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India no longer No.1 Enemy of Pakistan

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Jul 11, 2010
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Know your enemy


Published: Jun 24, 2011 21:44 Updated: Jun 24, 2011 21:44

This is with reference to a recent poll according to which 59 percent of Pakistani people consider America their enemy.

India is enemy to 18 percent and only 11 percent consider Taleban as the enemy. This is really surprising because what Taleban has done to destroy Pakistan is something none of the mighty powers have been able to do.

Taleban have killed 35,000 Pakistanis and this is more than the combined causalities inflicted by all enemies of Pakistan. India could only kill 19,000 Pakistanis in four wars. Taleban penetrated our armed forces area and destroyed war assets worth billions of rupees.

Even India could not inflict such damage on us and still Pakistani nation considers Taleban as the least threat. This is insane.

Taleban defamed Pakistan all over the world and are able to tag it as safe haven for terrorists. Again this is something India with its powerful propaganda machinery and media could not achieve.

Taleban are eating us from inside and we are still looking outside for enemies. The enemy is right in our house. As long as we don’t know or recognize who our real enemy is, we will keep suffering like this. The government, media and other agencies should play an active role in making the masses aware of these facts.

© 2010 Arab News
Well lets see what USA has done.
Created Taliban and TTP which are CIA mercinaries serving the purpose of USA.
Infiltrated covert CIA operatives / Black water / Xe to arm and train these terrorist.
US War has caused murder of thousands of Pakistanis indirectly by the hands of Talibans.
US is promoting Indian interests in Afghanistan putting our sovereignty and strategic interests at risk.
Before the US false war on terror, there were no terrorist and no bomb blast even though Pakistan was under worst economic sanctions.
Finally, last but not least US backed fake democracy of dacoits is looting and plundering the country everyday and bread is getting our of approach for common man.
USA is NO1 enemy no doubt about it.
Have to blame the Indian government for loosing such an important position.

@topic. Taliban is a threat to Pakistan and neighbors and should be dealt with iron fist.
That because Talian / TTP is USA mercenaries.
India will always be Pakistan's number one enemy until Kashmir is resolved and anyone who states otherwise is a complete fool!
Just shows Pakistanis cannot think rationally.
im confused
some pakistanis here on this forum say TTP are india's mercenaries
India or USA same thing..TTP has an anti-Pakistan agenda and they will be willing to accept support from anyone..it doesnt really matter..currently India is in the lap of USA.
That because Talian / TTP is USA mercenaries.

Then why did you say no to N. Waziristan operation to drive them out once and for all? Why are you giving "USA mercenearies" time to regroup and build arms?
whats wrong with bharatis. when we call India as enemy No1 then bharatis are annoyed now if we dont consider you enemy No2 you are again annoyed.

Which Bharti Said So ?
Btw, For us Pakistan is an "Annoyed,Misguided" Brother rather "Enemy" !

PS : Infact, I know.. Most Pakistani's and Indians Think the Same about each other.
Which Bharti Said So ?
Btw, For us Pakistan is an "Annoyed,Misguided" Brother rather "Enemy" !

bwahaha oh please keep this "brother" akhand bharat talk aside we are not brothers. anyway which bharati said that for that you will check old threads.

anyway back to the topic
whats wrong with bharatis. when we call India as enemy No1 then bharatis are annoyed now if we dont consider you enemy No2 you are again annoyed.


Jana ji, first of all, grammar improve kijiye, because you sound to be against what you seem to want!

Secondly, the bhartis (like me), are not annoyed at all, rather they are amused after seeing that Pakistanis in general mistake them for the main enemy, and in turn harm none but themselves!

In fact it will be a matter of privilege and opportunity for the stupid bhartis if you and other Pakistanis consider them the nuymber one enemy!

You have no idea Jana ji, how the bhartis look forward to that !
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