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India on the verge of self-destruction


May 19, 2015
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India on the verge of self-destruction

Extremism is growing at an alarming rate and incidents of religious and ethnic violence are becoming more commonplace in Modi’s India. Discourse and dialogue on these incidents is actively discouraged.

Jawaharlal Nehru’s book, Discovery of India is based on the idea of India being a ‘composite nation’. Nehru envisaged India as a country made of a diverse collection of ethnic and religious groups which would be united by Indian nationalism. He saw Indian identity as many layered concept which grew out of the subcontinents long history of dealing with outsiders, some of who settled in India as rulers.

However, contemporary India is moving in a different direction. Extremism is growing at an alarming rate and incidents of religious and ethnic violence are becoming more commonplace. Discourse and dialogue on these incidents is actively discouraged. And while the world remains focused on the barbarity of militant Islamism and Muslim fanaticism, the rising wave of Hindu radicalism in India is ignored.

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Narendra Modi’s 2014 victory was a great success for these extremists. Modi was able to downplay his Hindu-supremacist tendencies by focusing on promises of economic prosperity.

Following the BJP victory, incidents of violence against minorities have grown. This July, a Muslim bodybuilder named Naveed Pathan was brutally murdered with swords and sticks. Initially the police reported that Pathan was a gangster and his murder was most likely a gangland execution. However refutations to the claim of Pathan having any criminal connections emerged on social media.

Despite calling itself a secular country, India failed to separate politics and religion and therefore failed to keep governance free of religious bias

This adds to the perception that the Indian government does not want to confront the issue of growing intolerance. In 2015, a nationalist Indian organisation with close ties to the BJP, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) issued a warning to Christians in Punjab, telling them that they had to convert to Hinduism or ‘prepare to die’. It is worth mentioning here that Modi himself is a former RSS activist.

As incidents of violence against Muslims, Christians and Dalits have grown, the Indian state has displayed an unwillingness to tackle the issue of growing intolerance in the country. This cannot continue indefinitely, otherwise Nehru’s ‘composite nation’ will self-destruct.

Indian intellectuals had started warning that a situation like this would arise towards the end of the twentieth century. They said the deep connection which can be found between Indian politics and religion would undermine the foundations of Indian democracy. They cautioned that religious and ethnic politics could even undermine India’s territorial integrity.

Thus it can be deduced that despite calling itself a secular country, India failed to separate politics and religion and therefore failed to keep governance free of religious bias. Dogmatists in India continue to utilise religion to mobilise their supporters. Unless action is taken to stop this from happening secular India will drown under a tide of religious intolerance.


No doubt Modi is considered a " terrorist " by almost all Pakistanis. While Pandit Nehru and Jinnah are still considered noble souls.

Nobody has ever questioned the killings of hundred of thousands of innocent people in the partion of 1947 neither anybody ever blamed Nehru and Jinnah. Though these two were the achitect of our independent nations and were solely responsible for the massacre during partion.

Religious intolrance which started in 1947 will eventually devide both nations on religious line. All Hindus living in Pakistan will either accept Islam or will seek asylum in India and similar thing will happen in Modi's India vis-e-vis Mulims of India.
what if instead of seeking asylum in Pakistan they might demand a land for their own independent country..
They can demand what ever they want ,or for that matter anyone can demand what ever they want ,we are not ready for any more breakup of india
They can demand what ever they want ,or for that matter anyone can demand what ever they want ,we are not ready for any more breakup of india
Muslims in india or not in hundreds, thousands or lakhs. that they can be given asylum, they are as much as Pakistan's total population, they need another country for them to live separately..

If you don't want them in your country give them a piece of land so that they can live there..

And what would you say to the Pakistani Hindus if they raise a similar demand in Pakistan ? :azn:
they can raise a demand in Pakistan.
but nobody here is asking proof of their loyalty to Pakistan. and nobody is asking them to either become muslim or leave Pakistan..

most of my friends in collage were hindu and now my immediate boss is also a Hindu.
they can raise a demand in Pakistan.
but nobody here is asking proof of their loyalty to Pakistan. and nobody is asking them to either become muslim or leave Pakistan..

most of my friends in collage were hindu and now my immediate boss is also a Hindu.

Stop dilly-dallying

And what would you say to the Pakistani Hindus if they raise a similar demand in Pakistan ? :azn:
the country only for the English speaking high caste
Stop dilly-dallying

And what would you say to the Pakistani Hindus if they raise a similar demand in Pakistan ? :azn:

they can raise a demand in Pakistan if they are treated as a second class citizen or as an alien..
but unlike You, nobody here is asking proof of their loyalty to Pakistan and nobody is asking them to either become muslim or leave Pakistan.

Stop dilly-dallying
what i said about friends and my boss is true..
And what would you say to the Pakistani Hindus if they raise a similar demand in Pakistan ? :azn:
they are too few to justify such a claim, they only constitute about 1.6% of total population of Pakistan bringing their numbers to about 3 mil, so be serious huh, what are they gonna demand?? a separate town or city? lol, raise justifiable comparisons since u are preaching to stop dilly dallying, maybe u should first do so urself...
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they can raise a demand in Pakistan if they are treated as a second class citizen or as an alien..
but unlike You, nobody here is asking proof of their loyalty to Pakistan and nobody is asking them to either become muslim or leave Pakistan.

Now Who are you to decide the criteria for raising demand for a seperate country for Hindus ?

I am simply asking you If Hindus of Pakistan demand a seperate country then what will be your reaction ?

they are too few to justify such a claim, they only constitute about 1.6% of total population of Pakistan bringing their numbers to about 3 mil, so be serious huh, what are they gonna demand?? a separate town or city? lol, raise justifiable comparisons since u are preaching to stop dilly dallying, maybe u should first do so urself...

If the demanding population becomes too little then comparisons become unjustifiables ?

In India Muslims are growing in percentage terms of population while Hindus are vanishing from percentage of Pakistan's population.

May be we Indians should follow you in performing such magical tricks and make minorities vanish from India :p:
I am simply asking you If Hindus of Pakistan demand a seperate country then what will be your reaction ?

They have already done it all over the world where they are in majority.
They realize their own impending destruction and are fantasising about their enemies impending doom to feel good about their miserable status in the world.

These same set of people have been opening dozens of threads each day, it's almost like ****, if you can imagine the gratification they seem to be getting from these kinds of bizarre threads.
The writer is currently serving as a lecturer in the department of Political Science and Pakistan Studies at Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore
Sounds and feels like british divide and rule in all her past colonies
All Hindus living in Pakistan will either accept Islam or will seek asylum in India and similar thing will happen in Modi's India vis-e-vis Mulims of India
what if instead of seeking asylum in Pakistan they might demand a land for their own independent country..

it would be totally waste of time to dream another partition, The concept of Pakistan is already failed look at the mess happened into their country where people ain't even safe in their Masjids. Every ony blowing into the corners wherver they want.
We feel much blessed that our forethers did not commit mistake by going to Pakistan
Today we're happily livig in India with our religious freedom & personal laws.
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