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India on way to become global military power: Experts

It is obvious that you have little compassion for the poor. If you think India's poors are so content with their lives, why is there widespread Maoist rebellion?

Very well said...Indian poor are not content with their lives and that's why moist rebellion...In fact irrespective of the country it is true for all poor's

I am not trying to say India should not develop its military. However, I do think that India has been overly militaristic and expansionistic in the past 50 years. If not for the west's concern with China's rapid rise, India will not get a free international pass for its military built up and rampart human rights abuse it is getting now.

May i ask what do you mean by overly militaristic and expansionist here??? DO you know what is the amount of GDP we invest in defence??...Also i am not aware if anyone is giving us defence equipments for free just to contain china...Please share in case you are??? If with west you are referring to US/India honeymoon and hopefully a long lasting marriage than its not just china factor...We have $$$ to spend and western world wants to cap it...apart from other potentials that India has to offer
Very well said...Indian poor are not content with their lives and that's why moist rebellion...In fact irrespective of the country it is true for all poor's

May i ask what do you mean by overly militaristic and expansionist here??? DO you know what is the amount of GDP we invest in defence??...Also i am not aware if anyone is giving us defence equipments for free just to contain china...Please share in case you are??? If with west you are referring to US/India honeymoon and hopefully a long lasting marriage than its not just china factor...We have $$$ to spend and western world wants to cap it...apart from other potentials that India has to offer

Thanks for your comment on the poor. Poverty is a plague that every country should tackle.

"Free pass" means India is spared of much of the trade sanctions (remember the one imposed by the U.S after the nuclear test?) and criticism. This wasn't the case until after 2000, and if you have good memory, you should know that western media's tone towards India was markedly different then. The fact that the west is so eager to sell some of their best airplanes (Typhoon, etc.) says a lot of their strategic intentions. Do you honestly think that this sale would make a huge difference of their economy? I doubt it. China has much more $$$$$$$$$$$$$ than India and it is not getting this kind of offers for strategic reasons.

Even though I would hate to see this, if China really falls someday like some people hope, India will come under more heat you will ever be able to imagine.
Thanks for your comment on the poor. Poverty is a plague that every country should tackle.

You are welcome bro...Anyways with honest intentions of discussing rather than arguing here are my thoughts...
"Free pass" means India is spared of much of the trade sanctions (remember the one imposed by the U.S after the nuclear test?) and criticism.

Yes i do remember...
This wasn't the case until after 2000, and if you have good memory, you should know that western media's tone towards India was markedly different then.
I very well know about worlds reaction..But do you what was the impact of those sanctions??? Thats where India is different from other third world country...

The fact that the west is so eager to sell some of their best airplanes (Typhoon, etc.) says a lot of their strategic intentions.

Yes agreed there is strategic intentions involved here...But then why do the same world sell some of these toys to countries like Pakistan and others...Definitely they are not planning to use Pakistan against china..right??? What does that mean....$$$ do play a part...

The other way of looking at it is the competition to cap 10 billion dollars worth deal...Do you know how much lobbying is going on to win this contract???

Do you honestly think that this sale would make a huge difference of their economy?
Are you kidding me??? Are you saying that defence deals have no or little impact on economy??? Here is a link for you..Please see how much worth money arms industry is about??? and india being the developing world largest importer..you just cannot ignore..

Arms industry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I doubt it. China has much more $$$$$$$$$$$$$ than India and it is not getting this kind of offers for strategic reasons.

Sure china has much mroe $$$$ involved and thats why Russia after her fall found lot of interest in arming them...Now its stupid to expect USA selling arms to Russia or china just for $$$$...because they have clash of interests for obvious reasons
Even though I would hate to see this, if China really falls someday like some people hope, India will come under more heat you will ever be able to imagine.

I would hate to see china falling as well...So we are in agreement there but as far as India will come under heat...for that there has to be clash of interests...Our goal is to have significance in South Asia and India Ocean..i don't see west having problems with that...Though i am not sure what future has as it is a saying in geo-politics that there are no permanent friends or enemies...What say :cheers:???
You are welcome bro...Anyways with honest intentions of discussing rather than arguing here are my thoughts...

Yes i do remember...

I very well know about worlds reaction..But do you what was the impact of those sanctions??? Thats where India is different from other third world country...

Yes agreed there is strategic intentions involved here...But then why do the same world sell some of these toys to countries like Pakistan and others...Definitely they are not planning to use Pakistan against china..right??? What does that mean....$$$ do play a part...

The other way of looking at it is the competition to cap 10 billion dollars worth deal...Do you know how much lobbying is going on to win this contract???

Are you kidding me??? Are you saying that defence deals have no or little impact on economy??? Here is a link for you..Please see how much worth money arms industry is about??? and india being the developing world largest importer..you just cannot ignore..

Arms industry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sure china has much mroe $$$$ involved and thats why Russia after her fall found lot of interest in arming them...Now its stupid to expect USA selling arms to Russia or china just for $$$$...because they have clash of interests for obvious reasons

I would hate to see china falling as well...So we are in agreement there but as far as India will come under heat...for that there has to be clash of interests...Our goal is to have significance in South Asia and India Ocean..i don't see west having problems with that...Though i am not sure what future has as it is a saying in geo-politics that there are no permanent friends or enemies...What say :cheers:???

You honestly don't think that the west have problems with India having too much influence on in South Asia and Indian Ocean? Okay, open your map and take a look, if the U.S has problem with China having too much in the Pacific Ocean, then India having too much presense in the Indian Ocean (which means India will control virtually all sea routes of oil transportation out of the middle east and all trade routes between Asia and Africa and Europe), will cause a way bigger problem for the west.

India has a long coast line, and will acquire more advanced aircraft carriers and missiles. This means India can strike both middle east oil countries and the Malacca Strait within hours and within hours and little military opposition. Now mind you that the U.S is keeping a large fleet floating near Saudi Arabia and Iran. Yes, officially this is to deter Iran, but if anything goes wrong between India and U.S, the logistics isn't hard to figure out, either. You wonder why the U.S tries so hard to keep India out of the Security Council?

But like you said, there is not permanent friends or enemies between countries. :china: :usflag: :pakistan: :indiaflag: :cheers:
It is obvious that you have little compassion for the poor. If you think India's poors are so content with their lives, why is there widespread Maoist rebellion?

I am not trying to say India should not develop its military. However, I do think that India has been overly militaristic and expansionistic in the past 50 years. If not for the west's concern with China's rapid rise, India will not get a free international pass for its military built up and rampart human rights abuse it is getting now.

If you were to choose between poverty and freedom OR bread+foreign invasion what will u opt ?

Besides, The Mao afftected areas dont have a good industrial establishment so far UP and Bihar and parts of MP are slowley getting attention.

The condition is opposite in Gujrat, Maharastra and Banglore which is even sought as an Example by Obama.

in this video the editor have compiled some clips on world opinion ( report / news ) about rising and shining india as global and regional power; rising indian ec...
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In this video hilary clinton and obama calls that india is alredy a global power:victory1:
No where near a global power.

70% reliant on West & Russia for its military

only the 12 th largest GDP


Global powers are USA Russia & China.

Japan & Germany can should they choose.

I think UK & France are declining global powers of the past.
No where near a global power.

70% reliant on West & Russia for its military

only the 12 th largest GDP


Global powers are USA Russia & China.

Japan & Germany can should they choose.

I think UK & France are declining global powers of the past.
We are talking of becoming global military power aren't we? How do you expect Germany to be a global military power? Even China without carriers have a problem in expanding its power to other regions of the world. India instead will have 2 new carriers by 2015/16 and 3 bigger carriers, that are aimed for missions with longer ranges are planed. Economy is not everything, Germanys and Japans forces are good and high tech forces, but mainly for defense reasons. Whereas France and UK still have the aim to send carriers, or tropps as fast as possible anywhere to to world, if they think it is important for their interests.
India is clearly developing a force with not only defense goals, but that are also capable for longer range missions (carriers, longer range transport aircrafts, more refueling aircrafts). But as I said before, there might not be the aim to be a global power, but at least a major power in Asia and the Indian Ocean.
look guys some people dont want to except facts why? becz they are jealous.
I agree a regional power with ability to power project in Indian Ocean but not globally.

2 40k carriers oe 2-3 nuke submarines is fine for india,s vicinty but not globally.
^Are you sure you're from Malaysia? What do you have against India? Did some Indian harm you when you were a child?
I agree a regional power with ability to power project in Indian Ocean but not globally.

2 40k carriers oe 2-3 nuke submarines is fine for india,s vicinty but not globally.

Quite correct when talking in specific context to IN.
And i feel, its very very expensive to even plan and then maintain the infra. like USN to achieve a global suprimacy.

However, with the Rapid modernization of all the Three Arms by 2025-2030, we shall see a 2 Super Global Powers China and India standing beside each other.

Global Affect need not be only felt when Indian Forces actually have a mobilised nature and present like US, but Like Indian approach will be China which has a good Navy and Over all Armed Capability but is limited to Asia by Policy.
I believe he/she is a Malaysian Chinese.

There's lot of people of Chinese origin in SE Asia.

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