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India Pak Friendship thread


Aug 17, 2013
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There are just too many issues between two countries. We are always bashing each other.

Can we share good things? like you have a friend in other country or you actually visited. I have never heard bad things from people who have visited India or Pak. Indians praise Pakistani and vice versa.

I would also like to have discussion on what could be done on trade side? What benefit countries can get from each other?

Something from my side. Back in days when yahoo msgr had chat rooms. I made some Pakistani friends, would have visited for sure if situation could have been better.

Last but most important, I hope experience of people in this thread help to have some positive mindset!
like you have a friend in other country or you actually visited

There's this online browser game, 'gpro.net' - a formula one management game, wherein, I have a friend from Pakistan who's my team mate. And I must say, he's devoid of any prejudice, talks rationally and we always get along well! Is fun.

People want peace on either side, I cannot say the same about their rulers.
I cant talk for India but I can say in Pakistan we have our set of problems (sectarian violence + bomb blasts + poverty + corruption at huge scale, drought, electrical shortages...)

Instead of focusing on this we keep being dragged on to LoC so it kinda irks Pakistanis...

Now if this is happening because of a third party then hell those who sell their country

If it is happening because of own leaders well many of us actively voice out as much as possible against each...

If it happening because of a small group of loosers...well that small group seems to be either microscopic or just be in the upper level of society to keep the country away from development...

We say crap to our politicians true coz they are crap...but we are hopeful that it is not our own men who are involved in creating this diversion coz we are hopeful that the people of Pakistan are the people of Pakistan ....

However, it can not be ignored there are things called secret services, double agents (even our own) and esp the sold out loosers...

What we want is peace and to develop with no qualm from the borders...Enough is seriously enough...

I have lived abroad my whole life and I have met my fair share of Indians...I have so far not found any problems with any ...maybe I dont go with the wrong crowd or maybe I am a girl...whichever the case may be...If there is no problems overseas what is the problems in the land?
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Plz I live in the US and we all have problems with Pakistani's.
If you live in America they forgot to teach you basic ethics and manners... The guy said useless thread so I showed him the door...You have a problem you can move towards the exit too...If you have a problem, that is seriously your personal problem please dont try to be an ambassador of something you know not!

Thank you!
Would love to visit Pakistan if I get a chance.
@Armstrong any chance of sponsoring a poor black Indian from Chennai.:D
If you live in America they forgot to teach you basic ethics and manners... The guy said useless thread so I showed him the door...You have a problem you can move towards the exit too...If you have a problem, that is seriously your personal problem please dont try to be an ambassador of something you know not!

Thank you!

This has nothing to do with ethics and manners. It has to do with your country,your ppl, etc. We cant judge an entire ppl by the actions of a few, but an country and ppl remaining quiet bothers me. I dont have to leave. I wont move towards the exit. I guess you being an American (supposedly) forgot freedom of speech!
If you live in America they forgot to teach you basic ethics and manners... The guy said useless thread so I showed him the door...You have a problem you can move towards the exit too...If you have a problem, that is seriously your personal problem please dont try to be an ambassador of something you know not!

Thank you!

Who are you to decide whether some person should leave a thread or not ..
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