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India involved in illicit nuclear activities: US t



New Recruit

Nov 1, 2005
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WASHINGTON (AFP) - A US think tank has questioned India's nuclear non-proliferation record, saying it had uncovered illicit Indian government nuclear procurement from Europe that leaked sensitive atomic technology.

US President George W. Bush has used India's so-called untarnished non-proliferation record as a basis for sealing a civilian nuclear deal with New Delhi last week.

But the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), a private group in Washington, said in a report Friday that it "has uncovered a well-developed, active, and secret Indian program to outfit its uranium enrichment program and circumvent other countries' export control efforts."

Uranium enrichment is used as fuel for nuclear reactors but can -- in highly refined form -- be the fissile core of an atom bomb.

"Indian procurement methods for its nuclear program leak sensitive nuclear technology," said the report, co-authored by ISIS President David Albright, a former UN nuclear inspector.

When asked by AFP from where the Indian government made the illegal procurements, Albright said, "Certainly from the supplier states from Europe and could be from other places too."

He declined however to elaborate. "We sculptured that comment in the report very carefully," he said.

US and Indian officials claim that New Delhi does not engage in illicit nuclear procurement and has an exemplary record of preventing nuclear secrets from falling into the wrong hands.

The ISIS report said that under the direction of India's Department of Atomic Energy, the public firm Indian Rare Earths Ltd. of Mumbai procured sensitive materials and technology for a secret gas centrifuge uranium enrichment plant outside Mysore in southern India.

Rarely acknowledged by the Indian government as a gas centrifuge plant, the plant is believed to provide enriched uranium for civil research reactors, perhaps nuclear weapons, and a fledging naval reactor program, ISIS said.

"Public information about India's procurement for (the plant) is also shrouded in secrecy," according to the report.

On foreign procurement by Indian Rare Earth, ISIS said the firm, and trading companies procuring on its behalf, did not reveal that "the end user is an unsafeguarded uranium enrichment plant."

Its methods "allow a supplier to easily avoid knowing the true end use of an item and thus the supplier escapes responsibility for providing a dual-use item to a gas centrifuge plant," the report said.

Ironically, it said, Indias gas centrifuge program was procured through individuals who also played key roles in the illicit nuclear trading network led by notorious Pakistani nuclear scientist A Q Khan.

"We don't see India like Pakistan but they are not like Japan either," Albright told AFP. "There are some serious issues that India has to wrestle with and certain things it has to change," he added.

The US-India deal, which gives India access to long-denied civilian nuclear technology in return for placing a majority of its nuclear reactors under international inspection, has to be cleared by the US Congress before it can be implemented.

The Bush administration has proposed to Congress that an India-specific amendment be made to the US Atomic Energy Act, which currently prohibits nuclear sales to states which are not signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

India has refused to sign the NPT and has developed nuclear weapons.

ISIS proposed that before the United States and other countries engaged in nuclear cooperation with India, Indian procurement and export practices be closely scrutinized.

"The Indian government should commit to stop conducting illicit procurement for its nuclear facilities, implement steps to better control its nuclear information, and improve its implementation of national and international export controls," it said.
This is going cause a lot of trouble for the Indians if the allegations turn out to be right.

I'll be watching the developments with great interest.

The link to the above article is;

I'm also posting the link to ISIS profile.

There are quite a few nice articles there in the archives, read it;

Quite surprised to see that this major news didn't make it to the big Indian media.
The article was published throughout the ME media like the Khaleej and Gulfnews and several Pakistani newspapers.

If there's an aledged facility outside Mysore using powerful gas centrifuges, the US Congress would raise the question befor approving the civil nuke deal with New Delhi.
So the consequencies would be disasterous for India which brings me back to my point;
Why is the Indian media is silent on the issue???
You can't expect the indian media to report these kinds of things. Quite rarely you'll find an indian media source being against india. Most of the indian media is pro indian and very rarely say anything against India.
Originally posted by Ahsan_R@Mar 13 2006, 08:18 AM
You can't expect the indian media to report these kinds of things.  Quite rarely you'll find an indian media source being against india.  Most of the indian media is pro indian and very rarely say anything against India.
[post=6985]Quoted post[/post]​

r u sure about it???
well mdia doersnt have the right o attak the soverignity of our nation,but they can definitly attack the policies or events happening in india or elsewhere.

And when his former empoyer IAEA is giving a clean sheet,what has this ISIS got to do?

Across the spectrum, a group of 20 South Asia experts, including former US envoys to India Frank Wisner and William Clark and former assistant secretary of state for South Asia Karl Inderfurth, have urged support for the legislation citing their expertise relating to non-proliferation policy, security issues in Asia, the economic and political environment in India and India-US relations.
how is that people said it missed indian media.It was reported in India,TOI and aajtak ahd reported this news.
Good find Neo. I guess the main reason this news didnt get the hype is because its published by a private ThinkTank.
In past we had several think tank reports against pakistan. The problem with these private firms is that they support their own agendas and are normally biased.

Secondly they have to provide solid proof to back their claims which can become difficult at times.

Lastly this report highlights an issue which involves US and India relations. (dont forget that this relationship is in high swing at the moment and any effort which goes against it will be ignored.)
Delhi violated N-commitment: report

WASHINGTON, March 14: In 1974 India cheated on its commitment to use the technology it borrowed from Canada only for peaceful purposes and conducted a nuclear explosion, says a report issued in Washington on Tuesday.

The report, by Joseph Cirincione of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said that India took out fuel rods from a reactor it had received from Canada, extracted the plutonium from those rods and detonated its first nuclear test in 1974.

India called it a “peaceful” nuclear explosion, but the country now admits it was a test of a weapon design, noted Mr Cirincione, a renowned campaigner against nuclear proliferation who openly opposes the nuclear deal President Bush signed in New Delhi two weeks ago.

When Canada provided this reactor to India, it made it very clear that the reactor and the accompanying technology were supposed to be exclusively for peaceful use, Mr Cirincione said.

When India broke its pledge, Canada responded by ceasing all nuclear cooperation with New Delhi, he added.

Mr Cirincione believes that Canada will now play a key role in determining whether the Indo-US “deal lives or dies” and that Canada has a special responsibility in this matter because more than any Indian scientist, Canada can be called “the true mother of the Indian nuclear bomb.” Mr Cirincione believes that the deal President Bush signed with India, directly violates the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as well as several major US laws. The Bush deal would directly encourage and assist India’s nuclear bomb programme, in contradiction to Article 1 of the NPT that prohibits any signatory nation from helping another nation develop nuclear weapons, he adds.

Mr Cirincione says that before President Bush can sell “one gram of uranium” to India, the US Congress will have to approve changes to US laws. Senior members of both parties have indicated their deep concerns about the deal and the precedent it sets for other nations, including Iran, he added. The reaction has been so negative that the Indian ambassador to the US complained that the non-proliferation ideologues have highjacked the debate”.

But Cirincione warns that some nations, such as France, Russia and Canada, were tempted by the profits to be made in nuclear sales to the world’s second most populous nation.
Originally posted by Prashant@Mar 13 2006, 05:03 AM
r u sure about it???
well mdia doersnt have the right o attak the soverignity of our nation,but they can definitly attack the policies or events happening in india or elsewhere.

And when his former empoyer IAEA is giving a clean sheet,what has this ISIS got to do?

Across the spectrum, a group of 20 South Asia experts, including former US envoys to India Frank Wisner and William Clark and former assistant secretary of state for South Asia Karl Inderfurth, have urged support for the legislation citing their expertise relating to non-proliferation policy, security issues in Asia, the economic and political environment in India and India-US relations.
[post=6989]Quoted post[/post]​
Yes i am sure about it. How often do you find an indian media source being anti-indian? Only 1 of the 7 indian news channels I get here ever say anything that is happening bad in india and that is Sahara Samay. All other do report the negative happening in india, but it happens once in a lifetime. They're basically like FOX news, pro-indian government channels who like to bash anyone that is anti indian government.

Same can be said about most of the indian news websites.
All Indian channels make merry in Indian bashing,i dont mean the way BBC portrayal of S Asia way.

They are very happy sttaing the way we messed up things in WTO,how we got fooled in defence deals.

Who blew the cover on betting,who bought the downfall of Azhar,jadeja,Mongia?

There are more than a dozen MPs wholost their candidature bcoz of sting ops of the media.

Whats happening in the jessica lal case?

Who blew the cover on the rapes,dowry deaths and other social miseries.

There are dedicated programsw which shows all these and more.

I dont watch sahara samay,but i do watch ndtv,zee news and aajtak all except for NDTV is crap.
Well I don't get NDTV here, but Aajtak is one of those channels that you can call "India's version of FOX News". Aajtak to what I see is a VERY pro-indian channel, same with headlines today and all they do is report how great india is. Zee news is in contrast sort of balanced, more tilted toward being anti-indian. All these murders and rapes are busted by only a few channels like Zee Tv and Sahara Samay. Channels like headlines today and aajtak only report about how good india is.
The main point here is that no matter how much India paints Pakistan for nuclear proliferation and accuses Pakistan for using covert activities to get to where it is today in nuclear tech; India, itself has pretty much gotten its nuclear tech that way. And these reports are surfacing now because of the nuclear tech deal with the US as experts and analysts become more interested in digging up India's dark and secretive nuclear past.

I'm sure these reports are just the tip of the ice-berg.
Originally posted by Sid@Mar 17 2006, 09:40 AM
The main point here is that no matter how much India paints Pakistan for nuclear proliferation and accuses Pakistan for using covert activities to get to where it is today in nuclear tech; India, itself has pretty much gotten its nuclear tech that way. And these reports are surfacing now because of the nuclear tech deal with the US as experts and analysts become more interested in digging up India's dark and secretive nuclear past.

I'm sure these reports are just the tip of the ice-berg.
[post=7144]Quoted post[/post]​
The author of the article is a known non-proliferation activisit and has been a vocal critic of the Indian program since the very beginning. So the article means nothing. We broke no agreement and stole nothing. As for the "dark and secretive nuclear past", name one country whose nuclear past is all rosy and cute.
You are so much like so many Indians I have encountered in the past. When they have nothing to say to refute the claims made by someone against them, they go like "oh, this person is so and so; therefore, his article/comments mean nothing". Let me tell you, in the circles where it matters, it DOES mean a LOT and responsible people take lessons from these articles when drawing up policies. This is because the fellow is quite a reputable one.

As far as no agreement was broken, CIRUS was provided to India by Canada for peaceful purposes and to be used as a civilian reactor but India ignored all ramifications and used that reactor's fuel rods to extract plutonium and develop its first nuclear device which it tested in 1974, terming it a 'peaceful test' (its beyond my comprehension how you can term a nuclear test a 'peaceful test' - that beats all ironies for me).

Saying that all countries do it (covert nuclear tech obtainment) and so no one has a rosy past, doesn't wash away one's sins, to be poetic. Political and moral maturity is in taking responsibility for your actions as Pakistan showed in its case.
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