its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes and has promised to provide fullest support to the IAEA inspectors. India on the other hand had created a problem for Iran, by first assisting it then

admitting about its support through media. The motive behind this Indian move is to create a rift between the Islamic world, because Pakistan has the nuclear capability and is a declared nuclear weapon state, but she abides by all the international norms regarding the transfer of the nuclear technology, which is prohibited under international law.

It has also been discovered that the scientists who assisted Iran, were picked up by President Abdul Kalam, who himself a top Indian scientist, and went there with his personal recommendation. This proves the direct involvement of the Indian President in Iran's nuclear programme.

Top Indian nuclear expert helped Iran develop power plant: report

Irrelevant post Madam ji !!
If you havent noticed then this thread is about NK and PK
lol @ Spring Onion's sources - spacewar.com . Does she writes for that site? :lol:

and it seems she was fired from dailymailnews as the article no longer exists there..
US-Pak relations have been always like that their CIA always spoiled the entire milk pot but at the end they ended trusting ONLY Pakistan.

This time too. But US can not trust India like that. simple as that

Obviously, the reason is India and even the corrupt politicians at the end of the day cannot survive if they do not care about thier own citizens... Which sadly is not the case for every country.

Indians toys will indeed make bigger sound which obviously aint going to scare us thats why India never had the balllss to get AJK through same way

The military had the balls, Nehru did not..

He regretted going to UN, I hope you are aware of this. :)
I have a feeling 2014 is going to be a bad year for Pakistan.....this is nothing but a slow and steady process of creating a justification for an American military Action on Pakistan....
They could not threaten because they simply cannot, whereas we could but the Political leadership aint got the balls.

Defeating the agressor two times and dividing once is a good enough track record. I bet its no joke for your generals too, only for fanyboys :)

Its always fun to claim victory where you want, usual daydream of people with little intellect. Only political leadership that actually spoke 'harshly' was opposition to get votes. We all know what happens once they come to power.

In your previous post you were suggesting/ asking for action from PA and now you say they cannot threaten, you obviously are very confused & have no game plan what so ever.

P.S. From my understanding PA didn't threaten because it doesn't need to. How about a post with a real discussion and less ego inflation??
I have a feeling 2014 is going to be a bad year for Pakistan.....this is nothing but a slow and steady process of creating a justification for an American military Action on Pakistan....

"Then the indian woke up, his bed was wet - his face went crimson red, IT had happened again, oh the agony."
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