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India is worse than Pak on gender equality


Dec 5, 2009
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India is worse than Pak on gender equality

Has Far Higher Deaths During Birth: UNDP

Aradhana Sharma | TNN

New Delhi: Believe it or not, when it comes to gender equality, India fares worse than Pakistan. In fact, the country ranks lower than all other countries in South Asia, save Afghanistan. These are the findings of the 2010 Human Development Report released by the United Nations Development Programme on Thursday as per its Gender Inequality Index.

So while Pakistan might have become a hotbed for international women’s activism, it certainly seems to know how to take care of its mothers. On maternal mortality, India —with its abysmal record — trails Pakistan.

Reproductive health is the largest contributor to the inequality index, followed by other indicators such as women’s participation in the labour force, level of empowerment based on educational attainment and parliamentary representation.

On maternal mortality, the figure for Pakistan is 320 deaths per 100,000 live births. In India, the figure stands at 450. The country also falters on adolescent fertility rate — births among women aged 15-19. The adolescent fertility rate in India is 68 births per 1,000 live births as compared to 45 births per 1,000 live births in Pakistan.

No Country For Mothers

Maternal mortality in India is 450 deaths per 100,000 live births; the figure for Pakistan is 320

On adolescent fertility, India shows 69 births per 1,000 women aged 15-19; Pakistan fares better at 45

Lone silver lining is on women’s participation in the labour force, which is 36% for India, while in Pak it is 23%

Even on parliamentary participation, India fares worse than Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, even Rwanda

Overall, India ranks 122, Pak 116, Bangladesh 112

‘Women’s nos up in labour force’

New Delhi: The 2010 Human Development Report has bad tidings for India. Faced with poor performance on the health front, India ranks 122 among 138 countries on gender inequality. Pakistan is at 116, and Bangladesh is a notch higher at 112.

Where India might take some pride is in women’s participation in the labour force — the figure being 36% for the nation as opposed to 23% for Pakistan.

But that relief is shortlived. Another area where the world’s largest democracy falters is parliamentary participation. India, the reports states, stands out as an exception where 30% local government seats are reserved for women, but participation at this level has not been incorporated in the report. If India wants to fare better on this front, then Congress President Sonia Gandhi will have to keep her promise of ensuring reservation for women in Parliament and the legislative assemblies.

After all, most countries where women have found more places in Parliament are those where affirmative action has been put in place, such as Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, even Rwanda.
What is disconcerting is that the indicators are not moving, despite the government being well aware of the problems and even after adopting corrective measures as in the case of maternal mortality and improving *** ratios.

On the education front, at secondary and higher level, too, India needs to move fast to remove the disparity. While 50% men are covered at this level, for women, this figure stands at a mere 27%. The measured indicators are not the only concern. Involvement and efforts of women in a number of areas go unaccounted due to lack of data. The inclusion of such factors can make the picture even bleaker. Access to assets and domestic violence are just some of the aspects that are missing.

ToI front page reporting, Friday 5th Nov, 2010.

Gender Bias higher in India??
Certainly not in the urban areas..
Women seem to be more liberated in moving around in Indian cities wherever and however they like.
Where in India they have to deal with eve-teasers.. out here its both eve teasers and Mullah nutjobs.
Also.. A girl driving a two wheeler here is taboo...
Gender Bias higher in India??
Certainly not in the urban areas..
Women seem to be more liberated in moving around in Indian cities wherever and however they like.
Where in India they have to deal with eve-teasers.. out here its both eve teasers and Mullah nutjobs.
Also.. A girl driving a two wheeler here is taboo...

I think you need to consider things like Gender preference ie Girl child is low compared to Boys. Dowry and crimes against women.
bangladesh is better than the two ... I am happy for them :)
Gender Bias higher in India??
Certainly not in the urban areas..
Women seem to be more liberated in moving around in Indian cities wherever and however they like.
Where in India they have to deal with eve-teasers.. out here its both eve teasers and Mullah nutjobs.
Also.. A girl driving a two wheeler here is taboo...

It might be lesser than Pakistan by a few degrees...but women are still not respected.
The metros have eve-teasing...the villages have more problems...
while women moving around in jeans and skirts is a non-issue even in small towns...people's attitudes still need some years to change...
Gender Bias higher in India??
Certainly not in the urban areas..
Women seem to be more liberated in moving around in Indian cities wherever and however they like.
Where in India they have to deal with eve-teasers.. out here its both eve teasers and Mullah nutjobs.
Also.. A girl driving a two wheeler here is taboo...

Its not about freedom but woman healthcare and child mortality rate, in both this two Pak and BD did better than India. Yes India did better at women participating at work.

Urban India is totally different than rural India.
Attitudes that were inherited from our common forefathers..
Attitudes that are outdated. and irrelevant in our times and our generations.

Urban India is totally different than rural India.

Adding to that, different parts of India have different trends...the Gender in-equality is not uniformly distributed all over the country.
Gender Bias higher in India??
Certainly not in the urban areas..
Women seem to be more liberated in moving around in Indian cities wherever and however they like.
Where in India they have to deal with eve-teasers.. out here its both eve teasers and Mullah nutjobs.
Also.. A girl driving a two wheeler here is taboo...

The above statement maybe only partly true about Indian conditions. While educated women in Indian cities do in fact have the freedoms outlined, they are still vulnerable. In the rural areas, gender bias is definitely noticeable, however its severity is not constant across the country. Parts of India with a higher degree of female education are less afflicted. The key to empowerment of women is their education.
Hopefully, in Pakistan; as more women are exposed to education, this will be less of a social issue.
Yea i can believe it.
Even in some parts of Urban areas, it doesn happen!

IN Pakistan as well as India.
The countries are under developed in Human rights and rights of women. UN Action should be taken against it!
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