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India, China growth race 'silly', says Nobel winner


Jun 27, 2008
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India, China growth race 'silly', says Nobel winner


NEW DELHI — India's leading economist, Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen, dismissed on Monday the "silly" obsession of comparing the economic growth rates of China and India.

In a lengthy critique of the practice, Sen argued that New Delhi was far behind in the growth race, but more importantly it lagged in other criteria that showed real living standards were far inferior in India.

"Despite the interest in this subject (of comparing India's eight-percent growth to China's 10 percent)... this is surely a silly focus," Sen wrote in The Hindu.

Growth as estimated by gross national product (GNP) was an arbitrary measurement, he said, and "the lives that people are able to lead -- what ultimately interests people most -- are only indirectly and partially influenced by the rates of overall economic growth".

In an unflattering portrait of his country, Sen drew on data from World Development Reports of the World Bank and Human Development Reports of the United Nations to show China far ahead on most criteria.

Life expectancy at birth in China was 73.5 years compared with 64.4 years in India; Infant mortality rate is 50 per thousand in India and just 17 in China, and the under-five mortality rate is 66 for Indians and 19 for the Chinese.

China's adult literacy rate is 94 percent, compared with India's 65 percent, and mean years of schooling in India is 4.4 years, compared with 7.5 years in China, he said.

"Almost half of our children are undernourished compared with a very tiny proportion in China," Sen added.

"Comparing ourselves with China in these really important matters would be a very good perspective, and they can both inspire us and give us illumination about what to do -- and what not to do," he said.

India's finance minister and prime minister routinely refer to their target of double-digit economic growth, which they say is required to make a dent in India's enormous poverty numbers.

India and China, which both have billion-plus populations, are often grouped together by analysts and pundits as Asia's emerging powerhouses despite their different levels of development and diplomatic influence.

Sen said that growth in GNP, a statistical measure of economic output by citizens of a country, was enriching many Indians, but the focus on the new affluent middle classes obscured the larger picture.

"Those gains are, of course, good, and there is nothing wrong in celebrating their better lives through economic growth... but the exaggerated concentration on their lives, which the media tend often to display, gives an incomplete picture of what is happening to Indians in general," he said.

Sen won the Nobel prize for economics in 1998.

Source: AFP
In an unflattering portrait of his country, Sen drew on data from World Development Reports of the World Bank and Human Development Reports of the United Nations .

inplace of relying on such reports it would be better had Amartya Sen given his own onsite views by looking around him ( is he lives in india ?)

i my self on the view that living standerds has raise many folds in last 5-6 years , there are good payments avsilable for skilled or even labour work , 250rs is the minimum these labour are charging for a day..
i find no reason to belive these reports , they are far from reality ...
Sen said something really not important in comparing India with China to show backward India which really not so in his mind.
What race?

India is currently slowing down to 7% growth, despite all the boasting.

Both Turkey and Argentina are growing faster than that.

India and China can't be compared. India is democratic country and China is Communist country. India should be compared with other democratic country like Brazil, Russia, S.K., etc.

By the way, Our GDP will be 9% again next year. It would be 7.5% from 8.5% due to certain step taken by RBI to ease inflation [for that 1% growth is sacrificed which is perfectly fine]
India and China can't be compared. India is democratic country and China is Communist country. India should be compared with other democratic country like Brazil, Russia, S.K., etc.

By the way, Our GDP will be 9% again next year. It would be 7.5% from 8.5% due to certain step taken by RBI to ease inflation [for that 1% growth is sacrificed which is perfectly fine]

whats with you indians and ideologies? does a democracy put food on the table? why does democractic india lag so far behind in china in terms of social conditions? why is communist china feeding her people better than a democratic india? why does democratic india have such higger mortality death rates among the newborns where as communist china only have a fraction?

if you still believe ideology has to do with anything you are a fool living a fools paradise.

drop the cold war mindset and maybe you will find nirvana!
whats with you indians and ideologies? does a democracy put food on the table? why does democractic india lag so far behind in china in terms of social conditions? why is communist china feeding her people better than a democratic india? why does democratic india have such higger mortality death rates among the newborns where as communist china only have a fraction?

if you still believe ideology has to do with anything you are a fool living a fools paradise.

drop the cold war mindset and maybe you will find nirvana!

In Democracy, Government has to take certain step for welfare of society. Sometime, it's not good for the economy. Government works as people wish and not on wish. There is no election in China, so Chinese government can do anything without fear of loss.

By the way, higger mortality death rates among the newborns is high in China due to 1 child policy.
India is bound to outpace China for long on growth rate, the only question is when it will happen.
The Hindu & Amarthyasen...both are socialists.So......
India and China can't be compared. India is democratic country and China is Communist country. India should be compared with other democratic country like Brazil, Russia, S.K., etc.

By the way, Our GDP will be 9% again next year. It would be 7.5% from 8.5% due to certain step taken by RBI to ease inflation [for that 1% growth is sacrificed which is perfectly fine]

Absolute right...RBI has ask the bank to increase home loan....
Actually India is far away behind, may be 20-25 years or even more!
China is already a super power which has veto power in UN, India should try to gain that status if they actually want to be super power state, question is it possible in next decade?
Amartya Sen is an Noble price winner, the irony is that Obama also got the Noble price for PEACE.
In Democracy, Government has to take certain step for welfare of society. Sometime, it's not good for the economy. Government works as people wish and not on wish. There is no election in China, so Chinese government can do anything without fear of loss.

By the way, higger mortality death rates among the newborns is high in China due to 1 child policy.

:lol: infant mortality IS for newborns. btw theres no such thing as the 1 child policy. i challenge you to find 1 chinese policy document that contains the phrase "1 child policy".

certain step for welfare of society? You kidding me? Is that why far more Indians are starving and illiterate than Chinese? Are they getting "welfare"? What does that have to do with the economy? We aren't even talking about the economy, we're talking specifically about social welfare which India does not have. Vietnam has similar GDP/capita as India and is far ahead in indicators like infant mortality, nutrition, education, etc.
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