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India dumping nuclear waste in Bangladesh

What an idiotic article. Capt P you need to study a bit. You come across a bit dumb when you post such things. Any proof that the fly ash is radio active? You don't even need to be scientist to know how outlandish it sounds.

Indians can not hide its nuclear terrorism by calling "idiotic" article. Why not india submit itself to independent international inspection on its end to end nuclear activity? And why not you prove india is not exporting nuclear waste by mixing it with ash and other chemicals? And why indians are desperate to pretend to be dumb just to deflect indian terror activity?
Indians can not hide its nuclear terrorism by calling "idiotic" article. Why not india submit itself to independent international inspection on its end to end nuclear activity? And why not you prove india is not exporting nuclear waste by mixing it with ash and other chemicals? And why indians are desperate to pretend to be dumb just to deflect indian terror activity?

I must say debating with you is like talking to a senile old lady? The ash is exported to your country and hence the evidence is in your hands. You just need to get it tested by the UN and prove the facts? Is your country so primitive that they cannot do such a simple check?
I must say debating with you is like talking to a senile old lady? The ash is exported to your country and hence the evidence is in your hands. You just need to get it tested by the UN and prove the facts? Is your country so primitive that they cannot do such a simple check?

Go back and read the report, there were specific examples given that Holcim cement and few other companies imported these radioactive indian ash. If you pretend to be "always stupid" unfortunately no one can help you.
Go back and read the report, there were specific examples given that Holcim cement and few other companies imported these radioactive indian ash. If you pretend to be "always stupid" unfortunately no one can help you.

You can go and read Grimms fairy Tales too and see most of the story's there are based on true Characters :toast_sign: just like your bullshit here. Get a life and some education. It won't hurt you. As I said mixing radioactive waste in flyash is not like pouring sugar in cup of tea. Wake up and be constructive here otherwise there are some old lady forums where you will be better understood.
I must say debating with you is like talking to a senile old lady? The ash is exported to your country and hence the evidence is in your hands. You just need to get it tested by the UN and prove the facts? Is your country so primitive that they cannot do such a simple check?

If these Jamatis had that much common sense, they would not be posting this article on the forum :P

I just enjoy ruffling their feathers :) Their constant bickering reminds me of this video from Pixar:

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Go back and read the report, there were specific examples given that Holcim cement and few other companies imported these radioactive indian ash. If you pretend to be "always stupid" unfortunately no one can help you.
There are idiotic articles and then there are idiots who believe those idiotic article and make their argument. And then there are people like you who take it a step further.

Fly ash contains trace concentrations of heavy metals and other substances that are known to be detrimental to health in sufficient quantities. Potentially toxic trace elements in coal include arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, barium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, radium, selenium, thorium, uranium, vanadium, and zinc. Approximately 10 percent of the mass of coals burned in the United States consists of unburnable mineral material that becomes ash, so the concentration of most trace elements in coal ash is approximately 10 times the concentration in the original coal

fly ash by nature has radioactive trace elements, you dont mix anything to make it radioactive. Education helps my friend!!!!

If these Jamatis had that much common sense, they would not be posting this article on the forum :P

I just enjoy ruffling their feathers :) Their constant bickering reminds me of this video from Pixar:

ek number!!!!!!
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Offcouse india did not disclose its nuclear terror activity and cement factories which are private imported these ash from US did not have any idea that india is mixing nuclear waste with ash. But offcourse indian terrorist mind desperate to hide that fact. How pathetic!

All people in your country are idiot that they are not able to find nuclear waste ??? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

How many people till now feel this (radio activation) :cheesy:...

Just check your home ..may be some radio active ash used to make it :rofl::rofl:
God what the hell is wrong with the Bangladeshis on PDF?

Bangladeshis are just exposing indian propaganda, killing and terrorism directed against Bangladesh. If this is too much to own upto all these indian crime, leave indian nationality or go complain to indian govt? Indian circular rant has no worth.
Bangladeshis are just exposing indian propaganda, killing and terrorism directed against Bangladesh. If this is too much to own upto all these indian crime, leave indian nationality or go complain to indian govt? Indian circular rant has no worth.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: nuclear terrorism you should say.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: anyway..if indian is exporting nuclear waste to your country...why you guys are still alive????perhaps you guys are Superman..right???
Bangladeshis are just exposing indian propaganda, killing and terrorism directed against Bangladesh. If this is too much to own upto all these indian crime, leave indian nationality or go complain to indian govt? Indian circular rant has no worth.

One sentence.

Quit overestimating your worth.
I want to see this news at Prothom Alo as heading. But PL is pro indian. Our Atomic Commision may test to get proof.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: nuclear terrorism you should say.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

india had been practiciing all sorts of terrorism against Bangladesh and against other south Asian countries. India sheltered, funded and directed Santi bahini terrorist. India trained and managing awami League terrorist killing squad who are doing abduction and killing Indo- awami regime political opponents and exposing their activities.
india had been practiciing all sorts of terrorism against Bangladesh and against other south Asian countries. India sheltered, funded and directed Santi bahini terrorist. India trained and managing awami League terrorist killing squad who are doing abduction and killing Indo- awami regime political opponents and exposing their activities.

So what you can do now ???? :lol:

P.S We will destroy all your relation with other countries , we will make every one your enemy

Now you got our hidden agenda ... so now go and sleep that only thing you can do :lol:
P.S We will destroy all your relation with other countries , we will make every one your enemy

No doubt india will try harming Bangladesh, good that you admit it..

India backed Shanti Bahini, Burmese rebels: book

Mon, Nov 9th, 2009 7:37 pm BdST

By Subhra Kanti Gupta

Kolkata, Nov 9 (bdnews24.com)--Indira Gandhi was voted out of power in 1977, just when India's external intelligence organisation, R&AW, was preparing to substantially step up its backing for the Shanti Bahini, says Subir Bhaumik in his just-released book "Troubled Periphery:Crisis of India's Northeast".

Bhaumik, a journalist and academic researcher for three decades, has provided graphic details of the R&AW's involvement in the Chittagong Hill Tracts and Burma's Kachin Hills in his latest book. But he makes it clear the "orders came right from the top" and were not operations generated by the agency.

"The immediate provocation for the Indian sponsorship of the Shanti Bahini guerrillas .. was the military coup that killed Sheikh Mujibur Rehman and many members of his family. To Indira gandhi, this coup was a political defiance of India .

"Within a week of the coup, senior R&AW leaders arrived in Tripura's capital Agartala with a clear brief for their subordinates: Get
those Chakma leaders who want to fight Bangladesh."

Bhaumik's findings is based on detailed interviews of Shanti Bahini guerrilla commanders and R&AW officials and the book is replete with such references.

One Shanti Bahini leader tells Bhaumik about the quality of Indian training.

"The Indian training was intensive and tough as the instructors had served with military units in Nagaland and Mizoram. The leadership element of the course was gruelling and involved war games and dummy attacks.

"The instructors would observe how we went about the attack and whether we had absorbed the theoretical lessons. They would severely admonish us if we were found lacking. They always reminded us of the maxim that you bleed less in war if you train well in peace."

Indira Gandhi's election defeat in 1977 saved Bangladesh, then grappling with mutinies and domestic unrest, from huge trouble, suggests Bhaumik.

"Just when the Shanti Bahini were told to prepare for the big push forward and that India would support a strength of 15000 guerrillas came the news of Mrs Gandhi's election debacle and the Congress defeat...

"It is not clear how far Mrs Gandhi wanted to go and it is possible that, after the liberation of Bangladesh, she could see the value of a successful foreign campaign could boost her dropping popularity back home.

"But her defeat changed the course of events . The R&AW plans to intensify the guerrilla war in Chittagong Hill
Tracts were put on hold when Morarji Desai took over as Prime Minister. The R&AW topbrass were categorically told to lay off from CHT."

Bhaumik's book says the support to Shanti Bahini was resumed when Mrs Gandhi came back to power--but by then, the Bahini was in the throes of a fratricidal war that led to the assasination of its chief M N Larma.

It says that R&AW's Agartala station chief at that time, Parimal Ghosh even resolved this fratricidal conflict by drafting an agreement between the two Shanti Bahini factions.

Ghosh in 1971 was close to General (then Major) Ziaur Rahman and operated under his pseudonym Captain Hossain Ali.

As a BSF officer, he fought at the Shuvapur bridge with the Mukti Fauj.

Bhaumik also details how the R&AW won over the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and started giving them weapons -- just to ensure they would not back any Northeast Indian rebel groups anymore.

The man instrumental in this operation was one of the most successful R&AW operatives , B.B.Nandi, who had also served as their station chief in Dhaka.

During Nandi's tenure as station chief at Bangkok, he developed close links with the Burmese underground groups, specially the Kachins.

Bhaumik says that Nandi even planted a R&AW communications team at the KIA headquarters in the early 1990s, from where they monitored the China-bound movements of the northeast Indian rebels .

After retirement, Nandi became a fierce critic of the R&AW and the Indian government when Delhi started befriending Burma's military junta and the BNP-Jamaat combine in Dhaka.

Bhaumik's book , published by Sage, details the major issues of conflict in northeast India -- land,language, leadership, ethnicity, ideology , religion -- and offers a policy framework for resolving the crisis.

It says the region suffers from severe "democracy and development deficit" and argues that a secular and democratic Bangladesh and a truly federal and democratic Burma is crucial to the stability of India's Northeast.

India backed Shanti Bahini, Burmese rebels: book | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com
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