In order for a terrorist organization to construct and detonate a dirty bomb, they must acquire radioactive material by stealing it or buying it through legal or illegal channels. Possible RDD material could come from the millions of radioactive sources used worldwide in the industry, for medical purposes and in academic applications mainly for research.[18]
Radio logical materials can be acquired from thousands of other sources in the world too ... What exactly makes Pakistan so special ? There are many scientific stores which sell uranium ( United Nuclear for instance ) so how come people are bothered about Pakistan ... Our army doesn't really gift out Fissile material to terrorist unlike some who provide explosives to be used on muslims
There exist thousands of such "orphan" sources scattered throughout the world, but of those reported lost, no more than an estimated 20 percent can be classified as a potential high security concern if used in a RDD.[19] Especially Russia is believed to house thousands of orphan sources, which were lost following the collapse of the Soviet Union. A large but unknown number of these sources probably belong to the high security risk category. Noteworthy are the Russian very strong beta emitting strontium-90 sources used as radioisotope thermoelectric generators for beacons in lighthouses in remote areas.[21]
If you talk about Dirty Bomb , then even Russia poses more risk than Pakistan since they have no trace of their Radio logical material which was lost following Dissolution of USSR ... I dont see any western editor screaming about it ... Why ?