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So an indian knows more about ground reality in pakistan than a pakistani? See the difference now lahore which was neglected before is now flourishing under the punjab govt. KPK which was a backward area has also been seeing rapid development all of which is due to no interference from the centre. Balochistan which almost always had a cm from another province of the leading party now has a nationalist baloch/pakistani as a cm and is working for his people!

I did not acknowledge what you said. Name does not make you socially higher in pakistan as it does in india. The name is just tradition now unlike in india where you still have a proper caste system!
well son this is not PMLN head quater that you have to tell me about developments done by your beloved sharif biradran and how great lahore is what on earth is your porblem first you brought constitutional amendments and now this .... im too smart for these tricks play them with those who you think other way

lets just saty on topic and the topic is who is most racist is it indians or are pakistanies not racist ?

hard fact is we all are indians/hindus by default for over 5000 years and we cant get owt of theis castist hangover no matter what relegon we choose but its funny to see pakistanies preaching indians about a castisism and racism free world when they themselfs lost half there nation deu there obsession whith there so called tall , fair martail race hokus phokus and how you guys still make fun ofpeople for there caste and still use to adress them on there caste names like kanjars , changars or bhangi, teli and the hight is you still have gutts to make fun of indians on this issue ... funny naa ?:haha:

i know how it is like in lahore or for that matter anywhere in pakistan with respect or for that matter lack of respect for an individual just on basis of islam rather you all rate a person by colour of his skin , then money and then his relegon all else are just smoke screen to proove your superiorty which you by default know dosent exists ...... cheers mate :coffee:
Im a seraiki living in islamabad. We have a japanese neighbour, 2 pathan families living either side, a sindhi a couple of houses away and punjabis. This is all in one street. Proud to be a Pakistani :)

I'm Baluch .. My neighbours are mostly Pashtun & Punjabi ..

My best friends are seriki,Sindhi,Pashtun & punjabis.. My in laws are Pashtuns.. My driver is a chitrali.. My cook is also seriki ..

Any shia or ahmedia family nearby by mistake?? ;)

You quoted an Ahmedi -- you dumb *** troll
Old news; fact remains Indians are racist...It is not us saying these things. As far as Pakistanis are concerned, no body gives a shit.
I'm Baluch .. My neighbours are mostly Pashtun & Punjabi ..

My best friends are seriki,Sindhi,Pashtun & punjabis.. My in laws are Pashtuns.. My driver is a chitrali.. My cook is also seriki ..
Am a Gilgiti, driver Pathan(dad speaks in Pashto with him:(, just understand them). Back in Gilgit, we live around Ismailis and Shias. In Karachi i have Baluch and Sindhi neighbors. We are diverse and not racist, that is a fact.
@WAJsal why you -ve me I was just joking I didn't mean any disrespect
Joking-trolling, falls in the same line. Edit your post to have it removed.
well son this is not PMLN head quater that you have to tell me about developments done by your beloved sharif biradran and how great lahore is what on earth is your porblem first you brought constitutional amendments and now this .... im too smart for these tricks play them with those who you think other way

lets just saty on topic and the topic is who is most racist is it indians or are pakistanies not racist ?

hard fact is we all are indians/hindus by default for over 5000 years and we cant get owt of theis castist hangover no matter what relegon we choose but its funny to see pakistanies preaching indians about a castisism and racism free world when they themselfs lost half there nation deu there obsession whith there so called tall , fair martail race hokus phokus and how you guys still make fun ofpeople for there caste and still use to adress them on there caste names like kanjars , changars or bhangi, teli and the hight is you still have gutts to make fun of indians on this issue ... funny naa ?:haha:

i know how it is like in lahore or for that matter anywhere in pakistan with respect or for that matter lack of respect for an individual just on basis of islam rather you all rate a person by colour of his skin , then money and then his relegon all else are just smoke screen to proove your superiorty which you by default know dosent exists ...... cheers mate :coffee:
Get a life troll..
well son this is not PMLN head quater that you have to tell me about developments done by your beloved sharif biradran and how great lahore is what on earth is your porblem first you brought constitutional amendments and now this .... im too smart for these tricks play them with those who you think other way

lets just saty on topic and the topic is who is most racist is it indians or are pakistanies not racist ?

hard fact is we all are indians/hindus by default for over 5000 years and we cant get owt of theis castist hangover no matter what relegon we choose but its funny to see pakistanies preaching indians about a castisism and racism free world when they themselfs lost half there nation deu there obsession whith there so called tall , fair martail race hokus phokus and how you guys still make fun ofpeople for there caste and still use to adress them on there caste names like kanjars , changars or bhangi, teli and the hight is you still have gutts to make fun of indians on this issue ... funny naa ?:haha:

i know how it is like in lahore or for that matter anywhere in pakistan with respect or for that matter lack of respect for an individual just on basis of islam rather you all rate a person by colour of his skin , then money and then his relegon all else are just smoke screen to proove your superiorty which you by default know dosent exists ...... cheers mate :coffee:
Mate dont insult me by calling me a sharif bradran supporter. Im a pro Imran khan and pro pakistan and support development everywhere in this country irrespective of which party conducts it. Now lets put that aside.

I dont know why you think a common pakistani is like a common indian! We dont rate people by skin colour and neither do we make fun of people who have a darker tone. We do make fun of a person who is a bit too fair by calling. Him a gora/angraiz but thats about it. As I said before our family names hold no importance in pakistan unlike in india! Yes money is important. A wealthier person would always be more
respected its human nature!

One more thing please read the topic survey again. People were asked if they would prefer to have neighbours of other ethnicities and more than 40% indians said they wont compared to 6% pakistani. Read my first post on this thread :) do you guys have tamils, bengalis, rajputs, assamese all living together in a city in punjab?
I'm Baluch .. My neighbours are mostly Pashtun & Punjabi ..

My best friends are seriki,Sindhi,Pashtun & punjabis.. My in laws are Pashtuns.. My driver is a chitrali.. My cook is also seriki ..


You quoted an Ahmedi -- you dumb *** troll
Even in my own immediate family there have been a couple inter-provincial and even one shia-sunni marriage. My cook is kashmiri. This is the beauty of our country. Even if we fight at the end of the day we know we are one and at people to people level we live peacefully. Our cities such as quetta, islamabad and karachi are examples of this where no one ethnic group is a majority!
Last edited:
Old news; fact remains Indians are racist...It is not us saying these things. As far as Pakistanis are concerned, no body gives a shit.

Am a Gilgiti, driver Pathan(dad speaks in Pashto with him:(, just understand them). Back in Gilgit, we live around Ismailis and Shias. In Karachi i have Baluch and Sindhi neighbors. We are diverse and not racist, that is a fact.

Joking-trolling, falls in the same line. Edit your post to have it removed.

Get a life troll..
You are just to sensitive ,joke or sarcasm doesn't mean trolling ,if you have looked at my other comments in this thread where I have accepted that Indians are racist due to many reasons, if someone really need -ve rating in this thread is the OP who violated forum rule by posting a 2013 article ,I can to post some article from past which will humiliate your country & country men but I won't go that low
Even in my own immediate family there have been a couple inter-provincial and even one shia-sunni marriage. My cook is kashmiri. This is the beauty of our country. Even if we fight at the end of the day we know we are one and at people to people level we live peacefully. Our cities such as quetta, islamabad and karachi are examples of this where no one ethnic group is a majority!

Half my family is Shia half is Sunni... Even have wahabi relatives .... Ive nicknamed this one "katar" wahabi guy ..yazid for the heck of it :lol:
Half my family is Shia half is Sunni... Even have wahabi relatives .... Ive nicknamed this one "katar" wahabi guy ..yazid for the heck of it :lol:
Only in pakistan where you find such things :p we make jokes about each other and we all know they are made with a good heart not in an offensive way. I call my pathan friends naswari they have no issues with it :D
According to one source , an Indian reveals the nature of racism that is prevalent in Indian society.
India, a land of so much diversity is also the most racist country in the world. Indians are the most racist people in the world and even today, a child born in the Indian family is taught to worship anyone with white skin and look down upon anyone with dark skin. And thus was born the Indian racism against Africans and other dark skinned people. A fair skinned foreigner gets treated like a god and a dark skinned one is treated very badly.Among Indians themselves too there are conflicts between castes and people from different regions like the problem between Marathi Manoos and Biharis. And yet, Indians won’t accept this fact and boast about the culture and diversity and acceptance. It is high time we open our eyes to what the situation truly is and take the saying “Athithi Devo Bhava” (Guest is God) in a positive manner.
The post U have quoted is so funny :lol::lol::lol:Oh ! man I can't stop Laughing :rofl:

Why, do you use fair'n lovely extensively or what. :D It's none other than your own country fellows pointing it out. :pop:


Inspite of the fact, that constitution uphelds secular, socialist and democratic values, the politicians are driving the country towards fascist and unipolar society. Hatred against communities are agenda of major political parties. Divisive forces are vocal in media, corporate cultures, public sectors, administrative services such as IAS, IPS and the armed forces. Ethnic cleansing and fascism is tolerated by intellectuals. India has a brilliant history of spiritual and religious harmony. We need to nourish our roots again with values of co-existence and harmony in the Indian society. We as a nation have a great opportunity for leadership of world by creating a harmonious society.M+15

I was born in India and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say we are the biggest bunch of hypocritical bigots. Indians discriminate based on religion, region, state, language, skin color, gender, family background, financial status, social factions...you name it. Here we have a caste system. The high castes activity segregate and suppress the low castes; (think of slavery sans slave status). I myself have been subjected to horrible discrimination and humiliation all my life all because I was born a low cast. I wouldn't wish this kind of life on my worst enemy. I find it ironic and pathetic when Indians complain about racism in western and European countries. We are living in 21st century but our mindset, beliefs and practices are of medieval times.M+5

I live in India and here the people with fair skin hates me because I am a brown. Even in Indian film industry (Bollywood), they never show any black Indian as an actor.M+20

More racist than as Indian is an Indian in Italy or country as such. Outside India they got the worst anyone can be.
Why, do you use fair'n lovely extensively or what. :D It's none other than your own country fellows pointing it out. :pop:


Inspite of the fact, that constitution uphelds secular, socialist and democratic values, the politicians are driving the country towards fascist and unipolar society. Hatred against communities are agenda of major political parties. Divisive forces are vocal in media, corporate cultures, public sectors, administrative services such as IAS, IPS and the armed forces. Ethnic cleansing and fascism is tolerated by intellectuals. India has a brilliant history of spiritual and religious harmony. We need to nourish our roots again with values of co-existence and harmony in the Indian society. We as a nation have a great opportunity for leadership of world by creating a harmonious society.M+15

I was born in India and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say we are the biggest bunch of hypocritical bigots. Indians discriminate based on religion, region, state, language, skin color, gender, family background, financial status, social factions...you name it. Here we have a caste system. The high castes activity segregate and suppress the low castes; (think of slavery sans slave status). I myself have been subjected to horrible discrimination and humiliation all my life all because I was born a low cast. I wouldn't wish this kind of life on my worst enemy. I find it ironic and pathetic when Indians complain about racism in western and European countries. We are living in 21st century but our mindset, beliefs and practices are of medieval times.M+5

I live in India and here the people with fair skin hates me because I am a brown. Even in Indian film industry (Bollywood), they never show any black Indian as an actor.M+20

More racist than as Indian is an Indian in Italy or country as such. Outside India they got the worst anyone can be.
:lol::lol::lol:Yup ! Specially Girls are very obsessed by it :lol:
My brother in his teenage looked like a Super White Persian . He went to Bangalore:lol: for BHM .
He was treated like a High Class Foreigner by the Students of the College .

I hope U caught the drift :D
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