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India, China growth race 'silly', says Nobel winner

Debate it. Want me to show you the list of all the socioeconomic indicators that India is comparable to Pakistan in? Maybe you can show me all the indicators that show India is comparable to China.

Has been done several times on this forum. You yourself contributed enormously to the debate. In case you didnt notice this thread is about India China comparisons. You are welcome to start a new thread on India Pakistan comparisons
Why are you hell best to compare your pakistan with India ?? :lol:

Btw...If you wana measure everything with per capita thingy..then by that...China is not even comparable to japan? US?

Heck by that logic even China is comparable with countries like Iran,algeria,angola,jordan,thailand. kazhakistan etc etc...and all these countries i have mentioned have higher GDP per capita then china! :what:

Stay on your words now! Wana be smart a**!

You're getting stuck on one parameter, whereas all other socioeconomic indicators; whether that is in the areas of healthcare, poverty, malnutrition, education, electrification etc; India is nothing like China.
You're getting stuck on one parameter, whereas all other socioeconomic indicators; whether that is in the areas of healthcare, poverty, malnutrition, education, electrification etc; India is nothing like China.

Many of the above mentioned nation lead China in most socioeconomic indicators. Most are small and no one calls them superpower.
You're getting stuck on one parameter, whereas all other socioeconomic indicators; whether that is in the areas of healthcare, poverty, malnutrition, education, electrification etc; India is nothing like China.

Then Trinidad and Tobago is 3 times ahead than China on all parameter. By per capita income, Trinidad and Tobago is 4 times ahead than China. :coffee:
Yeah china is ahead of India, we will always want to compete with the man who is ahead of us... Just like china competing with US.

Healthy competition should be welcomed always.
Tell that to millions of hungry people. They know neither freedom or democracy. You can call it epic failure of democracy that Indian government enforced socialist agenda on India (still does) and kept India a pauper nation.

You can't have a perfect country , can you ??

Second thing r u willing sacrifice democracy and freedom for an authoritarian rule which is efficient ?? Make a choice.

Beside that we have left the socialist economy behind us and going on decent growth path along with a vibrant democracy.
Then Trinidad and Tobago is 3 times ahead than China on all parameter. By per capita income, Trinidad and Tobago is 4 times ahead than China. :coffee:

Care to show what all these parameters are, & statistical evidence to support your claim?
Care to show what all these parameters are, & statistical evidence to support your claim?

Er..Aren't you using internet? Didn't you mention some random socioeconomic parameters? Surely you can google that..

India and China are all about scale...They have vast population and that shows in their GDP numbers. 2 BRIC nations (Russia, Brazil) have superior socioeconomic parameters, mostly and yet China is the "superpower" because Brazil has couple hundred mmillion more people than Pakistan and Russia less!
You're getting stuck on one parameter, whereas all other socioeconomic indicators; whether that is in the areas of healthcare, poverty, malnutrition, education, electrification etc; India is nothing like China.

First of all this thread is not about malnutrition, poverty etc etc...This thread is about pure economic race comparison btw India and China! dont diverge it to other issue's!

Secondly, don't dance from this parameter to that one! compare on 1! And yeah i am talking economically about India and china.

Not pakistan!!

Just by saying something it does'nt make it real! I know it is hard for a pakistani in US while watching news...(you know what i mean)
Er..Aren't you using internet? Didn't you mention some random socioeconomic parameters? Surely you can google that..

I was going to say the same thing. There are lot data on internet on various sites
Care to show what all these parameters are, & statistical evidence to support your claim?

Trinidad and Tobago GDP per capita @ 16,753 $
China GDP per capita @ 4,382 $

Also, US and JAPAN GDP per capita is some 10 times more than China all as per 2010 IMF.

As per Socio-economic, All things done with no further improvement. So what to post when it's close to 100% ?

It's impossible to have per capita 4 times ahead and not ahead in all other parameter. Can you give one example where any country is 4 times better in Per capita and not ahead in other socioeconomic indicators ?

I think you are highly confused. You don't to what to ask and then how to ask next counter question. :smokin:
First of all this thread is not about malnutrition, poverty etc etc...This thread is about pure economic race comparison btw India and China! dont diverge it to other issue's!

Secondly, don't dance from this parameter to that one! compare on 1! And yeah i am talking economically about India and china.

Not pakistan!!

Just by saying something it does'nt make it real! I know it is hard for a pakistani in US while watching news...(you know what i mean)

No, the thread is about 'growth race', & all the things I mentioned in my post are a part of growth.

Read this is in the opening post:

India, China growth race 'silly', says Nobel winner

New Delhi was far behind in the growth race, but more importantly it lagged in other criteria that showed real living standards were far inferior in India.

"Despite the interest in this subject (of comparing India's eight-percent growth to China's 10 percent)... this is surely a silly focus," Sen wrote in The Hindu.

Growth as estimated by gross national product (GNP) was an arbitrary measurement, he said, and "the lives that people are able to lead -- what ultimately interests people most -- are only indirectly and partially influenced by the rates of overall economic growth".

In an unflattering portrait of his country, Sen drew on data from World Development Reports of the World Bank and Human Development Reports of the United Nations to show China far ahead on most criteria.

Life expectancy at birth in China was 73.5 years compared with 64.4 years in India; Infant mortality rate is 50 per thousand in India and just 17 in China, and the under-five mortality rate is 66 for Indians and 19 for the Chinese.

China's adult literacy rate is 94 percent, compared with India's 65 percent, and mean years of schooling in India is 4.4 years, compared with 7.5 years in China, he said.

"Almost half of our children are undernourished compared with a very tiny proportion in China," Sen added.
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