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Teacher: Beta, ABCD sunao.


Teacher: AFJL kahan gaya?

Student : Maar diya sale ko, aur jitne niklenge, unka bhi yahi hashrye hoga
: Ek bhadka hua deshbhakt. :angry:

Guys, some important points to be noted. :D
India an imperialist country, ‘pro-azadi’ slogans on Kashmir justified: JNU professor
“We all know that the world today believes that India is illegally occupying Kashmir,” she added.
“India is an imperialist country. Here 30-40 percent of the country is under control of the army in the name of special forces laws, which are used to crush the people.”

“Manipur and Kashmir have been illegally occupied by the Indian state.”
“When the international community is debating over legal occupation of Kashmir, then we should think that ‘azadi’ slogan is justified.”

She also said that Nagaland was annexed by India.
and I thought my jokes are bad.
I would have to watch her whole speech before passing a judgement. People often get quoted out of context when you pick up a few lines. My guess is that she was probably talking about the caste system which is the gravest social ill we face as a society. While I certainly don't agree with her comment about violence but she is right about how deep rooted the caste system is in our society.

"With people like her, JNU is no different from radical Islamist madrassas in Pakistan. "
- Please name a few terrorists coming out of JNU in the last 40-45 years, a university with nearly 8000 enrollment. Universities, especially ones that focus on liberal arts are places where free thinking should be encouraged. It has never hurt anyone. You will find such people at Universities all over the world, and certainly in the US. Tens of thousands of people have graduated from JNU till date, how many of them are contributing to social ills?

I agree with you, but saying that India is world's most violent society is talking a bit far. She was absolute in the way she is trying to making aspersions using caste discrimination to India as 'most violent' and 'imperialist' society in the world.
But will have to destroy bus if all passengers sitting inside are fugitive criminals.

And 40% of them are Modi centric ABVP.
Now Ramdev is coming into the picture and start his yoga within.
These are the same people same commies who didnt want india to get independence from British.. and same political party who wanted China to take over india from NE to kolkata..

Ignore them.. !!
They are creating more and more Arundhati Roys and we are letting them. They are rotting the country from within and we can't take action against them. If this was US, people like them would be vanished in the name of national security, and no one would had questioned.

These elites and media people have shown that how very few people can decide and manipulate masses. They are targeting a person who is elected with majority. They don't respect democracy themselves.
She is the worst Retarded b!tch i come to know
No need to do anything overtly, just identify such people, generally they form groups, break these groups quietly by transferring them to universities all over India, just ensure that the universities are low profile, a bit less 'intellectual', in primarily Hindu majority areas, under administrations that keep opposite views, and in very very odd places..
Tens of thousands of people have graduated from JNU till date, how many of them are contributing to social ills?
It was a brilliant speech. Only the Truth has been spoken. I hope her speeches are all recorded and made public. :) They will make Arundhati look like a baby.

JNU is an armchair activists' bastion. You won't find terrorists or even errorists. Only those funding them/or apologizing for them. That is what they are good for. :) Going out physically to fight is not their forte.
But why? What difference does her comments make? She may be an idiot but why must you crush her for her comments?

Secondly, it is pretty clear that she was talking about the Hindu caste system. It is not the most violent but it is perhaps the most regressive and racist social class system in the world. What makes it worse is that it is still deep rooted in the society and people who are otherwise "modern" are still following it with pride. Nothing wrong in admitting that.

She being in the position of a teacher is creating a fifth column within the country by spreading such ideas to her young impressionable students. Ideas are powerful, constructive ideas can lead to great things, but harmful ideas can cause havoc. And her ideas are against the idea of our nation, and fueling separatism and hatred against the majority community, these are not constructive criticism. Why the government of India should employ someone who speaks against the nation and its integrity?
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No need to do anything overtly, just identify such people, generally they form groups, break these groups quietly by transferring them to universities all over India, just ensure that the universities are low profile, a bit less 'intellectual', in primarily Hindu majority areas, under administrations that keep opposite views, and in very very odd places..
Odd heart attacks, car accidents, suicides are also effective in some cases. But then a pattern may emerge. :(

Why is she still taking her salary from this state?Please resign as protest from intolerant violent indian state.Pathetic.
This 'feminist' writer wants india to disarm as a nuclear state and cede parts of country to china and pakistan leaving us defenseless and subjected to foreign occupation again.
These people seriously need to be kept under watch for subversive activity,but like typical fake intellectuals i doubt she has any guts to do anything in reality..just spew venom at everything around.Just a negative,hateful person with no pride or self respect.
Wrong. History bears witness that ideas make or break a nation. Imagine if Muhammad Iqbal was assassinated before 1934. :)
Or Dreifus before 1919.

They are armchair activists. But very effective ones at that. :)
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