True, Indians are usually very successful in other countries because they are smarter than others, work harder and have impeccable value systems.
The 9MP, unveiled on March 31, states that the ratio of mean income of bumiputeras to Indians has narrowed slightly from 1:1.29 in 1990 to 1:1.27 in 2004, while the mean income ratio of bumiputeras to Chinese has changed from 1:1.74 in 1990 to 1:1.64 in 2004.
In US and Europe and Africa and Australia, Indians do exceptionally well. They are one of the richest community there.
Common sense is not all that common.
That is a Lie.
India was always below china in ALL parameters when PRC and ROI was first established
This is what happens when you live in a cocoon, "educated" and "reeducate".