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India could be key target of new al-Qaeda chief


Feb 17, 2011
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NEW DELHI: India could be one of several new theatres targeted by al-Qaeda's newly-appointed chief to establish his authority over the jihadist group and its allies, intelligence sources say.

The appointment of Osama bin-Laden's long-standing lieutenant to lead al-Qaeda was made public on Thursday, in a three-page online communiqué, which announced “the undertaking of responsibility of the amir [supreme leader] of the group by Sheikh Dr. Abu Muhammad Ayman al-Zawahiri.”

Perceived by many within the jihadist leadership as aloof, even arrogant, the 1959-born former Egyptian surgeon is under intense pressure to demonstrate that al-Qaeda has survived bin-Laden's killing by the United States special forces last month.

Long-standing problems between the Egyptian jihadist circles led by al-Zawahiri and their Yemeni and Saudi counterparts, though, mean he could turn to Pakistani jihadists to execute his plans. Fakir Muhammad, a top jihadist commander who has repulsed multiple military campaigns to retake his strongholds in northwest Pakistan's Bajaur agency, is among al-Zawahiri's closest allies.

Hatred against India runs deep amongst Pakistan's Islamists, and targeting it could prove a means for leaders like Fakir Muhammad to win domestic legitimacy, as well as draw cadre away from organisations that have been reined in by Pakistan since the November 2008 Mumbai attacks, like the Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Fears that al-Qaeda will choose India as a theatre to expand have been mounting since last summer, when al-Zawahiri's former deputy released an audiotape claiming responsibility for the 2009 bombing of a café in Pune.

“I bring you the good tidings,” al-Masri said in the audiotape, “that last February's India operation was against a Jewish locale in the west of the Indian capital [sic.].”

Muhammad Ilyas Kashmiri, a Pakistani jihadist, reported — but not proven —to have been killed in a drone strike earlier this year, was announced to have set up a special unit to stage the Pune bombing and future strikes.

Al-Zawahiri was among the first international jihadist leaders to mention India, writing in a manifesto published in 2001 that his cadre had “revived a religious duty of which the [Muslim] nation had long been deprived, by fighting in Afghanistan, Kashmir, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Chechnya.”

The theme was taken up by bin Laden himself in 1996, when he issued a declaration condemning “massacres in Tajikistan, Burma, Kashmir, Assam, the Philippines, Pattani, Ogaden, Somalia, Eritrea, Chechnya, and Bosnia-Herzegovina.”

Later, in September 2003, al-Zawahiri again invoked India to warn Pakistanis that their President, General Pervez Musharraf, was plotting to “hand you over to the Hindus and flee to enjoy his secret accounts.”

Thursday's communiqué is believed by experts to have followed a meeting of al-Qaeda's 10-member General Command, though it is unclear whether its scattered members communicated through couriers or cast their votes online.

The statement also called on “the Muslim people to rise and continue resistance, sacrifice and persistence [until] full and anticipated change comes, which will not be achieved except by the Islamic nation's return to the law of its Lord.”

The Hindu : Front Page : India could be key target of new al-Qaeda chief

we are waiting for you!
al-Qaeda chief said right
if India continuity involve in Afghanistan than any thing could be happened
i just suggest u that USA couldn't stop 9/11 attacks than how India can
the condition of USA is like a sinking ship
leave him alone in Afghanistan than u see a new Vietnam
al-Qaeda chief said right
if India continuity involve in Afghanistan than any thing could be happened
i just suggest u that USA couldn't stop 9/11 attacks than how India can
the condition of USA is like a sinking ship
leave him alone in Afghanistan than u see a new Vietnam

u guys are so vry proud of some 9/11 or 26/11 etc etc right !!! well if we cannot stop the then there will come a time when the affected countries will loose patience and then they will strike back, at the financiers in the deserts and the executors on their far east and west and there will be glass plains all over!!!
al-Qaeda chief said right
if India continuity involve in Afghanistan than any thing could be happened
i just suggest u that USA couldn't stop 9/11 attacks than how India can
the condition of USA is like a sinking ship
leave him alone in Afghanistan than u see a new Vietnam

One the foot is rooted, why would we need to fear these people who can do nothing but terrorise the innocents.... There fate is subjected to change soon... Well dont worry we will never end up like how you are today....:disagree:
Don't take him seriously, he was just having one of those patriotic moments. According to me, we are actually vulnerable to the same extent as you and actually have more to lose than you. It is because of this reason that you should understand that when we say we want peace in Pakistan and Afghanistan, then we mean it. We actually support no terrorism after LTTE fiasco. India is solely involved in basic infrastructure in Afghanistan which is what they need.

Because of decade long war there is nothing left in Afg. and there are lots and lots of injured people who need medical attention and problem is there is no hospital and doctors and this is were India comes. You should at-least consider a possibility that your army is trying to tarnish India's reputation so as to remain in power. It is your army which is power hungry and just imagine what will happen to your army the day you will start believing that India is not your enemy.

Afghanistan has huge amount of natural resources and India needs them so as to maintain its growth and then their is pipeline like TAPI and Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline. If India and Pakistan improve their relationship and pakistan is successful in keeping tabs on anti-india elements then Pakistan could benefit by just being a gateway to India and China of-course. We can set up railway line right from Iran, Iraq, Afg., Pak to India and China.
i think india enjoys perceiving danger threats...........

that might be the case, but there is a strong possibilty of an attack in INDIA. any attack inside INDIA will give a new leader like AL ZAWAHIRI a great victory to boast about. any attack on INDIA would have great implications, 1st it ll give AL QAIDA great leverage among jihadi groups which are anti INDIA in core, these groups would certainly be impressed with AL QAIDA, & they might well come together under the banner of AL QAIDA. 2nd it ll put the pakistani government under enormous pressure & strain, PAKISTANI GOVERNMENT & ESTABLISHMENT would have a lot to loose. 3rd in any attack on INDIAN soil AL QAIDA would have to recruit some jihadis from within INDIA for logistic support or probably to carry out the attack. this third point would be of huge significance, INDIA is a huge recruiting ground for an organistaion like AL QAIDA, i am surprised that till now we haven't seen any big figure coming out of INDIA. INDIA has a large muslim population with it's fair share of disgruntled & angry young men, who are generally well educated, & many of them are at speed with the 21st century, there expertise in IT & other TECHNOLOGICAL feilds would be a great asset for an organisation like

that might be the case, but there is a strong possibilty of an attack in INDIA. any attack inside INDIA will give a new leader like AL ZAWAHIRI a great victory to boast about.
I guess we should tell RAW and IB about you.
I guess we should tell RAW and IB about you.

I welcome AL ZAWAHIRI to come to India if he got balls to do so...

When we are thretened and targetted by nations at large and that does not seem to disturb us what is a one man named al zawahiri could do ....
If this rag clad AL ZAWAHIRI is really foolish enough or has the balls that he claims to have would be diging his own grave.Lets say he attacks india,what next?The Indian govt.will deploy troops and equipment equal to or more than the US.The already sacred to death will not even have the time to scratch their worthless balls. Ps:If you succeed AL ZAWAHIRI i'll personally shove a brahmos up ur and Al Qaeda's . Jai hind
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