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India promotes anti-Islamism in South Asia

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May 10, 2010
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India promotes anti-Islamism in South Asia

Dr Abdul Ruff

India promotes anti-Islamism in South Asia

India skill fully utilized the opportunities offered by the Global state terror forces that are on the vultural rampage in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, trying to swindle their resources and to reduce the global Muslim population by employ8ng Muslims there. GST media are at work to churn out stuff to continue with unleashing anti-Islamic campaign only to temporizer the world. Entire anti-Islamic world, upon being caught on its “terrorism gimmicks starting with Sept-11 show in USA, is making strenuous efforts to rope in as many willing Muslim nations as possible in the gang to propagate Islamophobia and Osamaphobiia.

Today Islam is being insulted by Muslims and Muslim nations, even by being naive or by mistake. But Islam has been under poisonous attack and Muslim nations have not realized that they are under virtual siege facing worst ever serious existential problem on account of the ongoing terror massacres of Muslims in Islamic world by their occupying NATO terror syndicates, fascist Israel and terror India. Bulk of Pakistani media are now pro-India and refuse to defend their own people being killed by NATO terror syndicates using Islamabad as a key sanctuary for terror operations against Muslims in the region and try to protect Indian interests in the region and elsewhere.

The success of bullying the media of Pakistan by Indian sustained campaigns and forcing them to help India pursue its hidden agendas abroad, India has the guts to extend the scheme and expand its networks in the region. India had begun its anti-Muslim propaganda even before the onset of US Sept-11. In fact India’s fictitious campaign targeting Islam and Muslims had begun with the occupation of neighboring Jammu Kashmir soon after its own independence from the one of most exploitative colonial powers the UK. Many still underdeveloped countries today are suspicious of nexus between India and western anti-Islamic nations and thus are nervous about the growing influence India wields in the hidden agendas of US-UK-Russia-Israel led anti-Muslim world. With an enormous fear complex, unexplainable in clear teams, make many nations in Asia, including West Asia and their media support all Indian illegal agendas, including Kashmir, though they also fight against the occupation of Palestine by Israel.

Pursued by the regimes and intelligence outfits, the media refuse to publish anything that do not promote India and its agenda in the region and globally. Majority of nations and the core media in South Asia is propagating anti-Islamism painting Islam as a religion of terrorists. Pakistani regime is deadly against Islam and works for US led NATO terror syndicates and making Islamabad a heaven for NATO terrorists engaged in killing of Muslims.

It is quite likely, perplexed by the pathetic conditions in Pakistan, Dhaka has become “wise” to admit openly that India is the great and US hidden agendas are not too bad and it return Bangladesh is eager to gain some benefits and advantages from India. Fro some time now, Bangladesh has been trying to present an anti-Islamic face to the world only to gain favor from outside, It not only by killing Muslims and calling them terrorists, as India and USA are doing, but even insulting Islamic faith in coldest form. For core Bangladesh, Islam and Islamic values are less important and Indian Bengali language and Madam Hindu Durga worship are the corner stone of their culture. Recently, one of internet news media selectively published an article from the western anti-Islamic sites to showcase Bangladeshi anti-Islamic mindset. This inflammatory anti-prophet and anti-Islamic stuff is a deliberate attempt by Bangladesh to throw mud on Islamic faith and come closer to anti-Muslim India on the eve of visit of Indian terror PM to Dhaka. This also demonstrates how far Indian negative influence works in Bangladesh.

Like New Delhi is trying to play the American card for immoral achievements, Dhaka is also doing the same by plying Indian anti-Islam card to gain maximum benefit form Delhi. A Joint Communique issued at the end of the Delhi summit talks was an exhaustive document making Dhaka dance expecting huge stuffs, margins and bargains from India. BD media then assured the people that India was prepared to open a new chapter in its relations with Bangladesh by pumping in cash goods and other benefits. But a year later, with little to see on the ground, just some Tata lorries and Aircel advertisements, there is growing skepticism among the strategists who thought India was on BD’s back pocket because still they have not become friendly with Pakistan. Border issue has been aggravated. However, BD has not given up hopes and kept Pakistan at a distance to achieve what it wants from India. Does Dhaka seriously think India is so innocent as to give whatever Bangladesh seeks? true, publication of anti-Islamic stuff and rejection or removal of pro-Islamic articles and rhetoric could make Hindus in India and Bangladesh and around the world feel proud of themselves, but will that help Bangladesh as an Muslim nation in the long run? Bangladesh is proud of having a semi-Hindu woman as its foreign minister to “advance” its interests in India and around. India also has a Bengali as foreign minister to bring Bangladesh into Indian hold once again and the things are going on smoothly, but only in favor of India. It can never be otherwise!

Of course, every country aims at super power status and tries polices to reach that status by hooks or crooks. Perhaps Bangladesh leaders thinks India deliberately kept Bangladesh under developed country and used it to advance all its global ambitions including Commonwealth and notorious UNSC, etc. Since Dhaka does not have too many resources to become a strong country it needs the support of its neighbors to emerge an important nation. India cannot tolerate any stronger nation in its vicinities and kill people as terrorists if they try to derail Indian hidden plans. Terrorism is essentially a US make and Washington employs this ploy only secure the long term energy security for itself and its terror allies, including India. It has been a usual practice that all colonial powers unleash terror attacks on citizens only to blame the occupied and persecuted people for the inhuman activities. Indians seem to have joined the American strategists in advising Russians to link the Moscow state terrorism to ****** and enter the region officially to assist Indo-US agenda in the region. Russians are also taking revenge on Afghans for throwing their state terrorists occupying Afghanistan in 1980s.

Entire world seems to be at war with Islam, including India Pakistan and Bangladesh. Russians are no worse than Americans and Britishers. Russian state terrorists can kill the defenseless Chechens freely with a puppet regime in Chechnya, any case. The Kremlin is unsure if they should leave Chechnya epicenter to opt for Pakistan-Afghanistan border to escalate NATO terrorism and tensions. Russian terror President D. Madvedev promised on 28 March to “find and destroy” those who organized two suicide bombings on the Moscow metro and possibly he knows it is another state folly by the sponsored state terrorists doing their dirty job in Moscow. The Kremlin has promised to let the Chechens have their sovereignty back once they are pro-Russia. Already a pro-Russia puppet regime is in place in Chechnya, but Moscow is silent about its pledge for sovereignty. While protecting the state terrorists the Kremlin authorities announce the “criminals and terror perpetrators” would be caught and killed. Can there be worse criminals than Russian in Russia?

India do not recognize, acknowledge and affirm the Kashmiris as human being, let alone the children of God, who deserve to be treated like all other people-as equals and the Kashmiri Muslims should be provided due protection from the occupying Hindu state terrorists, compassion. Being the most powerful leader in the world, it is Obama’s moral obligation to make efforts to stop the frequent human rights violations suffered by Muslims in India and Kashmiri Muslims. However, Obama plays into dirty Indian hands since Washington is panicky about revelations about its direct involvement in global state terror operations. Maybe this makes Bangladesh worry about the self-importance projected by India. Bangladesh is now at a cross roads, not knowing where to go, but it wants to skip Islam. Their mid-path between communism and Islam having faded away.

By the by, one should avoid thinking that India is spreading a campaign against Islam only in South Asia; it is obvious Indian range is farther form South Asia and its target is global reach and beyond Asian continent by using its embassies and other state an non-state agencies to spread the terror lies about Kashmiris and Pakistanis. This also explains why this innocent looking India avoids sending Muslims to its foreign missions. Who knows what all nonsense the people in-charge of Indian missions abroad have been doing to justify all murders of Muslims in and around! Not many Indians would appreciate the fact that India remains a major worry for its immediate neighbors and serious concern for world at large.
India instead promotes the heretics and biddaties in the name of tolerance and celebration diversity. It is tactically over running the true identity of Islam and muslims replacing it with those projected by rich communities of qadiyanis, mirzais, ahmedis and other biddati lots.
Not a new news. These people have a habit of stomping on others, to get to the top. :coffee:
TTP is Indian.
All that happened in 26/11 were Hindus/Sikhs.
Ajmal kasab, was Ammar Singh.
India instead promotes the heretics and biddaties in the name of tolerance and celebration diversity. It is tactically over running the true identity of Islam and muslims replacing it with those projected by rich communities of qadiyanis, mirzais, ahmedis and other biddati lots.

Mirzaaeees, ahmedis and qadiyaanis are not biddaties they are non-muslims straight away... don't use confusing words for people who create a false prophet in Islam.....

as declared by the state of pakistan all these three communities which you named are Non-Muslims and all Muslim sects are supporting this act by the state of Pakistan....

P.S. That was just a clarification you can continue with the topic
The standard of this article is lower than what we have come to expect from right wing Pakistani writers.. they have blamed India and United States for all their problems and those effecting other Muslim countries but where the hell is Israel in this equation..we all know Israel is the real bogey man in this world.;)
Some Indian newspapers I read were championing India as a better home for Muslims because it recognises Ahmadis[Kaffirs] as muslims. Fact is that India is practically being openly hostile by accepting qadianis as muslims. I am very concerned about the Muslims of India, there culture is under threat for the sake of being 'Indian.' The fact that Israel is allied with India and even praised their nuclear tests is also very alarming and there relationship is based on a mutual interest of crushing muslim resistance in Kashmir and Palestine.
The standard of this article is lower than what we have come to expect from right wing Pakistani writers.. they have blamed India and United States for all their problems and those effecting other Muslim countries but where the hell is Israel in this equation..we all know Israel is the real bogey man in this world.;)

That is beause Dr Abdul Ruff is on MOSSAD payroll :P. Hence one of the crimes of India is also :
many nations in Asia, including West Asia and their media support all Indian illegal agendas, including Kashmir, they (India) also fight against the occupation of Palestine by Israel.
The standard of this article is lower than what we have come to expect from right wing Pakistani writers.. they have blamed India and United States for all their problems and those effecting other Muslim countries but where the hell is Israel in this equation..we all know Israel is the real bogey man in this world.;)

Well duh-United States is responsible for the mess in Pakistan and other Islamic nations. By pulling Pakistan into this 'war on terror' they have destroyed Pakistan. India is known for being sympathetic with Israel because of their common interest against muslims[ie,palestine and Kashmir]
Why you guys discussing this??

Abdul Ruff Colachel is the cousin brother of 'Christina Palmer' , if you know what I mean ;)
“It is only those who have knowledge among Allah's servants who fear Him.”[ Sûrah Fâtir : 28] “Fear Allah wherever you are. Follow up a bad deed with a good deed and it will blot it out. And deal with people in a good manner.”[ Sunan al-Tirmidhî ]

We the Muslims have to Stand Up to India ... Be the Right Muslims by following Quran and Sunnah and get United against the Enemy of Islaam, India in our Region.

But according to the article
Pakistani regime is deadly against Islam and works for US led NATO terror syndicates and making Islamabad a heaven for NATO terrorists engaged in killing of Muslims.

And we all know that the Pakistani regime does not include just the politicians. So muslims should first tackle the Pakistani regime then.
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“It is only those who have knowledge among Allah's servants who fear Him.”[ Sûrah Fâtir : 28] “Fear Allah wherever you are. Follow up a bad deed with a good deed and it will blot it out. And deal with people in a good manner.”[ Sunan al-Tirmidhî ]

ur signature is awesome:)
i find something really interesting, why has India tried to project better relations with Muslim countries and it even tried to get an OIC seat by thinking it is somehow a member of the Islamic world[just coz they have the world's third-largest muslim population]. India is an oppressor ofg Muslims. Believe me i know many Indian musliums, one is a gujarati muslim doctor and she says its very difficult for muslims to live alongside kaffirs[no offence meant to any non-muslim] there. Another woman[from lucknow] says muslims don't join the Indian army bcoz weneva there's a war with Pakistan muslim soldiers used to be sent in first to fight the Pakistanis. My own relatives in Calcutta visited my family in Pakistan a few years ago n according to them even many muslims there dream of Pakistan and pray for its success[despite it's present problems] and these relatives didn't appear to have a good opinion of India OR hindus.
“It is only those who have knowledge among Allah's servants who fear Him.”[ Sûrah Fâtir : 28] “Fear Allah wherever you are. Follow up a bad deed with a good deed and it will blot it out. And deal with people in a good manner.”[ Sunan al-Tirmidhî ]

Inshallah we will, but HOW!?
We need muslim unity to do so, but this ********* India has broken it. Now for the firt time in my life, i am hating india :angry:
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