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India received $70 bn in remittances in 2012

Pretty normal considering the population. Anyone know the countries expenditures and revenue?
Overseas Indians are one leg of a Chair called India! Wish it should increase several folds! India should do business with ALL countries and expand its exports and stop export of Raw materials like iron ore!

Actually the Mantra should be "Export more Indians"! They can be a huge "Force-Multiplier" both in India and abroad.

This hoo-haa about "Brain-Drain" is a little overblown. Indians outside India always maintain a strong connection to their country of origin; and the biggest expression of it is economic, as evidenced by the steadily rising inward remittances.
That is precisely what I have been doing for so many years. Now I have as much invested in India as out of India. Knowing fully well that I will finally spend the end of life in India.
So it is money well invested. :)
How much amount of those 70 Billion are true remittances and not black money converted to white through this gate way ;)

Here comes egghead again....
This is a factual Information during question and answer hour in Parliament.
Off course this money is legitimate and now hawala or hundi transactions because it has come through Official channels, hence the minister is able to tell the correct figures in Parliament.

If you count the black Hawala money through Dubai and elsewhere the number will swell to 100 Billion plus....

Pls dont hurl your dud missiles here....

Pretty normal considering the population. Anyone know the countries expenditures and revenue?

Indian Diaspora is 20 million PLUS. And each overseas Indian is a Ambassador of India.
Here comes egghead again....
This is a factual Information during question and answer hour in Parliament.
Off course this money is legitimate and now hawala or hundi transactions because it has come through Official channels, hence the minister is able to tell the correct figures in Parliament.

If you count the black Hawala money through Dubai and elsewhere the number will swell to 100 Billion plus....

Pls dont hurl your dud missiles here....

PDF will be a boring place with out people like you so please continue with your preaching and enlightenment.;)

Including you?...I hope.

Ohh my omniscient Indian, what on the earth led you to believe that I am an Indian.
Stay away from Falsehood and unwarranted speculation.
Must you scatter your garbage on this PDF?
Ohh my omniscient Indian, what on the earth led you to believe that I am an Indian.
Stay away from Falsehood and unwarranted speculation.
Must you scatter your garbage on this PDF?

You seem to me like you are more interested in Garbage cleaning than discussing here :lol:
Ohh my omniscient Indian, what on the earth led you to believe that I am an Indian.
Stay away from Falsehood and unwarranted speculation.
Must you scatter your garbage on this PDF?

Just like how you scatter your's all over Indian threads? So you are a Pakistani then..
PDF will be a boring place with out people like you so please continue with your preaching and enlightenment.;)


This is PDF and no WWE.
If you have facts, come and argue, other than that, you are one more "well come and well go person" here.
And the way you are behaving and lying through your teeth, it seems very shortly you will be a persona non grata here...lol

Just like how you scatter your's all over Indian threads? So you are a Pakistani then..

Well it was no good from you to become personal as to my citizenship, which however, you are still not able to determine.
Hence, why you came up with false allegations?
This question remains unanswered.
You seem to me like you are more interested in Garbage cleaning than discussing here :lol:

You did not learn the lesson last night, did you?
Stop lying to prove yr point.
You were caught with pants down.

Just like how you scatter your's all over Indian threads? So you are a Pakistani then..

None of your ****** business!
You did not learn the lesson last night, did you?
Stop lying to prove yr point.
You were caught with pants down.

None of your ****** business!

First of all you haven't won the argument and I have provided the links from which I have quoted.

Second and most important point, stop judging Indian members here as if some kind of enlightened member here :lol:

People have lots of other motives like learning, having a fun discussion etc etc...
How much amount of those 70 Billion are true remittances and not black money converted to white through this gate way ;)

atleast its coming back in to the system..better than locking it away with out using..
atleast its coming back in to the system..better than locking it away with out using..

Yes I agree with, It is coming back since India market is offering more returns, In the past it used to go to markets of West and other markets who used to give returns.

I am not against the foreign remittances coming back to India.
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