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India chickens out of international students assessment programme again

grey boy 2

Jul 23, 2009
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United States
India chickens out of international students assessment programme again - The Times of India Hemali Chhapia, TNN | Jun 1, 2013, 04.06 AM IST

MUMBAI: After an embarrassing show in 2009, India has backed out of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) slated for 2015. The programme is a global evaluation process by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) secretariat that gauges where schoolchildren stand alongside their peers from other countries.

This academic Olympics measures the performance of 15 year olds in reading, math and science. Indians were put to test for the first time in 2009. On the global stage, they stood second last among 73 countries, only beating Kyrgyzstan. India had also stayed away from the evaluation round in 2012


This time around, sources said India shied away from the assessment as government officials felt our children were not prepared for such a test.

"Unfortunately, India hasn't signed up for PISA 2015, and didn't participate in the PISA 2012 round either," said Juliet Evans, who handles communication and administration for the PISA Secretariat. "India didn't sign up for the PISA 2012 assessment because when countries were asked to sign up for that assessment, India had only signed up for the PISA 2009 assessment, which it carried out a year later," she said.

Unlike India, several other countries like Costa Rica, Malaysia, Georgia and the UAE who had carried out the PISA evaluation in 2010 have signed up for the upcoming assessment. In the last assessment, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh were put through the PISA evaluation, but they performed miserably. The idea was that the entire country would participate in the next round of assessment but now that plan has also been dropped.

The assessment is based on two-hour tests that half a million students are put through. China's Shanghai province, which participated in PISA for the first time like the two Indian states, scored the highest in reading. It also topped the charts in math and science. "More than one-quarter of Shanghai's 15-year-olds demonstrated advanced mathematical thinking skills to solve complex problems, compared to an OECD average of just 3%," noted the analysis.

In math, considered India's strong point, the states finished second and third last, beating only Kyrgyzstan; the English test threw up the same result. Girls were better than boys and science results were the worst, where Himachal stood last. TN was slightly better and finished third from bottom. The average 15-year old Indian is over 200 points behind the global topper.

Experts estimate that an Indian class VIII student is at the same level as a South Korean class III student in math abilities or a class II student from Shanghai when it comes to reading skills.

What is PISA?

PISA, or the Programme for International Student Assessment, evaluates education systems in 70 countries by testing the academic abilities of 15-year-old students in each country. Skills and knowledge that students have acquired at the end of compulsory education in reading, math, problem solving and scientific literacy are tested."
(Thanks Martin for the news article)
Can't blame them though, which so-called up coming "Super Power" will want to repeat such a disaster twice in roll? boy, just check out the "2009"PISA massacre :lol:

these are some of the most fundamentals of a nation, regardless of what power one is claiming! and it happens twice in indian democracy!

We have to congratulate Costa Rica, Malaysia, Georgia and UAE for their positive attitudes taking the challenges head-on!

Unlike India, several other countries like Costa Rica, Malaysia, Georgia and the UAE who had carried out the PISA evaluation in 2010 have signed up for the upcoming assessment. In the last assessment,
PISA is not the yardstick we subscribe to PERIOD ! Feel free to compare the performance of Indians in PHY/CHEM/MATHS international olympiads !
Götterdämmerung;4356223 said:

It's clear that u don't know cr@p about olympiads. Indiavidual participants get gold medals and silver / bronze medals for the number of questions solved. Just because some country had the highest score doesn't mean none of the other particiapants won anything..

Try harder next time false flag kid :wave:
I dont know how is all this possible. When I came to Canada after doing my grade 10 in India I was put into high school. I did my grade 11 and 12 here and frankly it was a breeze. I almost skipped all the my classes and still gotv 94%. Got into the best engineering school in Canada with a scholorship. I had simply no trouble due to strong basics from India.

what will happen if usain bolt runs in a village fair competition.
meanwhile indian students are busy preparing for IIT which is more difficult to get in , i guess

Exactly after grade 10 all Indian students care about is the IIT exam which by FARRR is the toughest entrance exam in the world. They don't care about olympiads or PISA etc etc. I didn't even know they these things existed.
I dont know how is all this possible. When I came to Canada after doing my grade 10 in India I was put into high school. I did my grade 11 and 12 here and frankly it was a breeze. I almost skipped all the my classes and still gotv 94%. Got into the best engineering school in Canada with a scholorship. I had simply no trouble due to strong basics from India.

Exactly after grade 10 all Indian students care about is the IIT exam which by FARRR is the toughest entrance exam in the world. They don't care about olympiads or PISA etc etc. I didn't even know they these things existed.

Exactly dude, WTF is PISA??? Never heard of it and almost always gives us a bad name.

In any case I don't think we should lose any sleep over this

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Exactly dude, WTF is PISA??? Never heard of it and almost always gives us a bad name.

In any case I don't think we should lose any sleep over this

I came to know that something like PISA exists by trolling threads on PDF. Anyways just for pride we must choose good kids and send them pisa. There is no way they could come second last. How is this even possible, when Indian kids study much better than and advanced than other kids.

Anyways these IIT kids will destory anyones ego with their talent.
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I have a simple way of humiliating the entire world. Just get all the best high school graduate students from all over the world and ask them to write IITJEE. Only then we will see where they stand infront of Indians. I wonder what Canadian kids would do when don't even study integration till first year of college. :lol: Even worse is that western kids use calculator and have trouble drawing even basic linear and quadratic graphs.
I have a simple way of humiliating the entire world. Just get all the best high school graduate students from all over the world and ask them to write IITJEE. Only then we will see where they stand infront of Indians. I wonder what Canadian kids would do when don't even study integration till first year of college. :lol: Even worse is that western kids use calculator and have trouble drawing even basic linear and quadratic graphs.

you serious man??:woot:
you serious man??:woot:
100% true my friend. In Canada we have a grade 12 University course called Advanced Calculus. In this course students are first introduced to the idea of calculus and differentials and they don't teach integration in this. I asked my teacher why?? He said its too hard for high school students, you will learn it in university. I said :lol: and the funny thing is that the teacher was also Indian so he also :lol: with me.
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