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but let me tell you the way you can call a sweeper a bhangi , a performer/dancer/singer a bhaand or miraasi or a oil vendor a teli or a washerman a dhobi or a shoes smith a nai or a iron smith a lohar and all such related words in pakistan if we do that in india we will be send to jail that too without bail + heavfty fine and we give almost 50% reservations in all govermental educational instituytionsand goverment jobs + owr most loved PM till date himslef is a OBC a teli in your language now go figure who is more tolrent and accomudating and who is more castist and racist

Seeing the language/implications Atanz guy uses in his threads is a revelation by itself.

But of course Racism in Pakistan/among Pakistanis is only "1%" that in India :P
We can't tolerate Dalit convert Pakistanis.
They were us who did not tolerated Indians like you whom we consider worse than dalits and that was the reason for us getting our own country where no one is considered dalits, impure, inferior just because he was born in certain community. Dalist only exist in India and suffering in hands of disgusting/ugly people like yourself
They were us who did not tolerated Indians like you whom we consider worse than dalits and that was the reason for us getting our own country where no one is considered dalits, impure, inferior just because he was born in certain community. Dalist only exist in India and suffering in hands of disgusting/ugly people like yourself
Chup karo Chamar!!
Chup karo Chamar!!
My my - aren't we a bigot? And really RanveerSena??? I thought they were all dead! RanveerSena was perhaps one of early examples of a Hindu terrorist organization. They used to kill poor and defenceless people in Bihar belonging to SC/ST and OBC communities.

Meanwhile, back on the topic. In this article, they also once called Bangladesh and HongKong (!) a big racist nations. They were made to swallow their words because someone found a HUGE mistake in their calculations. So following the same lines I went back to their data and surprise-surprise found a similar error in their calculation for India. Depending upon which year (2012 and 2014) you choose India has 25% or 40.2% racists. Not only that their sample size is too small - 1581 in 2014 survey and 4078 in 2012. Incidentally they chose 1200 as sample size for Pakistan a country about 1/7th of population size of India. Their surveys were not localised in Indian local languages. Btw, they did for Pakistan - survey was in Urdu.
@waz @WebMaster @Irfan Baloch @WAJsal

Pls close this thread. And delete the post as well.

@Deepika Maheshwari
Even though your thoughts on R Sena and points are good, this is a very old thread. I am a bit surprised that you joined today and 10th post from your account you chose to comment on a dead zombie thread.
Please share your views with more of recent live threads and do not open up long dead threads.
Since you are new consider this as sincere advice as we don't tolerate zombie thread resurrections.
Nonsense......goes to page 9...

Wheres the @mods now......? Cant see this thread full of trolls:big_boss:....and if we start with same language they going to banned us immediately.....:feminist:
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