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India has more claim over Tibet than China

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China's economic reforms actually started in 1980s, not much earlier.

till 1995,india was under massive debt so present PM took steps to improve the situation,and till 2000 who knew india's importance...
i think all indian hype have been started after 2000..
this is why earlier a few months back I said that the Chinese govt and people must not allow hindus to preach their vulgar erotic religion in China. the more you study about hindusatan and the origin of hinduism there, you will know why should people fear this hinduism. ancient hindu sastra says women are nothing but sex toys for hindu males and factories to produce more hindus. one prime hindu god brahma has one daughter whose name is laxmi, but do you know who was brahma's wife? the same laxmi, his daughter... now you understand why many news reports come from hindusatan which say father raped daughter. it is in their blood.

a few days ago, i read reports about converted hindu gurkhas being shot dead by original hindus. these gurkhas have been taught to hate Chinese and Muslims by their hindu lords, these gurkhas have been deployed in Kashmir to shoot Kashmiri Muslim brothers, now they are getting the back what they give to their own brothers.

Thats a bit crazy... I dont think Chinese are some big bad commies or anything. Why trash Hindus and Indians for?
But compared to China, let see:

The Republic of India was declared in Auguest 15th 1947 and formed in January 26th 1950.

The People's Republic of China was formed in October 1st 1949.

Indian population: 1.192 billion

Chinese population: 1.338 billion

Both country have roughly the same age and similar population. Why India lagging behind so much in the infrastracture? :what:

You forgot an important thing to highlight
Indian governance: Democratic
Chinese governance: Communist
Things will change in India, but it will change in its own pace... It will come from within the masses and the demographics of the country and not from what the govt wishes to do. Even if you consider the 20 years late start of the reformist economic policies by India, I feel it will be a sustainable and inclusive growth. Things are always slower in a democracy, and what you are trying to compare is only the materialistic aspect of it and easily discounting the aspects of individual freedom.

Most Indians are happy with the growth and I guess thats what matters at the end of the day... why should we compare with others?
You people are one sick poster..is that what they teach you in Chinese schools?

That guy's previous id was Communist,Check his posts,this Hinduphobia and Brahminphobia was ritualistic for him
Majority of Pakistanis do NOT have Mughal blood or Indians. How ever they have mixed with Indian ethnic groups like the rajputs..

perhaps this is one of the reasons behind the gradual weakening of the great Mogul state in hindusatan. starting from Akbar the later Mogul rulers became ineffective, though Aurangzib wanted to revive the moral standard upon which the state had been founded, but failed. internal weakness invites external threats.
Thats a bit crazy... I dont think Chinese are some big bad commies or anything. Why trash Hindus and Indians for?

6642.CN is not Chinese, he is another account of "challenger".

However if he manages to upset some Indians, he can't be too bad I guess. :D
Actually, China and India had around the same GDP in 1990.

The difference is that China has managed to sustain double-digit growth for decades.

Whereas India has constantly predicted that it will reach double-digit growth... but it never has.

In 1990s when China was in mddile of its growth curve ..India was facing its worst financial crisis ever, due to break up Soviet Union..It was only after this, Indian economy was revamped and now we are sustaining a 9% growth
this is why earlier a few months back I said that the Chinese govt and people must not allow hindus to preach their vulgar erotic religion in China. the more you study about hindusatan and the origin of hinduism there, you will know why should people fear this hinduism. ancient hindu sastra says women are nothing but sex toys for hindu males and factories to produce more hindus. one prime hindu god brahma has one daughter whose name is laxmi, but do you know who was brahma's wife? the same laxmi, his daughter... now you understand why many news reports come from hindusatan which say father raped daughter. it is in their blood.

a few days ago, i read reports about converted hindu gurkhas being shot dead by original hindus. these gurkhas have been taught to hate Chinese and Muslims by their hindu lords, these gurkhas have been deployed in Kashmir to shoot Kashmiri Muslim brothers, now they are getting back what they give to their own brothers.

you are right blood is thicker than water. blood can't betray.

Babur was the founder of the great Mogul rule in hindusatan.


in india Babur the founder of Mogul state came from this man's blood on the side of his paternal ancestry


and came from this man's blood on the side of his maternal ancestry


majority of Pakistanis have this Mogul blood though not so prominent as Moguls intermarried with other races in hindusatan.

You are right, India always sees China as its main obstacle of becoming the Superpower. They want to annex other South Asian nations, then encouraging the separatist movements in China so they can take a piece from China.

Yes, we should not fall into India's trap anymore, don't be fooled by their pretending peace and smiling face.

However, we would not be the first who launches the attack, if India thinks she is strong enough to handle China then we are all ready for a war of liberating South Tibet and Kashmir.
6642.CN is not Chinese, he is another account of "challenger".

However if he manages to upset some Indians, he can't be too bad I guess. :D

You mean he is a false flag wannabe Chinese Pakistani?
You forgot an important thing to highlight
Indian governance: Democratic
Chinese governance: Communist
Things will change in India, but it will change in its own pace... It will come from within the masses and the demographics of the country and not from what the govt wishes to do. Even if you consider the 20 years late start of the reformist economic policies by India, I feel it will be a sustainable and inclusive growth. Things are always slower in a democracy, and what you are trying to compare is only the materialistic aspect of it and easily discounting the aspects of individual freedom.

Most Indians are happy with the growth and I guess thats what matters at the end of the day... why should we compare with others?

Man, this Democratic better than Communist is getting old, let try to bring something more creative this time.
Actually, China and India had around the same GDP in 1990.

The difference is that China has managed to sustain a double-digit growth rate for decades.

Whereas India has constantly predicted that it will reach double-digit growth... but it never has.

I think they have given up on that goal, now they are just hoping that China's growth will slow down. That is the only way they can even think about surpassing the growth rate.
The effects of economic reforms are not felt in the first decade at least on the ground... The Chinese reforms from 80s set the pace for accelerated growth towards late 90s and as I have mentioned in another post, we can't compare apples to oranges.... figures, numbers and statistics are not always the measure of one's prosperity. Most Indians are happy with the current growth figures I feel that matters a lot, although more is desired and is doable.
perhaps this is one of the reasons behind the gradual weakening of the great Mogul state in hindusatan. starting from Akbar the later Mogul rulers became ineffective, though Aurangzib wanted to revive the moral standard upon which the state had been founded, but failed. internal weakness invites external threats.

Well after Akbar the Great, the Empire would almost become the size of the Mauryan empire. Aurangzib tryed and epically failed to keep the Mughal empire going. He was the one that through out alliances like Rajputs. And even tryed to put Islamic tax(which failed tremendously) on India. He himself grow out repellion all through out India and Sikhs,Hindus, even Muslim factions like the Marathas would over throw the Mughals. Aurangzib was the reason why the Mughal empire collapsed I think.

owever if he manages to upset some Indians, he can't be too bad I guess.

Ya, I guess not then.
Man, this Democratic better than Communist is getting old, let try to bring something more creative this time.
Where did I mention that Democratic is better than Communist? I just pointed out that you should consider this factor when trying to compare in your post earlier. At the end of the day I am happy with where I am and why should I worry about what you think is better?
He is borrowing the Chinese flag, which is fine as long as he manages to keep his anti-China BS under control.

Thats very kind of you, since he posting against India..but not a word against Chinese communists?
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