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India Likely To Sign $15 Billion Defence Deals With Russia


Feb 20, 2013
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Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Moscow and New Delhi are likely to sign defense agreements worth around $15 billion that include S-400 missile defense system, Mi-175V attack helicopters, Kamov multirole choppers during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Moscow.

Modi is likely to visit Moscow probably on December 24-25. Defense deals include the purchase of 48 Mi-17V5 attack helicopters for the IAF and 50 Kamov multirole choppers for the Indian Navy. Talks to lease one more nuclear submarine from Russia seems to have hit the road block. “We are no more considering to lease the nuclear submarine,” said a top level Indian naval official.

Russia had offered Kashalot K-322 nuclear power submarine of project 971 Shchuka to India and the talks were going on for some months. Indian Navy is already operating a Nerpa class Russian nuclear-powered submarine ‘INS Chakra,’ which it leased from Moscow in 2012 for ten years. The Indian Navy operated a Russian nuclear submarine for ten years back in the early 1980s.

The Russians have offered to upgrade the submarine based on Indian requirements and promised to handover the charge of the vessel in 2018 after the repair, upgrade and testing work and the Indian crew’s training are completed. The official would not say why the talks for leasing submarine are not fructifying. However, deal for S-400 missile system said to be firmly on track.

The modalities, including the price of deal and number of systems to be acquired, were agreed upon during the meeting of India-Russia Inter Governmental Commission on Military-Technical-Cooperation (IRIGC-MTC) which was co-chaired by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar and his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu in the first week of last month.

India Likely To Sign $15 Billion Defence Deals With Russia
Actually we should have gone for another nuclear sub deal. This is a very potent russian and that will give us an edge in sea.

I do not think there is a pressing need for another one.
Our crews are being trained on one.
Our own INS Arihant is getting ready for a show off very soon
The second Indian nuclear submarine INS Aridhaman is being constructed.

Why spend so much money for a lease - Something you don't own.
One is enough for a know-how.
This is my pragmatic opinion.
I do not think there is a pressing need for another one.
Our crews are being trained on one.
Our own INS Arihant is getting ready for a show off very soon
The second Indian nuclear submarine INS Aridhaman is being constructed.

Why spend so much money for a lease - Something you don't own.
One is enough for a know-how.
This is my pragmatic opinion.
Kashalot K-322 nuclear power submarine of project 971 Shchuka is same as Nerpa.
India made a wise decision by rejecting the offer which could cost 1+ bill$ for 10yrs
India will have 2 SSN before 2022 once the lease is over.
Can India reverse engineer this beast:)

S-400 is also wastage of money if Russian are not offering us some TOT in exchange for some other products
Lmao, as usual india buying weapons from other countries because they can't build anything on their own.
Lmao, as usual india buying weapons from other countries because they can't build anything on their own.

Name me any Asian country who can make S-400,Mi-175V type of heli?

Kamov are cheap light utility helis which will be assembled(30%local content).
Indian HAL's light utility helis will follow soon.
Kashalot K-322 nuclear power submarine of project 971 Shchuka is same as Nerpa.
India made a wise decision by rejecting the offer which could cost 1+ bill$ for 10yrs
India will have 2 SSN before 2022 once the lease is over.
Can India reverse engineer this beast:)

S-400 is also wastage of money if Russian are not offering us some TOT in exchange for some other products

No more Vodka quaffing Russian officers on board INS boats.
Lmao, as usual india buying weapons from other countries because they can't build anything on their own.
its need of the hour, we need these SSN's and yes we got the capability but as usual we don't have time.....
Well what i have read in Russian forum is Kashalot is being quoted $1.2-1.5Bn for 10 year lease. To me coming in 2018-19 timeframe implies, its need arise s only when we have IAC1 in IN handover stage.

Personally, this amount 1.2-1.5$ Bn can be wisely use to get 2-3 regiments of S400 SAM fully armed with additional stuff as addons.. I feel that may have been the first and foremost concern of DM MP.

Second, the USHUS advanced version is in fact claimed by IN to be superior to Russian sonars. Now that is very important as the N Sub SSN in the range of say 100kms being part of CBG's primary role is detection and clearance of all such potential adversaries in CBG's path and avoid any threat being posed to ACC. In that sense, perhaps this role may be an issue for SSNs procured/leased from Russia.

The issue in hand also depicts a big dilemma, the kilo does 17Knots submerged and scorpenes does 20Knots whereas an average CBG does 25Kn plus with mostly wartime speed of closer to 30-32Knots. Thus we do require a fast moving Sub preferably SSN for CBGs.

I think we will finally get "Cashalot" but maybe not now as we may prioritize S400 with that price. But in another year and some more progress in negotiations and getting the price to a similar range like INS chakra lease, we will sign it later.

A small side info. Russia did produce additional 12 S400 systems in last 2 years for an unknown customer. That unknown customer was initially speculated to be Egypt. Much later now it seems it was always intended for its original customer India only.. few of those additional systems are now being deployed internally in Russia. But what i am trying to point is that System once purchased may see much faster deployment into India than most folks can even think about. So the whole order may get executed maximum within 3-4 years and deployed too. Or may be even less
Baby Bear Change your Flag.

Your SUPPOSEDLY Tiny Island is unable to even defend agaist Chinese Cost Guard.

Good stress on the supposedly.

He is a well known false flagging troll.

And if he is a pinoy, hes definitely one of the few in the Chinese minority that are soulless traitors. They do exist...thankfully very few though.

So there's no point trying to degrade PH to degrade him. Degrade what he is.
Name me any Asian country who can make S-400,Mi-175V type of heli?

Kamov are cheap light utility helis which will be assembled(30%local content).
Indian HAL's light utility helis will follow soon.
Baby Bear Change your Flag.

Your SUPPOSEDLY Tiny Island is unable to even defend agaist Chinese Cost Guard.
its need of the hour, we need these SSN's and yes we got the capability but as usual we don't have time.....
I got a feeling u come on this forum just to say this beacuse i have seen u r slimy butt dragging on this forum plenty of times saying same sht

False flag Chinese, even Philippine members on this forum spit on it.

And if he is a pinoy, hes definitely one of the few in the Chinese minority that are soulless traitors. They do exist...thankfully very few though.

With such dubious sense of patriotism does not surprise me ethnic Chinese have been target of persecution in many SE Asian nations
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