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India Is Making a Move on the South China Sea


Aug 5, 2012
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India Is Making a Move on the South China Sea
Thursday, February 25, 2016
By: The Diplomat

At a time when China is deploying advanced radar systems to its man-made island in Cuarteron Reef in the Spratly Islands archipelago and the United States is nudging its allies to carry out their own freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea to challenge China’s controversial assertions of maritime sovereignty, India’s role in the dispute is also assuming a new dimension.

It was recently reported in sections of the media that the United States and India have held talks about conducting joint naval patrols that could possibly include the disputed South China Sea. U.S. and Indian government officials were quick to dismiss the report. Washington suggested that while the U.S. and India have a shared vision of peace, stability, and prosperity in Asia, the two countries were not planning joint maritime patrols in the Indian Ocean or the South China Sea. New Delhi also argued that there was no change in its policy of joining an international military effort only under the UN flag.

China, not surprisingly, reacted swiftly and angrily, warning the United States and India that “[c]ountries from outside the area must stop pushing forward the militarization of the South China Sea, cease endangering the sovereignty and national security of littoral countries in the name of ‘freedom of navigation,’ and harming the peace and stability of the region.”

Even though it seems clear that the U.S. and India are not yet politically ready for joint patrols, the trial balloon itself is indicative of the rapidly evolving Indian position on one of the key disputes in the Asian strategic landscape. A number of factors are forcing India’s hand. The United States itself has been forced to adopt a more robust posture in the Indo-Pacific. The dramatic acceleration in U.S. military commitment to the region is largely a function of the astonishing rise of China. China is today on the cusp of becoming a serious regional military power and this transition appears all the more menacing because of its aggressive posturing in the East and South China Seas, challenging the freedom of navigation in these waters and open access to the global commons.

In their recent high-level joint statements, both the United States and India have repeatedly declared their support for freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, signaling that the Modi government is not reluctant to highlight New Delhi’s convergence with Washington on regional issues. India’s engagements with states like Japan, Vietnam, and Philippines have become more serious. India has publicly supported Vietnam and Philippines in their disputes with China. Indian naval ships have been visiting Vietnam in the South China Sea and the two nations have continued to cooperate on hydrocarbon exploration in the South China Sea, despite Beijing’s warnings.

India and Japan have also taken a public stand on South China Sea issue in recent years. During Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to India in December last year, the two nations called upon all states to avoid unilateral actions that could lead to tensions in the region in view of the critical importance of open sea lanes of communications in the South China Sea for regional energy security, trade, and commerce, which underpin the continued peace and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific. India and Japan also underscored the need for full and effective implementation of the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and an early conclusion of the negotiations to establish a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea by consensus. China promptly expressed its disapproval of this by labeling India and Japan as “countries outside the region.”

Make no mistake: India is charting a new course on South China Sea. Though its full implications will come to the fore only after some time, it is clear that it will have significant impact on how regional states and the United States view India as a regional balancer in the Asia-Pacific.
India needs to use this situation to her benefit. Get the Chinese on table and resolve the border dispute ( I suggest trade Aksai Chin for Man Sarovar and Kailash ) and make the LAC international boundary.

Also let the Americans know that till they aren't stopping their anti India activities, we are not jumping in SCS for US.
Watching the potential of SCS, it's natural resources, it's a good move. :-)
Forget China, if they claim your entire country, will you leave that? o_O

Why ? You are aware that China is building a highway through P-O-K. This is nowhere as provocative as that.
I am saying its better to not choose any extreme side right now. Not untill we get permanent UNSC seat.
I am saying its better to not choose any extreme side right now. Not untill we get permanent UNSC seat.

As the Bhagwat Gita says, don't worry about the end result. Just do your Karma.

UNSC permanent seat means nothing. India is slowly turning into a global giant. 20 years from now if and when we have a 15 Trillion $ Economy the UNSC seat will be meaningless.

That held value when we were a 1 trillion $ economy.

In a few more years we will outgrow the need to have an UNSC. Do you think US cares about the UN ?
UNSC permanent seat means nothing. India is slowly turning into a global giant. 20 years from now if and when we have a 15 Trillion $ Economy the UNSC seat will be meaningless.

That held value when we were a 1 trillion $ economy.

In a few more years we will outgrow the need to have an UNSC. Do you think US cares about the UN ?
We are bad negotiators. I hope we learn something from past. We can get so much out of this conflict only if we stop thinking with a moral filter. US does all sort of wrong things in the world, but convinces its people they are the saviour of humanity. Jumping in someone's boat blindly is bad. Pakistan was lured for Jihad like we are being lured for Karma.
We are bad negotiators. I hope we learn something from past. We can get so much out of this conflict only if we stop thinking with a moral filter. US does all sort of wrong things in the world, but convinces its people they are the saviour of humanity. Jumping in someone's boat blindly is bad. Pakistan was lured for Jihad like we are being lured for Karma.

I don't see why we need to throw out morality in whatever we choose to do. As long as the decision to act in our best interest is taken, the path can be moral.

Morality helps us in the long run. US image as a saviour is built on sweat and blood, not on morality. THAT is why the people trust them.

India will act strategically in our best interest and not in US interest. At least with Modi I am sure.

We had because they didn't had. They have because we don't have.

That is illogical. If we had it back then due to our philosophy then they too have it today based on the same philosophy.

They just don't call it Hindu or Gita.
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