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India-China SED dialogue to focus on high speed rail tracks


Feb 21, 2014
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india and China will hold the third round of their strategiceconomic dialogue here this week aimed at raising the speed of Indian trains and improving heavy haul operations and rail stock.

Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia will arrive here tomorrow for the Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED) to be held here on Mar 18.

Five working groups covering different areas are finalising the details for the high level economic and trade dialogue between the two countries.

Besides attending SED, Ahluwalia would call on Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on March 19.

The Chinese delegation will be headed by Chairman of the National Reforms Development Commission (NDRC) Xu Shaoshi.

The working groups covered areas like infrastructure, mainly the railways and operationalise the agreement for service centres to be set up in India for Chinese power equipment, environment and resources protection, water management and policy coordination, collaboration on planning and urbanisation, cooperation in high technology including the IT sector.

Officials said the working group on infrastructure focussed discussions to work out collaboration in strengthening the existing tracks in India to increase speed of the trains, official sources told PTI.

They said talks would be centred on high speed tracks, not high speed trains in which China has developed expertise in recent years.

The two sides would also discuss collaboration in heavy haul of rail stock and redevelopment of the railway stations.

Present global economic situation, cooperation in international monetary and financial systems, global commodity markets, sustainable development and climate change would also figure in the discussion.

India-China SED dialogue to focus on high speed rail tracks | Business Standard
good, I think to improve the capacity of transporting on railway is more urgent, to carry more coal or other resources will save cost and time for the economy. HSR is good but not so urgent.
Why don't India ask their strategic friend and ally Japan for HSR? According to indians, didn't China steal the tech from japan?
Good news . . .

but IMO, HSR network is not worth it. . . for such a large Population . . .:-)

They said talks would be centred on high speed tracks, not high speed trains in which China has developed expertise in recent years.

Many of the current tracks can't support the available speed. Includes things like signals etc.
Why don't India ask their strategic friend and ally Japan for HSR? According to indians, didn't China steal the tech from japan?
Exactly. And thats what we are doing. i.e. Involving Japan for its Infrastructure. To make it more clear, here were talking bout upgradation of existing stock rather than greenfield 300 kmph Shinkansen tech. When we will be ready for new HSR superspeed stock, obviously we wud prefer the original rather than the follower.
Exactly. And thats what we are doing. i.e. Involving Japan for its Infrastructure. To make it more clear, here were talking bout upgradation of existing stock rather than greenfield 300 kmph Shinkansen tech. When we will be ready for new HSR superspeed stock, obviously we wud prefer the original rather than the follower.

You‘d better be patient,very patient,for those Japanese high-speed trains won't show up before 2025 the earliest,if ever。:lol:

And since the Japs now a days make only a few of those trains each year,the trains are gonna be extremely expensive,and will anyhow use a huge quantity of Chinese components、parts and subsystems。

Then you guys would still have to import Chinese-track technology which is now the world's most advanced and competitive。:enjoy:
Dude, we got a bigger population, when did India pass us in population. You need some sort of new rail system to free up track and time for freight traffic in order to better manufacturing.

The pocket of people is smaller. Distances between stations is smaller. Number of people using trains is huge. If even current system is improved, that would do wonders. India is not yet prepared for HSR.
Very nice step & also more important for India's Infra. .
India needs China's expertise in HSR network development...
I was asking a question.

Than the answer should be obvious. Irrelevant of how they got the technology, now they have it. If they can provide the same stuff at lower price, than India would go for it.
Dude, we got a bigger population, when did India pass us in population. You need some sort of new rail system to free up track and time for freight traffic in order to better manufacturing.

You do realize that we are no that strong economically . . .as of now i don't find it that much useful as most of the ppl won't be able to afford it .

but Again thats just my opinion :)
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