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India and China agree to co-operate on IT


Aug 13, 2012
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India and China agree to co-operate on IT

India and China, on Tuesday, signed a memorandum of understanding on IT cooperation, which, officials said, was a ‘formal recognition’ from the Chinese government to promote Indian software companies, which have largely struggled to obtain contracts from Chinese state-run companies. Both countries held their third Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED) here on Tuesday.

Yang Xueshan, Vice Minister in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) and one of China’s senior-most officials in charge of IT policy, told The Hindu in an interview on the sidelines of Tuesday’s talks that contrary to Indian perceptions, Chinese state-run companies were ‘not blocking’ Indian IT. He pointed to the success of other foreign software companies in obtaining contracts. Tata Consultancy Services has been the exception in obtaining a number of contracts from state-run banks and local governments.

“We do not pose any impediments for Indian software companies in entering into cooperation with SOEs,” Mr. Yang said. Mr. Ahluwalia said the MoU was “essentially a formal recognition [from China] that we want to promote Indian IT'.’’ companies.

India also sought Chinese support in substantially raising the speed on three rail corridors and in developing modern stations.

China has rapidly modernised its rail network, which only three decades ago lagged behind India’s. Today, express trains run at 200 to 250 kilometres per hour, up from 110 kilometres per hour, while the government has revamped stations to build a network of modern, airport terminal-like rail hubs. The country has also built the world’s biggest high-speed rail network, where trains run at 350 kilometres per hour on 13,000 kilometres of newly-laid track, running entirely separately from the older rail network. India has sought assistance in raising speeds on three lines, between New Delhi and Agra, Kanpur and Chandigarh. Chinese rail officials said they could help raise speeds from the current 130 kilometres per hour to 160 or even 200 kilometres per hour.

“This will require realignment of the track and strengthening bridges,” said Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia. “The Chinese also have a lot of expertise on heavy haul, where they are pushing a lot more per train.”

Arunendra Kumar, Chairman of the Railway Board, told The Hindu cooperation with China on high-speed rail, which would involve building an entirely new network, was for now off the cards. “You would need a lot of land and money,” he said. “This would cost Rs.120 crore per kilometre, but it costs a lot less to raise the speed on existing tracks.”

India has, however, asked Japan for assistance in carrying out a project report considering the possibility of building a high speed rail line between Mumbai and Vadodara. At the SED, both sides signed an MoU to push IT cooperation. India has asked China to expand market access for software and pharmaceutical companies, and to take steps to narrow the record $35 billion trade deficit, which, Mr. Ahluwalia said, was ‘not sustainable’.

India and China agree to co-operate on IT - The Hindu
I dont see there is any benefit for China in this deal
Stupid moves on our side
We dont need indian's IT which wins contracts on cheap bids
indians need our train technologies at a good price

' to take steps to narrow the record $35 billion trade deficit'

if the indians have a choice they would have shopped somewhere else than China for narrowing their trade deficits
Even if we stand firm not signing this deal, india is still going to have huge trade deficits with China. So why the hack signing it?

We should buy more of their resources / commodities like cotton, sorghums, wood, cow hides, minerals, some other agricultural products
Will QQ and Alibaba replace facebook and Amazon in india?Although the chance is not so big,it still worth trying.
Chinese are good at copying/imitating.......if they collaborate with India, they'll know what actual software development is....
One can imitate a software by studying its output i.e what it does.....Chinese may be good at this BUT they will know how to develop something with one's own, unique idea....if they collaborate with India....
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I dont see there is any benefit for China in this deal
Stupid moves on our side
We dont need indian's IT which wins contracts on cheap bids
indians need our train technologies at a good price

' to take steps to narrow the record $35 billion trade deficit'

if the indians have a choice they would have shopped somewhere else than China for narrowing their trade deficits
Even if we stand firm not signing this deal, india is still going to have huge trade deficits with China. So why the hack signing it?

We should buy more of their resources / commodities like cotton, sorghums, wood, cow hides, minerals, some other agricultural products

Plus there is also the security issues using their software which are craps
The world's leading coders are not indians but Russians, Chinese, Japanese, some from the old Warsaw block countries
like Belarus, Poland etc and of course some americans

Did india reject Huawei building their communication infra before?
India's software? :rofl: name one?

India's software = 81. fact.

it's like the US finally recognised Somalia's intellectual capabiltiy , and in return for Somalia's software, the US decides to exchange Boeing 777 tech knowhow for the exchange. bollocks of Milky Way proportion.

The heads of China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) need to be arrested for either corruptions or criminally delusion.
India had one of the worse IT service in the world. Truth be told I was talking to an Indian so called technical expert trying to solve my power supply malfunction. I asked for a replacement because it is under warranty, around $80 product. After going back and forth with no success, do you guys know what he suggest to me? He recommends I should call an electrician to fix and if the problem still persists, then call back. This idiot must not realize that to get an electrician to fix, it would caused hundred. LOL Typical Indian IT.

First question:

Do you know what IT means??

Second question:

Do you know how a Power supply Problem which is hardware related one is compared with Software Industry??

Third question:

It appears you have no idea about power supplies and still you are blaming Indian guy!!
First question:

Do you know what IT means??

Second question:

Do you know how a Power supply Problem which is hardware related one is compared with Software Industry??

Third question:

It appears you have no idea about power supplies and still you are blaming Indian guy!!
He is from the IT department when he introduced to me. Modern Power Supply incorporates software to monitor electric flow and surge. My friend, this is not the first time I have problem with Indian IT service.
He is from the IT department when he introduced to me. Modern Power Supply incorporates software to monitor electric flow and surge. My friend, this is not the first time I have problem with Indian IT service.

The software only monitors the power supply, it is like status indicator. The hardware guy will deal with the issue I think the co ordination between sofware guy and hardware guy should be there in this issue :cheers:
He is from the IT department when he introduced to me. Modern Power Supply incorporates software to monitor electric flow and surge. My friend, this is not the first time I have problem with Indian IT service.
So if I am unable to shit tomorrow, I should call a Chinese plumber and when he tells me I should see a Doctor, I should talk bad about Chinese plumbers' skills. Xunji, you are not very smart, are you?
So if I am unable to shit tomorrow, I should call a Chinese plumber and when he tells me I should see a Doctor, I should talk bad about Chinese plumbers' skills. Xunji, you are not very smart, are you?
The problem I have is why can't he just send me a replacement one than stupidly making suggestion to get an electrician. If they pay the bill, then fine. I have to pay the electrician bill which is more than a replacement product under warranty. Do you think that is fair to me? I bought many products from this company APC which outsource to India but they never wiling to replace my product despite no matter what I told them. I am a good technical guy myself. If I can fix, I wouldn't call them to ask for replacement. LOL.
He is from the IT department when he introduced to me. Modern Power Supply incorporates software to monitor electric flow and surge. My friend, this is not the first time I have problem with Indian IT service.
You need to talk to you IT procurement department and ask them to stop buying equipment with "Made in China" tag!...You will no more need to talk to tech support once this is done...see even I can give you a suggestion on solving your issue.

The problem I have is why can't he just send me a replacement one than stupidly making suggestion to get an electrician. If they pay the bill, then fine. I have to pay the electrician bill which is more than a replacement product under warranty. Do you think that is fair to me? I bought many products from this company APC which outsource to India but they never wiling to replace my product despite no matter what I told them. I am a good technical guy myself. If I can fix, I wouldn't call them to ask for replacement. LOL.
How will it solve your problem...the replacement one will also have a Made in China" stamp!
The problem I have is why can't he just send me a replacement one than stupidly making suggestion to get an electrician. If they pay the bill, then fine. I have to pay the electrician bill which is more than a replacement product under warranty. Do you think that is fair to me? I bought many products from this company APC which outsource to India but they never wiling to replace my product despite no matter what I told them. I am a good technical guy myself. If I can fix, I wouldn't call them to ask for replacement. LOL.
Lol, where does IT fit in here? Who do you want to send you a replacement. India? Where does India fit in here?
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