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India gang-rape victim in Singapore for treatment

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Nov 29, 2009
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Taiwan, Province Of China
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SINGAPORE (AP) — A young woman who was gang-raped and assaulted on a moving bus in the Indian capital was flown Thursday to a Singapore hospital for treatment of severe internal injuries that could last several weeks, officials said.
The 23-year-old student, who is in critical condition, arrived in Singapore on an air ambulance and was admitted to the Mount Elizabeth hospital, renowned for multi-organ transplant facilities.
The hospital said in a statement that she was admitted to the intensive care unit "in an extremely critical condition." It said "she is being examined and the hospital is working with the Indian High Commission (embassy)."
The Dec. 16 rape of the woman and her brutal beating triggered widespread protests in New Delhi and other parts of the country and calls for the death penalty for the perpetrators of rape. It is punishable by up to life in prison.
All six suspects in the case have been arrested.
The rape has highlighted the extensive harassment that Indian women face daily in cities and towns, ranging from unwanted hands being placed on them to being blamed for causing the sexual violence. Even rape victims rarely come forward to complain because of the social stigma. Many women say they have structured their entire lives around protecting themselves and their children, and restricting their movements to avoid being molested.
In a written statement, the Indian High Commission, or embassy, said it has received "many offers to help" the woman, who is "receiving full medical attention." Her family is also being provided all assistance" by the embassy, it said.
The nearly daily protests in the heart of New Delhi following the rape have been frequently quelled by police using tear gas and water cannons. One policemen died of injuries suffered in the clashes.
Police said she was traveling with a male friend in a bus when they were attacked by six men who took turns to rape her. The men also beat the couple with iron rods, stripped them of their clothes and threw them off the bus on a road. They were found by bystanders before being rushed to New Delhi's Safdarjang Hospital. The bus, which was empty except for the attackers and the couple, drove through the city for hours during the assault, even passing through police checkpoints.
Press Trust of India quoted hospital medical superintendent, B.D. Athani, as saying Wednesday night that the woman suffered severe intestinal and abdominal injuries. She underwent three surgeries and parts of her intestines were removed, he said.
He said the Indian government, "based on the advice of a team of doctors," made arrangements for her to be shifted to Singapore's Mount Elizabeth hospital because it has state of the art multi-organ transplant facilities. Also, the travel time of 5 ½ hours from New Delhi was considered less arduous.
"With fortitude and courage, the (woman) survived the aftereffects of the injuries so far well. But the condition continues to be critical," he was quoted as saying. "The treatment (in Singapore) might take longer."
The woman was on ventilator support during the 10 days she was at Safdarjang Hospital.
Press Trust of India said the Indian government will bear all expenses of the woman's treatment. Doctors have described her as "psychologically composed and optimistic about future."
It said her condition worsened late Wednesday after her pulse plummeted briefly, and that periodic bouts of infection were also a source of concern.

India gang-rape victim in Singapore for treatment - Yahoo! News


I got this from the front page of yahoo news. This rape case in now an international sensation. In my opinion, the rapist should also be transfer to Singapore as well to face justice there. They will get several canning to the critical area before dismemberment of the critical area. If they survive, they can get a position at the Saudi Kings residence.
No need for separate thread bro. Keep all the discussion in one thread which already exists otherwise same old rants start by those who wants to troll on this issue.


That thread is about protest. This thread is about the victim going to Singapore.
That thread is about protest. This thread is about the victim going to Singapore.
Agreed and I don't doubt your intention. But in recent days we have seen really pathetic comments made by other members to bash and disrespect India and Indian women. And the worst thing is those posts don't get deleted. That's why just telling you what may happen.

Opening a thread is up to your discretion. I thought I should tell you what is happening keeping this case as a reason.
I think its good. One of our family frnds is a doctor in the hospital she was in. They told that media had made her and her family's life hell. They were outside the hospital 24/7 causing massive disturbance. Protesters are trying to reach the hospital all the time. Moreover, this incident has had a major impact on image of India. So to calm things down she is sent out of the country. Meanwhile govt is trying to put things in control.

I think she should leave India and never come back. People won't let here live here. She should run away as soon as she gets well.
Agreed and I don't doubt your intention. But in recent days we have seen really pathetic comments made by other members to bash and disrespect India and Indian women. And the worst thing is those posts don't get deleted. That's why just telling you what may happen.

Opening a thread is up to your discretion. I thought I should tell you what is happening keeping this case as a reason.

I'll personally request that they be banned if they disrespect a country or woman because of a rape incidence. Rape is a global problem. Not a problem of India. The difference, however, is how a country treat the criminals. Do we seek to "understand" them or do things the Singapore way.

I think its good. One of our family frnds is a doctor in the hospital she was in. They told that media had made her and her family's life hell. They were outside the hospital 24/7 causing massive disturbance. Protesters are trying to reach the hospital all the time. Moreover, this incident has had a major impact on image of India. So to calm things down she is sent out of the country. Meanwhile govt is trying to put things in control.

I think she should leave India and never come back. People won't let here live here. She should run away as soon as she gets well.

Well, she is out of India now. She should stay in Singapore as there are pretty much no rape there.
I'll personally request that they be banned if they disrespect a country or woman because of a rape incidence. Rape is a global problem. Not a problem of India. The difference, however, is how a country treat the criminals. Do we seek to "understand" them or do things the Singapore way.
Here population size comes into place. Looking at case loads on Indian judicial systems, misuse of laws, long trials etc. make it quite difficult.

There was an example quoted from US by a Pakistani, who talked about false accusations of rape on few college students. Countries of size of ours, law makers have more difficulty.

You are right about understanding the criminal. I hope people don't go ballistic over rape case and for once rationally discuss the cause of such crimes. Unless we know the basic factors that affect the person to commit a crime, we can't get rid of the roots of the evil.
Here population size comes into place. Looking at case loads on Indian judicial systems, misuse of laws, long trials etc. make it quite difficult.

There was an example quoted from US by a Pakistani, who talked about false accusations of rape on few college students. Countries of size of ours, law makers have more difficulty.

You are right about understanding the criminal. I hope people don't go ballistic over rape case and for once rationally discuss the cause of such crimes. Unless we know the basic factors that affect the person to commit a crime, we can't get rid of the roots of the evil.

Actually, the root of all problems with any judicial system is when the system seeks to understand the intentions of criminals instead of uphold the justice for the victims.
Actually, the root of all problems with any judicial system is when the system seeks to understand the intentions of criminals instead of uphold the justice for the victims.
Actually both are part of judicial system. One can't say a person got a fair trial if we can't find reason and intentions behind the crime. It may sound weird but upholding the justice to the victims shouldn't result in an innocent going to jail and the culprit walking free.

Nothing is more dangerous for the society than culprit walking free while innocent charged wrongfully. It just creates more trouble.
My wishes are with the girl. She will get well soon.

I have wishes for the rapists as well. :devil: They will also come true sooner or later. :guns:
Actually both are part of judicial system. One can't say a person got a fair trial if we can't find reason and intentions behind the crime. It may sound weird but upholding the justice to the victims shouldn't result in an innocent going to jail and the culprit walking free.

Nothing is more dangerous for the society than culprit walking free while innocent charged wrongfully. It just creates more trouble.

You misunderstand me. What I mean by "understand the criminals" is to understand and be sympathetic to the reasoning behind why they commit the crime. It has nothing to do with getting the wrong guy. The whole criminal justice system is to ensure that the law catch the right guy. And this should be paramount as we don't want to punish the wrong person.

As for sympathizing the criminals, would it matter if one of the rapist was sexually molested by his step father or uncle when he was young. Would that give them an excuse to perpetrate their crime? In US, people do get away with committing a crime with reduced sentences if they were a victim of a past offense themselves. To me, that is all bull crap. If you commit a crime, then you receive the same punishment no matter what was in your past.

My wishes are with the girl. She will get well soon.

I have wishes for the rapists as well. :devil: They will also come true sooner or later. :guns:

I am interested to hear your wishes for the rapist. :)
I wonder if she will be able to lead a happy and married life ever .
I wonder if she would one day complete her doctorate degree and fullfill her dreams .
I wonder if people in her locality will let her live a peaceful life nowonwards .
I wonder if she would not dream about the 3 hours that she had to face in the bus every single day of her life .
I wonder...........

I feel India is not a place for her to live anymore . Sorry sister :hitwall:
I am interested to hear your wishes for the rapist. :)
I wish they are left in the middle of the city in btw common delhites. Let them deal with them. They can be burnt to death with acid or they can beaten to death or then be cut one body part at a time or they can be *** raped by 1000 people in line or they can be stripped naked and dragged on the roads until their last breadth. These are some of the kind wishes I have for them.

I wonder if she will be able to lead a happy and married life ever .
I wonder if she would one day complete her doctorate degree and fullfill her dreams .
I wonder if people in her locality will let her live a peaceful life nowonwards .
I wonder if she would not dream about the 3 hours that she had to face in the bus every single day of her life .
I wonder...........

I feel India is not a place for her to live anymore . Sorry sister :hitwall:
I wish they are left in the middle of the city in btw common delhites. Let them deal with them. They can be burnt to death with acid or they can beaten to death or then be cut one body part at a time or they can be *** raped by 1000 people in line or they can be stripped naked and dragged on the roads until their last breadth. These are some of the kind wishes I have for them.


well, I think we should send them to one of the supermax here in the US and take turn staying with 6'4" LeRoy as their roommate.
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