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India ready to give Pakistan ‘benefit of the doubt’: Salman Khurshid


Sep 20, 2009
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India ready to give Pakistan ‘benefit of the doubt’: Salman Khurshid

With Nawaz Sharif vowing to go ‘extra mile’ to make peace with India, Khurshid says Delhi would take him at his word

Sydney: India is prepared to give historic rival Pakistan “the benefit of the doubt” as the two countries strive for peace, foreign minister Salman Khurshid has said.
The nuclear-armed neighbours have since independence been at loggerheads over Kashmir, which is divided and administered separately by India and Pakistan but claimed in full by both.
India regularly accuses Pakistan’s army of providing covering fire for armed rebels who cross the border and then mount attacks and in an interview with The Australian newspaper published Monday, Khurshid admitted the relationship was fraught.
“We talk to Pakistan periodically and in terms of personal gestures we receive great warmth,” he said. “But the on-the-ground reality and the results of our meetings are very disappointing.”
However, with Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif last month vowing to go the “extra mile” to make peace with India, Khurshid said Delhi would take him at his word.
“Pakistan has a lot of very, very difficult issues to deal with at home,” he was quoted as saying.
“Our view is that we should give them time, not at our cost, of course, but that we should give them the benefit of the doubt.
“When Mr Nawaz Sharif says he wants peace and good relations with India, we take him at his word.”
But with recent shootings at the border among the heaviest since a ceasefire agreement in 2003, Khurshid pointed out that Pakistan has not yet followed through on its promise of top-level military meetings to sort out better arrangements in Kashmir.
“If they can address the dismantling of the infrastructure of terrorism, that would be a good start,” he told the newspaper.
Khurshid was also optimistic about future relations with fellow Asian power China, with Delhi viewing Beijing as “rivals who are also partners”.
But Khurshid said a festering Himalayan border dispute between the two giant neighbours remained a key area of concern.
India and China, the world’s two most populous countries, have had a sometimes-fraught historical relationship given their contrasting political systems and specific geo-strategic interests, but Khurshid said he was confident of moving forward.
Asked if they were not destined to be rivals, he replied: “Yes, I think that’s to some extent inevitable, although it’s much more complex than that, of course.
“But we’d like to be rivals who are also partners, partners who are also rivals.”
“Our prime minister has said that the world is large enough to accommodate the aspirations of both China and India,” he added.
The border dispute flared again in April, with India accusing Chinese troops of intruding nearly 20km into Indian-held territory, sparking a three-week stand-off that was only resolved when troops from both sides pulled back.
China and India fought a brief war in 1962 and the border between the two nations has never been properly demarcated, although they have signed accords to maintain peace.
Asked why China made incursions into Indian territory, Khurshid said “there are a lot of theories”.
“To what extent is this autonomous People’s Liberation Army-instigated action? Or is it China’s own subtle way of sending out messages of dominance?
“I can say the bottom line is that when we meet them (China’s leaders) they are very friendly and reasonably responsive to our concerns.”
“I won’t say that we’ve had complete satisfaction, but there is steady movement forward,” said Khurshid.
While India remains concerned, the foreign minister said the incursions should be seen “in the context of a different perception of what the line of control is and where it should be”.
“The good news is that there hasn’t been a casualty on the Chinese front for several years,” he said. “There have been skirmishes and eyeball-to-eyeball confrontations, but no casualties.”

India ready to give Pakistan ‘benefit of the doubt’: Salman Khurshid - Livemint

There will also co operation in the field of strengthening democracy in pakistan, and frequent interactions between India and Pakistan political leaders on the cards.

I think this is a right move, considering the situation in Pakistan and Western designs. There is a very chance of war triggered by non state actors(it may be a nuclear one), since lot of countries are vying for their strategic interests here in South Asia.

This is a journey which requires patience and mutual trust, Politicians on each side require patience and have to think about advantageous of peace and good relations.
@WebMaster @INDIC @Spring Onion @levina @Flamingo @illusion8 @Aeronaut
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"Love thy neighbor":smitten:

It remains at the disposal of both nations to stand up to the maxim of love thy neighbour, and transcend all animosity through mutual trust and understanding ....thereby progressing towards a peaceful sub-continent....which i am pretty doubtful about :coffee:
Lets hope the efforts yield good results this time :cheers:

I am doubtful....We havent progressed a step towards peace in last 66 years (with all those tiny-winy wars fought in between).And the relations are at historic lows now.
The two countries have maintained a patchy ceasefire over the de facto border in Kashmir .. the “Line of Control” since 2003. This year’s ceasefire violations began in January with the beheading of an Indian soldier, with another 150 breaches ssince then.
There's no hope.
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India should just remove the glut of corruption in its political system, build up its economy by trading internationally, mind its own business in South Asia (self imposed isolation), defend its borders vigorously, build up its infrastructure, address the poverty and farming issues plaguing the nation and leave the rest to God
"Love thy neighbor":smitten:

It remains at the disposal of both nations to stand up to the maxim of love thy neighbour, and transcend all animosity through mutual trust and understanding ....thereby progressing towards a peaceful sub-continent....which i am pretty doubtful about :coffee:

Indians talk a lot, but are only good at that. Talking.

Never very serious and always resonating duplicity.
Lets hope the efforts yield good results this time :cheers:
nothings gonna happen you cant befreind an stubborn enemy who tries to harm you and your interests at every slightest given opportunity , whose idea of patriotism is Hate India and want to have peaces of india rather than peace with india

they will not relent and will always back stab you no matter what right now since they are preoccupied by internal myhem and insurgency they are not in state to attack but if tommorow they have a stable and robust economi the first thing they will do is attck india
India should just remove the glut of corruption in its political system,
I dont even mind our army taking over the central govt.

PlanetWarrior said:
defend its borders vigorously
Whatever wars India has won its solely because of the will of our Indian soldiers. 
Indians talk a lot, but are only good at that. Talking.

I agree completely...we are good at only talking....but its time to flex some muscles.:angry:

But frankly our neutral policies are not working.India's stance has to be more aggressive.

nothings gonna happen you cant befreind an stubborn enemy who tries to harm you and your interests at every slightest given opportunity , whose idea of patriotism is Hate India and want to have peaces of india rather than peace with india
they will not relent and will always back stab you no matter what right now since they are preoccupied by internal myhem and insurgency they are not in state to attack but if tommorow they have a stable and robust economi the first thing they will do is attck india

I agree to that. Just mere hand shakes are not enough.

ISI must stop backing up terrorists.
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nothings gonna happen you cant befreind an stubborn enemy who tries to harm you and your interests at every slightest given opportunity , whose idea of patriotism is Hate India and want to have peaces of india rather than peace with india

they will not relent and will always back stab you no matter what right now since they are preoccupied by internal myhem and insurgency they are not in state to attack but if tommorow they have a stable and robust economi the first thing they will do is attck india

There are reasons for Pakistan's behavior with India, and One of them is USA's backing. India also needs to address the concerns of Pakistan rather than moving away from this issue.

The policy which the GOI has drafted for this process has taken into consideration all the factors and results. This is the right time to establish peace in South Asia. There is a also realization in pakistan which Pakistani establishment will not admit.

For India which is looking to improve its stature on world stage, Peace and trust with Pakistan is a must. And India also has to make sure the global powers should not use Pakistan against India for their strategic purposes.
I dont even mind our army taking over the central govt.

Whatever wars India has won its solely because of the will of our Indian soldiers. 

I agree completely...we are good at only talking....but its time to flex some muscles.:angry:

But frankly our neutral policies are not working.India's stance has to be more aggressive.

We demand that Kashmiris be given the right to referendum, but India refuses to do so.

This leads us to the outcome we are in, and into a perpetual state of war.
All his policies have turned out to be great blunders and this could be his latest. Giving benefit of doubt is fine Hon Min Salman Khurshid, however it cannot come at the cost of Indian lives. If you understand it fine, else :pissed:
There are reasons for Pakistan's behavior with India, and One of them is USA's backing, the policy which the GOI has drafted for this process has taken into consideration all the factors and results. This is the right time to establish peace in South Asia. There is a also realization in pakistan which Pakistani establishment will not admit.
ghanntaaaaaa !!!!!

the reason for this back stabbing behaviour of pakistan is there feudal thinking towards hindus and hindu India . they still think Indians as childern of there easterwhile servents and killing/looting and raping hindus as fair game and have no remose no opology for that just see there behaviour after the 1948 war(afridees& there actions in kashmir) or 1971 operation searchlight wherer they hunted and killed every hindu they could find with there razakar dogs and raped/kiled lacks of hindu girls for "inki nasal badal do" :angry:

still there are fools in india who dream of peace and brotherli relations with such treachrous and blood thirsty enemy :hitwall:
We demand that Kashmiris be given the right to referendum, but India refuses to do so.

I think a referendum is a pretty bad idea, to be honest. I reckon there'll be a huge spike in violence, foreign agents flooding in to try to skew/disrupt a vote, etc. And it would only get worse with independence.

RazPak said:
This leads us to the outcome we are in, and into a perpetual state of war.
Then forget Kashmir and carry on with your business. This is not even a full fledged war...its proxy.
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We demand that Kashmiris be given the right to referendum, but India refuses to do so.

This leads us to the outcome we are in, and into a perpetual state of war.
Read the prerequisites for referendum..... plz educate yourself on the un security councils resolutions
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