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India rejects Balochistan charge, says no proof given

They are free to make Khalistan in Canada and UK. Good luck to them!

They can do whatever they want, all I was pointing out is these supporters don't just exist in Pakistan or in the US has that dude was saying.
Theres a lot of people who still support Khalistan in Canada and the UK too.

I am in UK for a few years. Have half my friends who are from Punjab. I am yet to meet a sardar who wants to live in Khalistan or supports the idea of Khalistan.
I am in UK for a few years. Have half my friends who are from Punjab. I am yet to meet a sardar who wants to live in Khalistan or supports the idea of Khalistan.

Not all of the Sikhs who live there do support Khalistan but just cause you haven't met any doesn't mean they dont exist. I've seen some myself. Anyways Khalistan movement in india is pretty much dead, but I still think theres a big support for it in Canada/US
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Not all of the Sikhs who live there do support Khalistan but just cause you haven't met any doesn't mean they dont exist. I've seen some myself. Anyways Khalistan movement in india is pretty much dead, but I still think theres a big support for it in Canada/US

Mr. Dance, to be honest, Sikhs are born entrepreneurs. It takes a lot of effort to make them do anything other than what they want. The bottom line is that they know what they want and that my friend is prosperity and wealth creation. India is a vibrant economy to give shape to the aspirations of sardars. People like Montek Singh, Manmohan Singh are sardars with high leverage and are virtually in control of the vast and powerful Indian economy.

Indians look up to the brains in south and the Sardars in north for direction. When India is poised at the cusp of historic change, it is highly unlikely for anyone in Punjab to miss the bus. You have got it wrong and it is time you recalibrate your understanding.
Mr. Dance, to be honest, Sikhs are born entrepreneurs. It takes a lot of effort to make them do anything other than what they want. The bottom line is that they know what they want and that my friend is prosperity and wealth creation. India is a vibrant economy to give shape to the aspirations of sardars. People like Montek Singh, Manmohan Singh are sardars with high leverage and are virtually in control of the vast and powerful Indian economy.

Indians look up to the brains in south and the Sardars in north for direction. When India is poised at the cusp of historic change, it is highly unlikely for anyone in Punjab to miss the bus. You have got it wrong and it is time you recalibrate your understanding.

First of all I'm a girl, and I already said that Khalistan is pretty dead or not that strong in india. But trust me there are still pro Khalistan people living abroad. Not all Sikhs may want independence but there are still people living in Canada, Europe, US,and yes maybe even in india who still do. You can't deny that the movement in completely dead.
We have our own way of life to follow for thousands of years and don't need others to teach us. Thank you for your generous explanation, but most unfortunately if you take a note, you'd find Arab countries enjoying peace and luxury while shifting all their miseries to your countries be it Pakistan or Afghanistan or Iran or Iraq.

well the thing is Arab countries enjoying luxury and peace dosent got to do anything with the Islam, its the oil they got and interest of western people who pay them big, Pakistan is having problems due to soviet war in Afghanistan when we were the front role side in the CIA operation cyclone, at that time USA used us and afghan muhajidin's to tackle soviet union and we are still paying for that war (ghosts which we created by the funding of CIA) anyways that is another issue however Pakistan is not suffering anything due to arab's and Islam also got nothing to do with it either with misery of Pakistan or with luxury of Arab's.

And dance stop debating on it Indians are right here khalistan moment is almost like a dead snake having its last slow breaths, khalistan moment was at its peak in the era of Zia-ul-haq when there was some good amount of funds coming from USA and ISI was investing it in india to grow up separatist movements like it, since Pakistan got into this war on terror after 9/11 ISI focus and funds all shifted towards our own inner problems due to which and some strong performance from Indian government and raw khalistan is almost now like an old dream which mostly Sikhs even dont want to dream anymore.
First of all I'm a girl, and I already said that Khalistan is pretty dead or not that strong in india. But trust me there are still pro Khalistan people living abroad. Not all Sikhs may want independence but there are still people living in Canada, Europe, US,and yes maybe even in india who still do. You can't deny that the movement in completely dead.

Fringe elements will always linger around in every society miss Dance (apologies). We have some people in Hyderabad (India) who want a separate state. Some in Goa want a separate country. That said, dreams of winning a lottery while holidaying in Las Vegas is not practical. And did you read what wrote at all ?
Fringe elements will always linger around in every society miss Dance (apologies). We have some people in Hyderabad (India) who want a separate state. Some in Goa want a separate country. That said, dreams of winning a lottery while holidaying in Las Vegas is not practical. And did you read what wrote at all ?

I know and there will always be elements like that in countries that are diverse in ethnic groups like India and Pakistan. Anyways Khalistan is not our concern and neither is Hyderabad, those are india's internal matters. Just like Balochistan is Pakistan's.
however Kashmir wont be that easy as India thinks it is, we still got our whole unit of ISI "Joint Intelligence North" working on it and still investing very heavy up there however slowly India is tackling the situation well there and things are more slipping in india's control if you analyse the last 10 years of Kashmir freedom moment backed by Pakistan and ISI but still its far from over and there are many other elements involved in Kashmir moment that will make it real hard for Indian's to make it complete in control.

However what I think is the way ISI is playing there we are not getting any good results and loosing a lot of innocent lifes of Pakistani young laids driven into Kashmir on name of religion and Jihad this is not the way our army should attack Kashmir like a whole military operation (which ofcourse is also almost not possible and a trick of which PA already tried in 1999 which failed) or our government should think of something else to reach a solid and reality base solution to this problem. If we keep injecting india up there like we had I do not think so we are making any result oriented progress up there just biting on their fingers and they are saying oh oh and thats it (I want a real punch to their face otherwise back of if you cant do that till your punch becomes as powerful as mike tyson, there's no point in biting the fingers).
well it does becomes your concern when Pakistan is aiding those so called internal matters of India to become worse, and when India is aiding pakistan state enemy elements in Baluchistan and they are doing it quite successfully as compared to our work in their country, dont be naive its a war against intelligence agencies of both countries which we are loosing right now quite slowly due to many factors involved and the biggest one is our lil defence budget as compared to India and war on terror. However without an excuse our state intellegence agencies must come up with much better performance and work and keep our diginity I am really ashmed at what Indian FM said that day in our country and our FM keeps silent, Pakistan need to do much better and be more bold, find proves, hands them over to india and then call that openly in press conferences all around the globe that we have handed over solid proves to the indians and they are messing it up.
Fire in Shadows, since 1948, the status in Kashmir has not changes inspite of several attempts by Pakistan. Siachen infact is in Indian control and if at all anything has changes, it is the Indian defense forces who have grown stronger. It is clear to your army that you cannot take Kashmir by force. Hence the support from ISI to proxies. But this is also 21 years old policy that is now losing supporters in your government considering the ripple effects it has in your own country. Lets just say that India is in drivers seat and will consolidate Kashmir by bringing development and prosperity in its way. Kashmir economy recently grew at 6 % as against Pakistan's national growth of 4.5%

Pakistan can try what t wants but the road to peace is by being open and negotiating with India without using ISI or PA.
well it does becomes your concern when Pakistan is aiding those so called internal matters of India to become worse, and when India is aiding pakistan state enemy elements in Baluchistan and they are doing it quite successfully as compared to our work in their country, dont be naive its a war against intelligence agencies of both countries which we are loosing right now quite slowly due to many factors involved and the biggest one is our lil defence budget as compared to India and war on terror. However without an excuse our state intellegence agencies must come up with much better performance and work and keep our diginity I am really ashmed at what Indian FM said that day in our country and our FM keeps silent, Pakistan need to do much better and be more bold, find proves, hands them over to india and then call that openly in press conferences all around the globe that we have handed over solid proves to the indians and they are messing it up.

I don't think Pakistan is aiding Khalistan now. That stopped when Bhutto gave over that list to india. And I highly doubt Pakistan would support the Maoists or Naxalites. Kashmir may be a different story, but thats not an internal matter of india
well ramu the thing over here is this that things are not under fully control of our government specially issues like these or you can say our government dosent dare to say something against the will of PA or ISI (or they cant). So yes I agree with you we have seen it and understands it that PA or this damn game which is killing our young laids by ISI wont get any appropriate results. So ISI will not shut it down at least not in the coming future (from what it seems), there's also another reason that in the face of this operation ISI is taking some huge budgets from our government and PA and ISI generals would never like it at a peace there and no huge un audit able budgets coming to their way in the name of this operation. And they are more like roaring frustrated people wants to take Kashmir back and pressurize India with their this proxy games. (karghil operation was also a result of their frustration as they are not getting the results over there and slowly loosing it up)
I don't think Pakistan is aiding Khalistan now. That stopped when Bhutto gave over that list to india. And I highly doubt Pakistan would support the Maoists or Naxalites. Kashmir may be a different story, but thats not an internal matter of india

no one gives milk to their own pet when its dieing cuz they know it will be a waste of milk .. and secondly ISI and Pakistan government is currently under very huge pressure with open fronts and cold war this India ISI is hardly keeping their Kashmir setup up due to lack of funds and utilization in Baluchistan and war on terror and internal threats like TTP.
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