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Frankly, I do not understand what is holding back the government from just shutting JNU down.

Its not like they are producing Nobel laureates year on year.
I would have to watch her whole speech before passing a judgement. People often get quoted out of context when you pick up a few lines. My guess is that she was probably talking about the caste system which is the gravest social ill we face as a society. While I certainly don't agree with her comment about violence but she is right about how deep rooted the caste system is in our society.

"With people like her, JNU is no different from radical Islamist madrassas in Pakistan. "
- Please name a few terrorists coming out of JNU in the last 40-45 years, a university with nearly 8000 enrollment. Universities, especially ones that focus on liberal arts are places where free thinking should be encouraged. It has never hurt anyone. You will find such people at Universities all over the world, and certainly in the US. Tens of thousands of people have graduated from JNU till date, how many of them are contributing to social ills?

Here you go... Even more interesting take on UNSC Resolution on Kashmir and 40% of India under military occupation.


Odd heart attacks, car accidents, suicides are also effective in some cases. But then a pattern may emerge. :(

Wrong. History bears witness that ideas make or break a nation. Imagine if Muhammad Iqbal was assassinated before 1934. :)
Or Dreifus before 1919.

They are armchair activists. But very effective ones at that. :)
brilliant signature.
Frankly, I do not understand what is holding back the government from just shutting JNU down.

Its not like they are producing Nobel laureates year on year.
Freedom of speech and proving creation of emergency like situation. These scums use legal boundaries to promote their agenda.
The most violent Hindu person whom I met in my life is still in my life!!....You all know who!!:D:hitwall::hitwall:
And 40% of them are Modi centric ABVP.
Now Ramdev is coming into the picture and start his yoga within.
0%. We are talking of anti nationals here. And everybody must come in to tackle them.
Don't be like pappu who gonna support anti nationals just for votes.
That is why you should not study too much also.

She has got her facts wrong.

At least factually correct criticism is dignified.She has got her facts wrong ,or I should say tinted with green and red.

Kashmir has been discussed threadbare in another thread, but to top it, she has to bring Manipur (where majority people never supported militancy.Only hill tribes/Christians did) and Nagaland into it. Both of these states were even not contested by anybody. They were part of British-India before independence, and Indian inherited them without any protest from Pakistan.

She is a classical Lutyen Harrammi who got a chushy job due to her father's position (most of professors of Liberal arts in JNU and DU, and even most of Judges in high courts got their job by daddy's sifarish), not merit; and thus does not even know basic history of India.

This is an example of not studying enough (and asking your daddy to secure a cushy government job for you by sifarish), not of studying too much.
No need to do anything overtly, just identify such people, generally they form groups, break these groups quietly by transferring them to universities all over India, just ensure that the universities are low profile, a bit less 'intellectual', in primarily Hindu majority areas, under administrations that keep opposite views, and in very very odd places..

Can't be done.

Professors are employed by specific Universities, not UGC or government as a whole. A JNU professor has secure tenure in JNU.

BJP need to send someone like Subramanium Swamy as head of JNU and bulldoze it with brute force.

See how violent hindus are. Poor minorities are unable to express their views in open. Look how tortured they are. Hundu majority should learn tolerance and nonviolence from peace loving Muslims of Kashmir. They have a great record of coexistence, nonviolence and tolerance which is an example for others.

Hundus should learn from them and behave with these peaceful people in same manner as they behaved with Kashmiri Hindus.
0%. We are talking of anti nationals here. And everybody must come in to tackle them.
Don't be like pappu who gonna support anti nationals just for votes.

You were talking about shutting down JNU.
That was the issue. Not few troublemakers.
Dont tweak.
I hope they discuss other religions too in detail.
You were talking about shutting down JNU.
That was the issue. Not few troublemakers.
Dont tweak.

I can't think of a single bad thing that will happen if JNU is shut down.

Its quite similar to removing one's appendix. Its important as long as its there, when you remove it, no one will miss it.

I hope they discuss other religions too in detail.

That would be communal. JNU is "secular".
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