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India’s Sethu Project Disastrous: Sri Lanka

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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India’s Sethu Project Disastrous: Sri Lanka

A high-level team of marine scientists, environmentalists, geologists and marine engineers, appointed by Sri Lanka, has found that the Sethusamudram Shipping Channel Project (SSCP) is detrimental to the maritime and environmental resources of Sri Lanka with disastrous consequences.

In a report submitted to the Sri Lankan Government, the high-powered team has expressed dismay that though the 167-km long channel lies close to the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL) between India and Sri Lanka, the Indian Government has not taken into account the environmental and maritime impact the project could have on Sri Lanka.

As per the International Law of Seas accepted by the United Nations in 1968, India should have sought the concurrence of Sri Lanka before launching the project.

“The Sethusamudram Channel lies close to the IMBL between India and Sri Lanka. Both countries should get the concurrence of each other for any construction activities which fall near the IMBL. India has violated this age-old practice and Sri Lanka will definitely take up this issue,” quoted a source close to the Sri Lankan Government.

“You can expect a strongly worded statement by the Sri Lankan Government any time now. The Sethusamudram Project in all likelihood will end up in the United Nations, “said the source.

The MARPOL Convention (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from ships) is a marine environmental convention designed to minimize pollution of the seas including dumping, oil spillage and exhaust pollution.

It was formed on October 2, 1983 (as a mark of respect to Mahatma Gandhi) and as of December 2005, 136 countries, representing 98 per cent of the world’s shipping tonnage, are parties to the Convention.

It has been accepted all over the world that the Gulf of Mannar as well as the Palk Bay are ecological hot spots and nothing should be done to disturb their present status.

The scientific team appointed by Sri Lanka found that the initial dredging, infinite maintenance dredging and subsequent shipping through the channel would be disastrous to Sri Lanka.

Ariyaratne Hewage, secretary, Sri Lankan Education Ministry, was the chairman of the committee while Professor Shantha Hennayake, a geologist of international repute and deputy vice-chancellor of the University of Peradeniya, was the vice-chairman.

The recommendations submitted by the committee to the Sri Lankan Government has noted that though the region through which the channel is being built was an ecologically and environmentally fragile area, no action has been taken by the Indian Government to minimize the environmental and maritime impact it could have on Sri Lanka.

Sri Lankan experts have noted that the studies, primarily the project document and the Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) study carried out by India, prior to the commencement of the SSCP, are inadequate for a number of reasons.

“These studies have not identified and evaluated the full extent of the impact. The channel design has not been optimized for minimum impact. The most pressing concern for Sri Lanka is that none of the Indian studies have proposed any mitigation measures for the impact occurring on Sri Lanka,” Prof Hennayake told over telephone from Colombo.

“Strangely, India confined the study of the environmental and ecological impact of the project to their side and forgot the existence of Sri Lanka. This is saddening,” he said.

The experts have warned that the marine wealth (especially fish) in the region would be destroyed permanently with the commissioning of the SSCP.

“The Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Bay, lying between the two countries, are unique, biologically rich areas linking two large marine ecosystems. This stretch of the sea is a rich source of all types of fish. Unless we accurately forecast and adequately mitigate the impact of the dredging of the channel this could destroy this sensitive and fragile marine ecosystem located between the two countries.

It would also impact the fishing communities on the northern coast of Sri Lanka as they mainly fish in the potential area of impact on the Sri Lankan side of the channel,” said the recommendations submitted by the expert committee.

The study found that modeling studies were also inadequate. “Modeling needs to be backed by better field data to reach levels of accuracy required to satisfy the requirement of such a major undertaking. Increase in the volumetric water exchange across Adam’s Bridge due to the canal and its impact on the ecology of the region has not been studied,” said the report.

Marine experts confirm: Sethu project disastrous
Once the matter is in the court of UN, then it's totally our ball game. ;)

Environment issues is just a fake concern, real concern is fear of competition to Sri Lankan ports.

But seriously can small-sized Sri Lanka really put a halt on the work. :lol:
Environment issues is just a fake concern, real concern is fear of competition to Sri Lankan ports.

But seriously can small-sized Sri Lanka really put a halt on the work. :lol:

how many ports currently have in southern part of India now? :D isn't there at least one Indian port to challenge Sri Lankan ports? :D
how many ports currently have in southern part of India now? :D isn't there at least one Indian port to challenge Sri Lankan ports? :D

I don't know the extent of challenge but having waterway may inflict some fear.
how many ports currently have in southern part of India now? :D isn't there at least one Indian port to challenge Sri Lankan ports? :D

With the implementation of Sethu Samudram project, the south Indian ports will gain much relevance for international cargoes, as they'd not have to take that 8 hours long detour, as they have to do now.

Sri Lankans are just paranoid about loosing the relevance of their port because of Sethu Samudram.

I don't know the extent of challenge but having waterway may inflict some fear.

I have heard that project is over 100 years old but still processing, it will take another 50-60 to complete that..(If Indians do that)
Most surprising thing to me why there isn't a major port in south of india which can challenge Colombo port.
not good for the environment. :rofl:
i knew the lankans would come up with some excuse to halt the project but this was unexpected. :lol:

for those who are unaware, this project intends to make the merchant ships birth at south india instead of sri lanka and help them save valuable time.
With the implementation of Sethu Samudram project, the south Indian ports will gain much relevance for international cargoes, as they'd not have to take that 8 hours long detour, as they have to do now.

Sri Lankans are just paranoid about loosing the relevance of their port because of Sethu Samudram.

Than Indian threat Colombo port is in fear with our own Hambantota port. XD
I have heard that project is over 100 years old but still processing, it will take another 50-60 to complete that..(If Indians do that)
Most surprising thing to me why there isn't a major port in south of india which can challenge Colombo port.

i believe 3 south indian ports are better as shown in above pic. this is inspite of the fact that you guys get buttloads of cash from other countries (including india). then there is the Mumbai port, whose only competitor in south asia is singapore
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