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India has forgotten lessons of 1962 war:Global Times

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Nice to meet you too! I am a muslim living in Andhra Pradesh, where are you from? Unfortunately, I hate the govt, it doesn't do a damn for us... All I see is just MKI, MKI, where is my broadband? Where is my city?

I been to hyderabad 2 years back.that tech city or something there.its a nice place .your hyderabad chicks may look beautiful if they remove those black covers on face. :smitten:
Lol, we should just wait a few years for India to deteriorate, just let all the Maoists and terrorists take over India, for its system to incapacitate and self-destruct. Soon, the poor people riding on rooftops of trains will want to get rid of their rubbish govt. and replace it with one which cares for its people. God bless when that time comes. Allah is greatest.

Nice to meet you too! I am a muslim living in Andhra Pradesh, where are you from? Unfortunately, I hate the govt, it doesn't do a damn for us... All I see is just MKI, MKI, where is my broadband? Where is my city?

Thats why you are returning the favor by hoping for india to deteriorate because government is not doing enough for you??? BY that you will get your broadband...your city?? Yes Allah is greatest like any other god because all are one...:cheers:
Ok, just for you "beckham"
1,383 Killed[5]
1,047 Wounded [5]
1,696 Missing[5]
3,968 Captured[5]

where do you think the 1696 missing end up ? 1383+1696=?

Sino-Indian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

P.S. You still haven't answer my question, how many chinese soildiers being killed ? 1967

Do let us know u are from china,Not us we dont know how many Chinese soldiers died in 1962.:cheers:
I been to hyderabad 2 years back.that tech city or something there.its a nice place .your hyderabad chicks may look beautiful if they remove those black covers on face. :smitten:

If it's so good, what are you doing living in Germany? India not good enough for you?
Thats why you are returning the favor by hoping for india to deteriorate because government is not doing enough for you??? BY that you will get your broadband...your city?? Yes Allah is greatest like any other god because all are one...:cheers:

C'mon, it took them 15 years to come to the decision to scrap the village next door in order to set up some businesses. While all you guys do is just wish for MKI, don't you care about the people? You guys are a selfish bunch. People in mine and in my nearby villages suffer everyday while you idiots on your broadband just sit on your a$$es hoping for more defence spending. Seriously, GET A LIFE. Btw, chicks from the north are better imo
Thats why you are returning the favor by hoping for india to deteriorate because government is not doing enough for you??? BY that you will get your broadband...your city?? Yes Allah is greatest like any other god because all are one..
Is your allah , i.e prophet mohammad(son of god) or god?
Christians say jesus as a god as well while in their bibles it says he is an angel sent by god :P
Is your allah , i.e prophet mohammad(son of god) or god?
Christians say jesus as a god as well while in their bibles it says he is an angel sent by god :P

It's all about faith, and where my faith lies, I say Mohammad rose to the heavens.
During the 1950s at the start of Ahkand Bharat's "Forward Policy" Aggression, Bharat saw the Middle Kingdom mired in pan-European-American-Japanese Imperialism and civil war. Coaxed by Britain, USA, Russia and Europe to support it, Bharat saw this as the opportune moment to attack, and attack she did. Disregarding numerous calls to halt its expansionist actions, it continued well into the 1960s until the fateful response by the People's Liberation Army.

A thief is a thief. Doesn't matter if he's dressed in fine clothing or a dirty low caste. And thieves have uneasiness sleeping at night, always watchful for any signs the rightful owner may come in and take back what is rightfully his. The Indian thieves are cursed with this guilt, thus their constant attempts to reassure themselves that "This is mine, mine, mine!!! Nobody can take it from meeeeee!!!":hitwall:

First of all "Akhand Bharat" does not exist. If it was there then why India haven't occupied Bangladesh during 1971 just like China did for Tibet?
You have occupied Tibet illegally and calling India theif, isn't funny :rofl:
let me add something guys china gonna pay for their arrogance one day same as russia did in ww2 believe me when i say indian army hasnt forgetten anythin it wont be easy walk for them!
How strong is India's military might ?

Look at India’s recent military ventures. Not very far ago, India joined the United States, Japan, Australia and Singapore in naval warfare games in the Indian Ocean. Soon after the drill, dubbed as Exercise Malabar, concluded, Indian and Russian paratroopers began a detailed, two week counter terrorism exercise in Pskov, Russia.

Following the trend the Indian defence forces are pursuing, It is on the verge of becoming a formidable fighting force of the future. India has its massive hit back nuclear capabilities from its remote islands like Andaman Nicobar and has Trident submarine based nuclear tipped missiles which will make our enemies sweat in their groins with the prospects of the Indian hit back in case of a Nuclear exchange ever takes place between India and China.

Armed with a resurgent RAW (with IB). Which will be India's own answer to the CIA.

RAW agents are now being trained by the world class MOSSAD, CIA and MI-5. World class spying Equipment is being transferred to India to have an extended coordinated network of spies to counter Islamic fundamentalism.

China in the history of its existence has never attacked any nation nor has had any imperialistic tendencies. 1962 War was a fcuk up by Nehru and his bloated ego who was solely responsible for his military misadventure and failed - Chinese only responded in retaliation. The Chinese want to be left alone and they are a very cleaver race. They know it that they can only rule their own race so any misadventure beyond chink eyed or slit eyed borders will fail - besides you are talking about only 200 close members of their politburo in Beijing and not 1,25 billion Chinese. These 200 people control the whole of China and these guys have one mantra which they practice again and again in a closed room - like a ritual on top of their voices - and that Mantra is " "LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE" ! They will never start something as long as their own interest is being met and that being having a control of the Corporate China ! Besides they have a lot on their mind as the Uncle Sam is hell bent on destroying their space capability so that when somewhere around 1920, in the event of a space war, they are able to prevail by taking out all the Chinese equipment out of the space.

Starting something with India is so .. so ... SO .. SO DUMB that the whole bad **** will happen to them. USA will jump in fully and proceed with their plans of breaking up China. Japan will invade from their east. India will invade their west and Russia will square up their decades old dream of Invading China from the north. China knows it and this shall never happen.

Looks like we got a low life Racist here !!!

I saw the notice from Mod., anybody with such racist remarks will be

ban immediately, let see some action here.

P.S. Don't even try to use your second ID this time after you got ban.

let me add something guys china gonna pay for their arrogance one day same as russia did in ww2 believe me when i say indian army hasnt forgetten anythin it wont be easy walk for them!

What are you on about, we're still as poor as ever, we can't afford a war, we just got the equipment to show off. What's equipment without money? I think we're the ignorant ones.
What are you on about, we're still as poor as ever, we can't afford a war, we just got the equipment to show off. What's equipment without money? I think we're the ignorant ones.

First of all tell me where in Hyderabad actually you are from???
First of all tell me where in Hyderabad actually you are from???

Inder Bagh Hyderabad. You going to ask for my street next? I hope you don't call officials to my neighbourhood haha
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