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India ends eight-year ban, supplies military gear to Nepal


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda
KATHMANDU: Ending an eight-year-old ban on military supplies, India has handed over some of the equipment, including vehicles and arms, it had pledged to provide to Nepal ahead of crucial polls to be held next month.

Over 360 vehicles, including 25 mine-protected vehicles, have already arrived while arms and ammunition, which are in the pipeline, will come soon, sources in the Nepal Army headquarters said today.

This is the first time that military equipment is being provided to Nepal by India after ending a ban on the supply of such gear, including lethal arms, that was imposed when former King Gyanendra seized executive powers in February 2005, said a statement issued by army headquarters.

Nepal has said the equipment is needed by 62,000 troops who will provide security for the Constituent Assembly elections to be held on November 19. The country recently amended its Constitution to allow the army to be mobilised to ensure free and fair polls.

The equipment provided by India so far includes 216 light vehicles, 154 heavy vehicles and some arms. Among the heavy vehicles are 58 trucks with a capacity of 7.5 tonnes, four ambulances and 25 mine-protected vehicles, sources said.

The assistance will help smoothen regular operations of the Nepal Army, modernise the force and increase its efficiency for military operations, the official statement said.

"This will also help in strengthening and further deepening Nepal-India mutual cooperation," it said.

India had agreed to provide the equipment during the tenth meeting of the Bilateral Consultative Group on Security Issues in April.

India ends eight-year ban, supplies military gear to Nepal - The Economic Times
And thats a very good news. We need to do more for Nepal Army.
Very good news.I wonder what kind of weapons we supplied.is it more INSAS or other small arms...
Good news ...... Nepal is a brother nation ..... We should provide them with whatever they need .
Truth about the REAL Cause of Anti-India Sentiment in Nepal

To tell the truth, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for us to be happy about it, India, through it's Intelligence Agency RAW is destroying Nepal from within, with heavy political manipulation and influence, our whole economy is continuously on Loss.

India PROHIBITS Nepal from purchasing, assembling, or making Weapons (of all types), and it's a treaty that Nepal has to depend on India for military equipment (incl. Weapons), ensuring our dependency on India for our security, hell, we are NOT even allowed to build the damn ROADS for our development.

If we purchase ANY weapon, India quickly complains of "threat to India's National Security", and stops passing the Raw Materials used for making Weapons (Bullets), several years ago, this happened, guess what, thanks to India's brutal policies to it's "brother", Nepal had NO weapon to even secure Nepal from it's own criminal threats.

No one here appreciates the crappy INSAS given by India (yes, it's of LOW quality and capability - compared to other modern rifles incl. M16), we want to see our Country FREE from India's manipulations, India BULLIES Nepal, and we want that to end.

India has been seizing our Land since 1950, through it's Border Guard force (SSB - Shima Shitty Bitch) taking advantage of India's ability to bully Nepal and politically destabilize Nepal. None of the Governments in Nepal last one year, that's BECAUSE of India's political manipulations. People are beaten, Women RAPED by SSB, they charge fee to our people in our OWN land in the Border area.

If Nepalese complain, the "Big Brother" India threatens Nepal, then the matters is quietly swallowed [ couple of years ago, Indian Army chief visited Nepal (after Maoists protested when SSB seized Nepal's land), the Indian Army chief landed on Tribhuwan International Airport and asked "Do you want to fight?", "Brother Nepal" quietly digested the insult and threat.

What is it do you think is it - that brought the Nepalese Monarchy down?

NO, it's NOT the Maoists, NOT the political coalition either, it's the "Hindustan" actually, India's intelligence Agency RAW planned it for decades, (and spent 12 billion rupees ALONE - at the time of Fall of Monarchy), this is what brought Nepalese Monarchy down.

The Nepalese Monarchy is what was holding the Nepalese together, we were ONE because of Monarchy, we had a HINDU Kingdom. The HINDU Kingdom was a big hurdle in the path of India's Masterplan of disintegration of Nepal. This is what most people in Nepal don't realize, India's Master Plan for "Brother Nepal" is merger of Nepal into India, many people here have NO idea why RAW is causing political instability in Nepal.

Maoism in Nepal was just a card for India, the true card in this game is the Madhesi party. The Madhesi Party would NOT have any major share in the Nepalese politics without India's BIG population, hundreds of thousands of Indians were hired just for illegal voting, The Nepalese Police had even caught the Indians being "imported" for this purpose, children as small as 13 years were MIS-used for giving the Madhesi Party the votes they needed.

What the Indians are basically doing is they are continuously entering Nepal and settling in Terai region, the Madhesi Party demands for Nepalese citizenship to them, and India forces Nepalese Govt to accept the demand. The reason for this is, they are trying to make Indian majority in Nepal, through Nepalese Citizenship, and the end demand will be separation/DIS-Integration of Terai from Nepal, ultimately leading to the merge of whole of Nepal itself.


The so-called "Khas Indians" even enter Nepalese land, and beat and BURN ALIVE the Nepalese people (a father was BURNT ALIVE in front of his son, who lived to tell this as he managed to escape while he was being beaten, he could not save his father), we are so f*cking tired of what India and Indians is/are doing with our people, and our land.

Indian criminals mis-use the Open-Border (which we have been requesting India to close for so long), they import the cheap Weapons made from Scrap metal (usually called: Katta, Sixor) and these weapons are causing rise in the crimes in Nepal.

People (usually Nepalese Muslims) are accused of being ISI agent, and RAW (Research & Analysis Wing Riot & Sorrow Weasel) hired contract killers murder those individuals, they either use Bullets (with "Made in India" mark) or use vehicles with Indian Number Plate.

And I know -- I don't have to mention the FAKE Kapilvastu and other Buddha's matters.


Recently a Nepalese Student was raped in Delhi, the Indian Media (which reports even when Dhoni farts - did NOT report anything), a Nepalese woman was raped THRICE the same day, they Indian media did NOT report this either. And an innocent Nepalese is still under that Arushi Talwar case.

We don't want your crappy weapons (but unfortunately, we are left with NO choice), but if we were Self-Dependent (India does NOT allow us), we would NOT have accepted those crap pieces.


YES, I Know, this sounds "Anti-India" to Indians, but it's the truth, our lives have become indescribably miserable because of RAW.

These reasons are causing the rise of Anti-India sentiment in Nepal, contrary to what Indians believe, and contrary to what India's puppets (politicians of Nepal) maintain in India, the truth is - Nepalese are VERY VERY tired of India's policies and behaviors, and it's treatment to Nepal. The result is a continuous rise in Anti-India sentiment. Anti-India sentiment is at it's PEAK, and it's rising every day, as India continues to p*ss us OFF.

Hail Lord Shiva
Hail Nepal
You mean supply arms to the Indian army there to keep a tighter gripe on Nepal.

How many Indian soldiers are stationed in Nepal at this moment, uninvited?

And those Gorkhas masqueraded as Indian foreign legion.
You mean supply arms to the Indian army there to keep a tighter gripe on Nepal.

No , the arms is for Nepal Army .

How many Indian soldiers are stationed in Nepal at this moment, uninvited?


And those Gorkhas masqueraded as Indian foreign legion.

Gorkhas are not Indian foreign legion . Gorkhas are present in both India and Nepal .

who told you Nepal doesn't purchase weapons apart from India???They're buying M-16,M-4,H&K PSG-1,CAR-15,MP-5,Galil,G-36,UZI and many others..hell,I mean,what kind of article is this???

you really should read about what kind of weapons Nepal is using..Hell,they even use Chinese Trucks and Aircrafts.India is a major arms supplier,nothing more.
You mean supply arms to the Indian army there to keep a tighter gripe on Nepal.

How many Indian soldiers are stationed in Nepal at this moment, uninvited?

And those Gorkhas masqueraded as Indian foreign legion.
Nepal is like a brother to us!we share similar culture and have been co-existing peacefully for thousands of years.India doesn't control Nepal.Nepalese citizen are also defacto Indian citizens and vice-versa because of the Indo-Nepal friendship treaty and they are allowed to work and settle anywhere in India without any passport or Visa.similarly Indians can also go to Nepal and work there without any proper document!!
According to the the tri-partiate treaty between India,U.K. and Nepal only these three countries can hire and employ the legendary Gurkha warriors in their respective Armed Forces.besides India has it's own Gurkha population of around 10 millions living within the Indian territories.our Army employs 40% Nepali Gurkhas in the Gurkha regiments and the rest 60% are employed from within the Indian Gurkha population.....
if Nepal is being controlled by India,the same can be said about your own country which has been controlled by the United States for the last 100 years,don't you think that!!!

1. Do you have enough money to make weapons and roads ? Nepali poverty is not due to India. Do you have mines and steel plants to make machines or bullets ?

2. Any move to buy weapons from pakistan and china will naturally be seen as an Anti-India move. Wy is that so surprising to you ?

3. It is well know that ISI has a strong base of operation in Nepal. You should be worried about them destabilizing a Hindu kingdom rather than a Hindu majority India.

4. It is good if RAW is eliminating ISI agents (usually Nepali muslims) in Nepal. You should be thanking us. I am sure your govt. is glad we are doing it.

5. The reasons Anti-India sentiment in Nepal is because of poverty and misgovernment. You want somebody to blame. India is a convenient target. Same psychology works with Sri Lankans and Bangladeshis.

Reality is you have to take responsibility for your own future rather than blame India. We have better things to do in life. I know this sounds Anti-Nepal, but it is not. These are just uncomfortable facts.

Are you aware that your are a hilly, land locked country stuck between India and China ? You will always have to choose between India and China. Choose the lesser of two evils in a manner of speaking. All the best in making that choice.
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