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India must help pakistan : Shashi Tharoor ( The geography of hope )

the real democracy is not to serve only the wealthy and rich people. If your democracy system just ignore or exclude the care of these +200 millions starving people...than it's just a fake democracy...or you can calt that bourgeoisy democracy system.

Facepalm. You just didn't get my point. Read the last para of that post of mine again and try to understand.
Yes, she has said some nasty things about the country, but guess what? The country is still here. You may not like what she says, but that doesnt give you the right to put her in prison. You can use your own freedom of speech to point out why she is wrong if you think she is wrong. But she does have that freedom, and should. If your room mate says something bad about the house you both live in, that doesnt give you the right to lock her in or punish her.
Y our country was overtaken by a small east india company,,just bcoz of traitors like mir jafar,,, history repeats itself,,, if till nw we have learnt our lesson we shud identify them and take appropriate and stern action,,, and dnt compare a house with my country and belittle sacrifice of our country's soldiers,,compare wid smething that we all countrymen can die for ....
country is above all of us
your Indians discussion have nothing to surprise us neither, every time you have nothing better to say..then bragging freedom of speech and democracy is your ultimate way to find an exit or to divert the conversation such:

-we might be poor but at least we're democratic country..unlike communist
-we're not rich but at least we have freedom of speech..unlike China

I have seen over thousand times of this kinds of arguments...If your so call democracy couldn't help +200 millions of poor indians than what's the point of bragging it...and I'm pretty sure that thsese starving indians are speechless with empty stomac...let alone the freedom of speech...LMAO
you came to know about these so called poor through FOS only as ppl can u write about it in your country..can you criticze govt abt single child policy(if you have decided to derail, then I must too contribute) ....arent there any poor in your 3rd world country..and to my pakistani friend..you cant even talk about poor man..just look at your own house..
we are working on our own issue..what do you have anything else to say except this...

you guys are like our indian politicians you use poors of my nation as a political gimmick. and hats off to you..the thread has been shifted from pakistan to India's poor.
^^^^ Dude, India has 320 million poor. First look at your burn before you make fun of others burns.
Sahhi Throor seems confused. I think Pakistani ''keema naan'' he ate during his stay in Pakistan is making him speak for Pakistan and his Indianess is doing the opposite. The man is talking everything and anything.
Y our country was overtaken by a small east india company,,just bcoz of traitors like mir jafar,,, history repeats itself,,, if till nw we have learnt our lesson we shud identify them and take appropriate and stern action,,, and dnt compare a house with my country and belittle sacrifice of our country's soldiers,,compare wid smething that we all countrymen can die for ....
country is above all of us

Being a traitor is a punishable offence. Speech is not. As I said before, stop confusing issues.

The country was not taken over because mir jaffar wrote his opinion in a journal or spoke to a TV station. Treason is a different thing from speech.

Also: I repeat - I did not belittle any soldier. Stop making that accusation.

If you don't stop that accusation, I will have to ask you to stop burning buses and other public property. Do you get what I mean?

This is quite pathetic, that you have to keep pretending that I disrespected soldiers (I did not mention soldiers or the military anywhere) when you can't respond to the issue.

If you keep bringing up irrelevant issues, I cannot keep responding.
^^^^ Dude, India has 320 million poor. First look at your burn before you make fun of others burns.
India has very much other things too..dare to compare them too...and why you always bring the poor in other conversations..fail to understand..
and firstly learn to speak for your self..India's poor can give you an edge here but not in the real world..
Sashi tapar, should stay in pakistan. If wants we can send mrs arundati roy for his entertainment.
you came to know about these so called poor through FOS only as ppl can u write about it in your country..can you criticze govt abt single child policy(if you have decided to derail, then I must too contribute) ....arent there any poor in your 3rd world country..and to my pakistani friend..you cant even talk about poor man..just look at your own house..
we are working on our own issue..what do you have anything else to say except this...

you guys are like our indian politicians you use poors of my nation as a political gimmick. and hats off to you..the thread has been shifted from pakistan to India's poor.

When you brag about your democracy system, you should also look at the other side of medal too...Liberty and democracy is supposely to be fair for everyone (rich and poor)...all your gorvernment still leave +300 millions in porverty since your independance day..than it's questionable your democratic system...as I said early..your Indian democratic system is for Rich and for bourgeois...poor people will never able to enjoy a single mecanism of the democracy system.

..And yes I use poor Indians to illustrate that your democratic system is a joke...every elected power didn't solve anything of these people and will remain the same for the future...and be clear I have no intention to mock or insult these people...

As for China, I've never brag about how Chinese system is, China is certainly far from perfect...but at least we kept that at low profile. it was you Indians always drag China to compare with your democracy system...
When you brag about your democracy system, you should also look at the other side of medal too...Liberty and democracy is supposely to be fair for everyone (rich and poor)...all your gorvernment still leave +300 millions in porverty since your independance day..than it's questionable your democratic system...as I said early..your Indian democratic system is for Rich and for bourgeois...poor people will never able to enjoy a single mecanism of the democracy system.

..And yes I use poor Indians to illustrate that your democratic system is a joke...every elected power didn't solve anything of these people and will remain the same for the future...and be clear I have no intention to mock or insult these people...

As for China, I've never brag about how Chinese system is, China is certainly far from perfect...but at least we kept that at low profile. it was you Indians always drag China to compare with your democracy system...

first tell your gov not to stop discovery channel air documentaries of chinese slums and inequality. Then maybe we can listen to your 300 million poor BS
first tell your gov not to stop discovery channel air documentaries of chinese slums and inequality. Then maybe we can listen to your 300 million poor BS

Do we care if you listen? I said what I want to say that's about it...basically brag about India is fine but brag about India by dragging China in, you will receive a proportional respond...get that?
Do we care if you listen? I said what I want to say that's about it...basically brag about India is fine but brag about India by dragging China in, you will receive a proportional respond...get that?

The point is Chinese government doesnt allow any channel to make documentaries based on Chinese slums and economic inequalities. So, your argument of "300 million poor in India" will always be a fail whether or not China is being dragged into the discussion.
The point is Chinese government doesnt allow any channel to make documentaries based on Chinese slums and economic inequalities. So, your argument of "300 million poor in India" will always be a fail whether or not China is being dragged into the discussion.

that's the good of been a democratic country right? to expose your weakness to the world for other to criticize. But it's doesn't matter even if the world know how Indian slum is, your gorvernment still play the deaf ear...so much for your democratic system.
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